big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1717 Backhand!

Chapter 1717 Backhand!

It is true that Daqian does not necessarily need this kind of benefit, but at the very least, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

And, until the end, who is the ultimate winner?
When the children grow up, it will be more than ten years later. Maybe by that time, Da Gan will have accumulated enough strength and weapons to compete with Ming Dynasty.

At that time, were they still afraid of Ming Dynasty?

Will not.

At that time, no one was qualified to dictate the change of throne of Daqian.

But now, they are afraid.

The resources behind the direct grandson are too strong.

Qin Mo said when he came to Daqian last time that he wanted fairness and wanted his sister to have a comfortable stay in Daqian.

Whoever makes Qin Shuangshuang uncomfortable will be made sad by him.

It was very domineering, but it also showed Qin Mo's attitude and Ming's attitude.

His nephew may not be the emperor, but if anyone takes away his fairness, Ming Dynasty will naturally get it back for him.

Is Li Shilong angry?

Naturally angry, but this kind of anger is more of worry.

He couldn't hold on much longer. If he was gone, could Ah Si face it?
The reason why that boy held back on Da Gan was because of himself.

If he is gone, will he still miss his old relationship?
Of course, with Qin Shuangshuang here, maybe he can think about it, which is why he unconditionally supports Qin Shuangshuang as the queen.

There are some people in the Ming Dynasty who are very radical. Maybe one day they will convince Qin Mo.

He rubbed his swollen head and then summoned Zan Ying, "Zan Ying, tell me the truth, how many days do I have left to live!"

Zan Ying was shocked and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, of course you can live a long life."

"I don't dare to think about living a hundred years. Just tell the truth. You have been with me for so many years and you understand my temper.

What I appreciate most about you is that you dare to speak and act, and you are never like others. "

Zan Ying smiled bitterly, then thought for a while, and said after careful consideration: "It's hard to say. If the situation is good, it may be in two, three, or three or four years. If the situation is bad, it may not survive next year!"

"Then I just won't survive next year." Li Shilong sighed. He has been tortured by illness in these years. In fact, relief is not a good thing for him.

But he really couldn't rest assured that he would die for three generations.

Zan Ying did not dare to answer, but just said: "The Supreme Emperor has great blessings. When he was young, he fought in the north and south. His health is good, and he will definitely get better gradually."

Li Shilong waved his hand, "It would have been better long ago. I am getting older and older, how can I possibly get better?"

Although I don't live as long as the Supreme Emperor, I am still over 60 years old. If I die, I will die. There is nothing to be afraid of.

But I can only worry about these children and this country.

Zan Ying, if I am no longer here, I have something to ask you! "

Zan Ying said hurriedly: "Your Majesty has betrayed a humble minister."

"You and I don't need to be too cautious." Li Shilong took his hand and said: "You and the country have made great contributions. You saved my life and the lives of thousands of people.

Therefore, you are a blessed person.

So I hope you can help me take good care of the emperor.

That boy is weak and not like me. "

"This is the responsibility of the minister."

"I hope you will be his personal doctor, and I will give you a decree. If the emperor is devoted to government affairs and does not take his body seriously, you can scold him or even beat him with a belt. It doesn't matter." "Wei Chen Don’t dare.”

"You dare, you are also qualified. The assistant minister is too soft-tempered. They can only persuade, but they dare not use violence.

I hope you can whip the emperor from behind when he is stubborn.

This is the right I have given you, don’t shirk it! "Li Shilong said: "Daqian's national destiny is all tied to his life. You also know that Daqian almost ushered in the darkest moment in the past few days.

Moments like this will never happen again. There are too many disasters in this country. "

Zan Ying said with red eyes: "Yes, I obey the order!"

"Okay, great." Li Shilong smiled and nodded, "I feel more at ease now that you are in charge of the emperor!"

Why not let others do this, because Zan Ying is a doctor and has served Daqian for three generations.

His prestige is very high throughout the country. When Zan Ying is mentioned, no one will give him a thumbs up.

He is also qualified to discipline the emperor.

After making first-hand arrangements, Li Shilong hurriedly wrote an imperial edict, leaving one copy for Zan Ying, one copy for the emperor, and another copy for the cabinet ministers to have a look at.

According to the Emperor's Act, after the Emperor retreats behind the scenes, he cannot interfere in government affairs except for a few matters.

But it is natural for me to take care of my son. This edict does not involve political affairs. It just tells everyone that he, Li Shilong, has found an imperial mentor for A Si.

This imperial master can reprimand or even flog the emperor when he is foolish and acting foolishly.

No one can interfere.

When Ah Si got the edict, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. He could understand his father's painstaking efforts.

Naturally, he had to obey this edict.

The next day, the eldest grandson entered Da'an Palace. For several days, he wore all the clothes in the palace. The emperor only loved eldest grandson Min.

Not long ago, the Supreme Emperor issued another edict to reward his eldest grandson Li Min as his grandson.

As soon as this news came out, the ministers were shocked and entered the Taiji Palace one after another. "Your Majesty, you must not do this. This great grandson is not canonized casually."

"If you canonize a grandson, wouldn't it be equivalent to canonizing a prince?"

"Where is this inheritance bill?"

Everyone said in succession.

Ah Size said: "My father likes Min'er. It's Min'er's blessing and it's also their fate. This is just my father's intention, not mine.

Moreover, my father rarely takes care of things. Do you want me to fight back this edict and make me an unfilial son? "

Everyone was as silent as a chill when they saw the emperor getting angry, but Gongsun Wuji and others quickly reacted and realized something was wrong.

Before His Majesty decided to go to the Ming Dynasty, the Supreme Emperor established a grandson. Isn't this something that the lice on the bald man's head made clear?

This is the emperor's and the emperor's back-up plan, as well as their defense.

After exchanging glances with the others, Gongsun Wuji said: "Your Majesty, whoever the Supreme Emperor likes will naturally have his destiny. However, if this edict is issued to the world, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings!"

"This is just what my father meant, not mine. If others misunderstand, ask him to come to me, and I will explain it to him personally."

Ah Si said with a cold face, "Okay, if you don't have anything to do, go back and don't hang out here anymore!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock. Gongsun Wuji and others took the lead. Only after they left Tai Chi Palace did the others come to their senses.

One person couldn't help but said: "I understand, this is a back-up move!"

(End of this chapter)

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