big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1514 Unexpected!

Chapter 1514 Unexpected!

"Stop charming me!" Qin Mo snorted.

"Why is this a charm? Isn't it true?" Xiao Yurou bit her lip.

"Do you think I'm the kind of ambitious person?" Qin Mo said: "I'm not bound by those reputations, I just think that there are things people can do and things they shouldn't do.

Lao Liu became the Khan of Heaven, but he also got off to a bad start.

I can't open this end, especially for people like me. Do you know how many people worship me and follow me blindly?

If I do this, I can do it.

But it will definitely lay the foundation for disaster.

Just like you, that's not what I want to see.

Maybe my descendants will take action, but it definitely won't be me! "

Xiao Yurou whined, "Then what are you asking me to do? This is not allowed, and that is not allowed. I think you are here to torment me and mess with me on purpose."

Qin Mo smiled and said, "You guessed it right!"

"I fought with you!"

Da Qian's message was first transmitted to the Ming Dynasty through hidden lines, but it was only circulated among the upper class, and the people did not know about it.

Qin Xiangru called the elders over and said, "Let's talk about how to deal with this matter!"

This statement is a hot potato.

"His Royal Highness, what good ideas do you have?" Chai Shao asked.

"The fool said that the best way is to unite Da Gan with an army and tell them how traitorous Da Gan is and how he persecutes us.

It won't be long before this matter will spread in Daqian. "Qin Xiangru said.

"Isn't that a complete rift?" Du Jingming frowned.

"Although I had known that such a day would come, this day came too fast!" Chai Shao said: "It's not that I'm afraid of Da Qian, but that I don't want to break up. After all, we were friends through life and death!"

Qin Youde said: "What friend, we Qin people have lived and died for Daqian, how much have we paid for Daqian, and what have we gained in the end?
If His Highness hadn't suppressed him, we would have rebelled long ago.

With the strength of our Qin clan, how could we slip away like a thief? "

There are many militants among the Qin people. When they withdrew from Dagan, some people proposed to take over Dagan.

It was Qin Mo who suppressed the matter.

Qin Youwei also nodded and said: "Let's fight. We have made it so clear. We can be brothers and friends, not a vassal state. The other side insists on having its own way. Isn't this forcing us to take action?"
Are they allowed to be ungrateful and not allowed to fight back? "

As soon as these words came out, many people's expressions changed.

Du Jingming and Dou Xuanling did not want to see Ming and Da Qian fighting each other.

Liu Chenghu didn't care. Over the years, he had suffered too much from the weaklings in Daqian.

How much credit has he made?
But what is the result?

When he showed this birdish attitude, he felt a little bit anxious in his heart.

Cheng Sanhao on the side was full of hesitation. He was now the county king of the Ming Dynasty. Whether he was kidnapped by his sons or whatever, he was already sitting on his back.

If you talk to Da Gan, wouldn't you be eating from the bowl and looking at the pot?
So, he swallowed what he wanted to say.

"Daqan is forcing us to take a stand and judge everything from the commanding heights. The best way is to ignore it!" Chai Shao thought for a moment and said: "He lets him be strong, and the breeze blows on the hills, and he lets him run wild. , the bright moon shines on the river, this is a poem in the novel of His Highness the Prince.

This is also our current attitude. No matter how Da Qian slanders us, will there be any loss to Ming Dynasty?
Ming Dynasty and Daqian are thousands of miles apart. As long as we don't nod, can these things be passed down?

Does not! "

At this point, he paused and continued: "If it can't be done, why should we be anxious?

Just let Da Gan perform a one-man show. If he has the ability, he can pull out the navy and have a chance on the sea.

National strength is the right to speak.

At this stage, we just need to develop people's livelihood and accumulate national strength.It doesn't matter what Da Gan says.

Even if Da Qian promotes our Ming Dynasty as a monster, it doesn't matter.

Because this just shows that Da Qian has no confidence to confront our Ming Dynasty head-on.

Our navy has already headed towards the Western Region, and a naval garrison will be set up in the Western Region when the time comes.

If Dagan people are brave, then let’s give it a try.

Let's see what they can do! "

Chai Shao's words made everyone nod their heads.

Silence is the best response.

Qin Xiangru also nodded, "Does anyone else have any opinions?"

Dou Xuanling and Du Jingming looked at each other and raised their hands together, "Wei Chen seconded the proposal!"

Cheng Sanfu was more active, "Wei Chen seconded the proposal!"

Although he is not an elder, he is still on duty at the Ministry of War. "I second the proposal!"

Liu Chenghu was still a little regretful. Although he was no longer young, he could still use the knife. He didn't know if he could calm down his inner anger in his lifetime.

But he didn't understand why Chai Shao didn't agree to go to war.

It stands to reason that the resentment between Chai Shao and Li Shilong is very deep.


Qin Youde and Qin Youwei said: "Wei Chen maintains his own point of view. Even if there is no war, he must actively prepare troops and build ships on a large scale.

The Ming Dynasty has a strong military but not enough ships. We need more big ships to ensure our ability to dominate the oceans! "

Qin Xiangru nodded, "Ignore the big cadres and let's focus on development. The Ministry of War will continue to recruit troops and use the whole country to build ships!

We don't cause trouble, but we are definitely not afraid of it. If Daqian continues to push for more, don't blame me for not remembering our old relationship.

I also know that many people also have feelings for Daqian.

This is the same for me.

But there is no friendship between countries. If the interests of the Ming Dynasty and the interests of the people of the Ming Dynasty are damaged because of the lack of face, then there is no need for the existence of the Ming Dynasty.

There is no point in Ming Dynasty's 80 troops. Just squat on the ground, surrender, and wait for Ming Dynasty to take over! "

This sentence reminds myself and also reminds them.

Don't put personal emotions on state affairs.

He does not force them to express their opinions, but he will never be burdened by personal feelings!
"Yes, I understand!"

The crowd responded.

After everyone left, Liu Chenghu caught up with Chai Shao, "Mr. Chai Ge, wait a moment!"

Chai Shao stopped and said with a smile: "Prince Liu, do you have any advice?"

"I can't talk about advice. I just have a question that I'm curious about. Liu Chenghu asked with a smile: "Among these people, you are the one who should use force against Da Gan the most, but why? Of course, if you don't want to say it, it doesn't matter. ! "

Chai Shao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Prince Liu Jun has spoken, how can I disappoint you? This is not a shameful thing.

Indeed, in my heart I really want the Ming Dynasty to use mercenaries against the Ming Dynasty.

It is even said that using troops against Daqian can solve the current people's livelihood problems of Ming Dynasty.

However, Ming Dynasty cannot fight a meaningless war.

Moreover, a war of words will only plunge Ming into a moral depression! "

(End of this chapter)

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