big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1502 This is a miracle!

Chapter 1502 This is a miracle!
"Stop, stop, the boat has stopped!" Chai Rong's son said, "Mom, grandpa is here!"

Dou Mei wiped her tears and nodded, feeling very excited.

She was just afraid that her old father would be stubborn and refused to leave Daqian.

Fortunately, after longing for it, he finally came!
The stairs were lowered, and Dou Xuanling, who had not set foot on land for several months, walked down the stairs.

Stepping on the hard ground, Dou Xuanling felt at ease. Seeing his children, son-in-law, and grandchildren running towards him, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Dad!" Dou Mei burst into tears and ran over in a hurry.

Dou Yiai even brought all her sons with her, "Go quickly and kowtow to your grandfather!"

Although Dou Yiai has few sons, he has many women.

Casting a wide net, his son also successfully exceeded the number of two palms.

Now I have become more independent, and I have started to look at people through my nostrils.

"Okay, okay, great!" Dou Xuanling couldn't help nodding, looking at these juniors kneeling on the ground, she felt very emotional in her heart.

He came to Ming Dynasty alone and thought he would feel like leaving his hometown.

But now, it seems that I was wrong.

"I kept you waiting!" Dou Xuanling swept across the crowd.

"Father-in-law, thank you for traveling all the way!" Chai Rong said with a cupped hand: "My father is behind and will be there soon!"

Dou Xuanling nodded and shifted his gaze to Qin Mo. He saw Qin Mo wearing a red dragon robe. This dragon robe was obviously different from that of Ming Dynasty.

"Old Dou, you made me wait so hard!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Don't you know that black people look darker when they wear red?" Dou Xuanling teased.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand appreciation!" Qin Mo didn't care, "This is Jun, what do you know!"

Dou Xuanling sighed, "Qin Hanzi has become a prince. I am really old!"

"Let's go into the palace. I'll help you catch the wind and wash away the dust." Qin Mo pulled Dou Xuanling and walked to the shore. "By the way, I'll show you Xijing in the Ming Dynasty!"

As soon as they landed, they met Chai Shao and others who were coming.

Dou Xuanling looked around, good guys, Du Jingming, Cheng Sanaxe, Liu Chenghu, all the ones who should come are here.

"You kid, you have emptied all your money. Your Majesty still doesn't hate you to death?" Dou Xuanling whispered: "You, my son-in-law, not only steal other people's daughters, but also dig into other people's foundations!"

Qin Mo said with a smile: "You have no future in Daqian, but in Daming, no one will cover up your light!"

Dou Xuanling snorted and hurried over to say hello to Chai Shao and others!

When old friends meet, there is joy at meeting, but also a little bit of embarrassment.

It's better now, everyone is a slave with the second surname.

But don’t tell anyone else, it’s all the same!
"Go into the palace. Your Majesty has received the news and is waiting for you in the palace!" Chai Shao took Dou Xuanling's hand and said with a smile: "Don't be restrained when you come to Daming. This place is far better than you imagined!"

"Old Dou, you are talented. Once you come here, my work will become much easier!" Du Jingming said.

"Dou Laogou, I thought you were going to die in Daqian, but I didn't expect you to actually come!" Cheng Sanaxu seemed to be joking, but also seemed to be mocking Dou Xuanling for his lack of character.

"Cheng Heizi, if I die, I will die after you. I don't want you to die first. How can I be willing to die?" Dou Xuanling pointed at Cheng Sanaxe and cursed.

"Okay, okay, we are old friends, why do we start scolding each other as soon as we meet?" Liu Chenghu said: "Let's calm down. Now that we are old, stop making trouble."

But don't mention it, after Dou Xuanling cursed a few times, the feeling of discomfort really disappeared.

"Scold Cheng Heizi, I will feel much better!" As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

"Let's go, Lao Dou, let me show you Xijing, get in the car!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Dou Xuanling got in the car, and Qin Mo took him on a parade. Although Xijing was prosperous, it could not compare with Daqian.

But Xijing also has things that Daqian doesn’t have.

That is young and full of vitality.

Just now he asked Qin Mo why the Ming Dynasty did not have city walls.

Qin Mo said that the Ming Dynasty did not need city walls.

That kind of arrogant self-confidence shows how powerful Ming is.

There are fifty cities in the Ming Dynasty, but by the end of the year, eighty cities will be added, and by next year, there will be more than one hundred cities.

With a population of 500 million and a territory that was not inferior to that of the Ming Dynasty, Dou Xuanling was told that the Ming Dynasty had become a trend and had the qualifications to challenge the Ming Dynasty.

"How did you do it? It's only been a few years!" Dou Xuanling looked at Qin Mo. He couldn't imagine how difficult it was to build a country from scratch and have a population of more than 500.
This is no longer a miracle, but a miracle!

"If you want to learn, I'll teach you!" Qin Mo said.

"You teach me, can I still build a country on my own?" Dou Xuanling blew his beard and stared.

"You guessed it right, I really prepared a feudal kingdom for you, which is enough for your Dou family to thrive for thousands of years. How about it, is it interesting?" Qin Mo said.

"Aren't you putting the cart before the horse?"

"The national conditions are different. The territory of the Ming Dynasty is too large, the people are too few, and fiefdoms are not given to everyone, and the title system of the Ming Dynasty is still very different from that of the Ming Dynasty!" Qin Mo explained.

Only then did Dou Xuanling understand. When he learned that Qin Mo had prepared the position of county king for him, he said: "You are really good at winning people's hearts!"

"What does it mean to win people's hearts? This tells me to persuade God to cheer up and send talents of any kind!

For a talent like you, even a county prince is too small for me! "Qin Mo flattered.

Although Dou Xuanling knew that this boy was deliberately trying to please him, he still felt refreshed.

Seeing that this kid is so sensible, then help him govern the country seriously.

He walked around Xijing and saw many things that were not found in Daqian. He knew in his heart that Ming Dynasty had surpassed Daqian in some aspects.

This was nothing. What really surprised Dou Xuanling was that he saw Gao Shilian in the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty!

"Mr. Gao, why are you here?" His brain shut down at that time.

Da Gan’s hidden appearance, why are the emperor’s confidants here too?
"Prince, if you don't dislike us, I will come here and work hard!" Gao Shilian looked at him with a smile, "However, Prince Dou, you are late. It has been almost half a year since we came here."

Dou Xuanling put away his surprise and thought of the relationship between Qin Mo and Gao Shilian.

Also, these two people are as good as father and son. Qin Mo can dominate the officialdom, and Gao Shilian is definitely someone who cannot get around.

When he saw Gao Shilian, he knew that Qin Mo really had no idea about Daqian.

Because if Qin Mo has an idea and Gao Shilian is the internal response, he is basically sure of it.

Thinking of this, he felt less uncomfortable inside.

"Stop standing here and pay tribute to His Majesty!" Gao Shilian reminded.

Dou Xuanling looked at Qin Xiangru who was smiling on the dragon chair, and suddenly became confused.

(End of this chapter)

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