big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1505 Qin Mo’s attitude!

Chapter 1505 Qin Mo’s attitude!

"What?" Chai Rong frowned, "These people can't be."

"No, don't think too much!" Li Yongmeng waved his hands repeatedly. To be honest, everything in front of him was beyond Li Yongmeng's imagination. The people he brought were not enough for Chai Rong.

"That is."

"Hey, what a fool, I'll tell him face to face!" Li Yong said fiercely.

"You can go to see Brother Qin, but the others can only stay on the boat, brave, don't blame brother, now Daqian is Daqian, and Ming Dynasty is Ming Dynasty.

It's interesting enough that you are flying the flag of Daqian and I didn't fire.

If it hadn't been you, I would have opened fire just now! Chai Rong said: "You also know the reason why we fled thousands of miles away. We will not provoke Da Gan, and Da Gan will not provoke us!" "

Li Yong laughed dryly and nodded, "I understand!"

Chai Rong nodded, "Then tell your people, don't hold on to unfounded ideas. The Ming Dynasty's armored men don't have millions, so they're not far behind.

Moreover, the firepower of the Ming Dynasty is not comparable to that of the Ming Dynasty. If you come across thousands of miles across the ocean and want to attack us, you will only be able to hit us with an egg against a stone.
We are even confident that we can annihilate you all at sea! "

"We are all brothers, so there is no need to threaten us as soon as we meet, right?" Li Yong said with a dry smile.

"I'm protecting you!" Chai Rong said seriously.

Li Yongmeng licked his lips. He knew that Chai Rong was afraid that he would do something bad if his head got hot, so he immediately turned around, climbed off the boat, and told the adjutant and others to let them anchor here.

"General, they are too crazy. Why don't they let us dock?"

"That's right, is it possible that you still want to disobey us?"

Everyone was very angry. After all, Daqian was too strong now. No matter where he went, no one dared to say no.

Li Yongmeng said to them: "Don't be stupid, this is Ming Dynasty, not Daqian. Before you know the depth of the opponent, you should not act rashly.

I'll go check it out first, you guys wait here.

Don't worry, Qin Mo and I are brothers, he won't do anything to me! "

"General, I'll go with you!" the adjutant said.

Li Yongmeng thought for a while and nodded. This adjutant was personally sent by Li Shilong. There are some things that require him to be a witness, "Follow me!"

Soon, the two got on the big boat and docked at the dock soon.

Li Yongmeng stepped on the ground after a few months, and the sense of solidity almost made him cry.

At this time, Qin Mo also received the news and hurried out of the palace.

In just half an hour, Qin Mo saw Li Yongmeng.

The moment he saw Qin Mo, Li Yongmeng's eyes became wet, "Brother!"

"Good brother, you are here!" Qin Mo picked up Li Yongmeng, "Why didn't you know how to send someone to send a letter before you came?

Sneaky, what if I get beaten by one of my men? "

Li Yong sniffed fiercely, "Idiot, I can't help you!"

He didn't hide anything and told what Li Shilong had asked.

Qin Mo didn't care, "What kind of sorry is this? Even if he knows, he can't do anything to me!"

"Idiot, after you left, His Majesty was very disappointed and sad. You don't really want to fight with Da Gan, right?" Li Yongmeng is most concerned about this point. On one side is his country and on the other is his eldest brother. Wouldn't it be difficult to die in the middle?
"I want to go against Da Gan. Now there is no Da Gan. I have traveled thousands of miles away, and he still has to work hard to find me.

What do you think I should do?
Should I bow down and bow down, or should I fight to the end? "

Qin Mo shook his head, "Maybe you don't know the situation of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty has more than 500 million people and more than [-] soldiers. Whether it is national power or military force, the Ming Dynasty is not inferior to the Ming Dynasty.

Apart from its smaller population, Ming Dynasty had no obvious shortcomings.

Not to mention, it is thousands of miles away from Daqian.

We can't send hundreds of thousands of troops over. Even if they come, Ming Dynasty will still have the ability to completely annihilate them.

So, if you are here to persuade me to surrender this time, there is no need to speak.

There are some things that hurt the feelings of brothers if you talk about them too much.

Since you are here, take a good rest here for a while. I will show you the scenery of the Ming Dynasty, and you will understand whether what I said is true or false! "

Li Yongmeng sighed secretly in his heart and understood Qin Mo's attitude.

The adjutant on the side had countless things to say in his mind, but the moment he saw Qin Mo, he didn't even dare to breathe.

There was nothing he could do about it. Qin Mo was notorious, and he was also the prince of a country. What he just said fell into his ears word for word.

It’s okay for him to be tyrannical, and there is such a tyrannical country.

Who is he, and he dares to be so presumptuous in front of Qin Mo?
Therefore, the adjutant chose to remain silent because he did not want to lose his life!

"I understand!" Li Yong said fiercely.

"Let's go, I'll take you to kill a horse and kill a chicken first, and then have a good meal. After that, I'll take you into the palace to see my father. I can't let you go in vain, and I have to get my credentials back."

Qin Mo's intention is very clear. He and Da Gan will become brothers and friends, and they will never offend each other.

This is the best situation.

As long as Lao Liu agrees, as long as he lives for a day, it is impossible for Da Ming and Da Gan to fight.

It’s no problem to keep it safe for 50 years.

As for what will happen a hundred years from now, Qin Mo can't control it even if he wants to.

He also won't make promises.

"Okay!" Li Yongmeng nodded.

Soon, Qin Mo took him to the secret base outside the palace. After one-stop service, the two of them chatted while drinking.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that the Ming Dynasty would be so huge!" Li Yongmeng's eyes were filled with wonder. He had just taken a tour of Xijing on the way here, and he was attracted by the prosperity and advancement of Xijing.

In addition to not having the foundation of Daqian, Xijing seems to lose to Daqian in no way.

"The Ming Dynasty is indeed big. Its land area is not inferior to that of Daqian. In time, it will surpass Daqian, whether in terms of land, population, or national strength."

Qin Mo sighed, "Actually, I knew this place when Li Xin went to the sea, but Li Xin didn't come here.

After he came back, I sent people to establish the country.

Over the years, tens of millions of people have been transferred from all over the world. Because the Ming Dynasty is vast, sparsely populated, and rich in food, the general level of the people is one to two levels higher than that of the Ming Dynasty.

As for force, all the weapons of Da Gan came from my Qin Village. Do you think I don’t have anything better in my hands?
I'm not afraid to tell you that I made preparations a long time ago.

However, I have no thoughts of rebellion, I just want to protect myself and my family from harm.

Perhaps from his point of view, if the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die.

But times have changed, and there is nothing wrong with me wanting to live! "

(End of this chapter)

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