big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1654: Old man, my chapter is here!

Chapter 1654: Old man, I’m back!

"The old man is never as nosy as you. He uses whatever he has. If he's interested, he pesters me to tell him."

"You said I have too many things to do?"

"My son-in-law didn't say that!" Qin Mo said, "I understand when people talk more when they get older!"

"You bitch, didn't you say that I talk too much?" Li Shilong was angry: "Okay, I'll stop talking!"

"At that moment, you little old man was so frustrated that you wanted to blame me again!"

"Am I that old?"

"Why aren't you old? How wise and mighty my father was before? Now he's so old that he's out of breath even after walking two steps. He's also dressed like an old man in the country. Just now I thought he was an old farmer sitting on the ground!"

"Just be angry with me. I did something wrong in my previous life, so I didn't see clearly the face of you bitch!"

Qin Mo chuckled, "It's not too late to see clearly now!"

Li Shilong pursed his lips and looked at Qin Mo sweating profusely, and his heart softened, "You bitch, you are really good at keeping your appearance. Did Yuan Tiangang pass on all his skills to keep the bottom of the box to you?"

Qin Mo was 35 years old, and now he saw that Li Shilong had specially shaved off his beard, just to prevent Li Shilong from feeling sad when he saw him like this.

So he looks no different from himself in previous years.

I don’t know if it’s because of his unique talent, the benefits of being a time traveler, or the credit of Lao Yuan’s health-preserving skills.

"My master just taught me one health-preserving skill, but nothing else. I don't know divination or kung fu!" Qin Mo said: "Maybe it's because I'm lazy. I eat and wait to die in the Ming Dynasty every day. , eat when you wake up, go to bed after eating, and have nothing to worry about, so you look young."

"You will definitely be a foolish king in the future!"

"Father, how do you know that my new goal is to be a faint king?" Qin Mo said: "I tell you, now my dream has changed. It is no longer about sleeping until I wake up naturally, counting money until my hands cramp, but It is to be a foolish king.

When my father can no longer do his job, I will be the emperor for a day, and then I will immediately abdicate to my son and ask me to approve memorials every day. That is impossible!

Now I can still chew the old man, and when my father can no longer chew, I will chew the son.

If the minister does not allow it, I will not go to court and let the prince supervise the country.

After the prince has been in prison for seven or eight years, I will abdicate and travel around the mountains and rivers every day. Wouldn't it be happy? "

Li Shilong's expression was extremely complicated. Qin Mo, who was so salty, really couldn't see any nostalgia for power. He was like this ten years ago, and he is still like this ten years later when he has already held the most power in the world.

It can be seen that his original intention has not changed at all.

The position that he loved, the position that his traitors loved, was worthless in Qin Mo's eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed?"

"It can't be destroyed, at least my generation can't be destroyed. According to my assumptions, it would be great if the Ming Dynasty Zuo could last for hundreds of years.

After my death, no matter how great the floods are, my ashes will be scattered in the sea to prevent them from being stolen by those traitors hundreds of years later. "Qin Mo said.

"There are also things you are afraid of!" Li Shilong sneered.

"I'm afraid of so many things. I'm afraid of death, afraid of getting tired, afraid of suffering, afraid of insomnia, and afraid of someone causing trouble for me!"

Li Shilong was heartbroken for a while, this piece of shit really hasn't changed at all.

However, this kid's shoulders are really broad, and there is no bump on his back at all.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't see you or that I will hate you?"

"Of course I'm scared. When I came back this time, I couldn't sleep for several days. I used to sleep six hours a day, but now I only sleep four hours a day. I'm very anxious!"

Li Shilong felt heartbroken again. Which good person sleeps six hours a day?
Not a pig! "I think I'll just take a beating. If you don't forgive me, I'll find the queen mother, and I'll cry, make trouble, and hang myself."

"You bitch, you haven't made any progress at all. If I hadn't protected you, do you think cheating would be useful?" Li Shilong said angrily.

"Of course my son-in-law understands!" Qin Mo said: "But father, it is my son-in-law who is coaxing you now!"

Li Shilong knocked Qin Mo on the head gently and hard, "Tell you, I hate you, you betrayed me, I will remember you forever!"

Qin Mo was confused, "I understand, I understand!"

Even so, Li Shilong didn't hold any grudge in his heart.

The big dog followed behind, sighing in his heart.

After all, it was Qin Mo who hated him so much and reconciled with just a few words.

Look at the old emperor's bared teeth and smile, like a flower.

When the two came to the entrance of the courtyard, Li Shilong hurriedly said: "Put me down!"

Qin Mo curled his lips, "Come on, even the queen mother saw it!"

In the courtyard, Empress Dowager Gongsun had heard the conversation between the two of them. She came over with a worried face and red eyes, "Jingyun, you are finally back to see your mother!"

Putting down Li Shilong, Qin Mo knelt down again, "My son-in-law has met his mother!"

"Get up, get up quickly!" Empress Dowager Gongsun hurriedly helped Qin Mo up, "Let the empress take a good look at her. You said that your child, after all these years, doesn't know how to come back and take a look."

"Mother, don't cry!" Qin Mo kept wiping the tears of Empress Dowager Gongsun and gave her a hug.

Li Shilong also sighed and went to the teahouse built by himself to make tea.

He had boiled the water early in the morning and refilled it several times, just in case Qin Mo got thirsty!
This tea was also made by Qin Mo for Li Yuan. Now the tea made by Qin Mo himself is in short supply among the senior officials of Dagan, and even those with money cannot buy it.

"Last time Lao San and the others came back, I thought I could see you, but the result was that I was very disappointed. You said you are angry when you are angry. Why did you make such a fuss?" Empress Gongsun knocked Qin Mo, "I thought you You have to sever all ties with us!"

"Mother, my son-in-law is wrong!" Qin Mo didn't know what to say. He was right to admit his mistake. This mother-in-law was very good to him.

The two chatted for a long time, and Li Shilong coughed several times, "Okay, stop nagging, come over and drink tea!"

"Queen Mother, I want to eat the cakes you made!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes, there are enough pastries. The Queen Mother knows you are coming back and has made them a long time ago. You go and sit over there, and the Queen Mother will bring them over right away!" The Empress Dowager Gongsun then turned around and entered the room.

Only then did Qin Mo have the time to visit this small courtyard that he had not visited for a long time.

The yard is full of green flowers and plants, the tree is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a teahouse under the tree.

Li Shilong was sitting inside, quite thoughtful.

It was obviously tidied up on purpose.

Nothing much has changed, and everything seems to have changed.

He looked at the portrait hanging in the room and said, "Father, I'm going to offer the old man a stick of incense."

Li Shilong nodded slightly.

He put down the tea cup in his hand, walked to the hall, looked at the portrait, picked up a stick of incense and lit it, "Dad, look who's back!"

Qin Mo held the incense and looked at Li Yuan. Countless memories emerged, and he suddenly had mixed feelings, "Old man, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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