big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1730: Becoming the scabbard that restrains Qin Mo?

Chapter 1730: Becoming the scabbard that restrains Qin Mo?
Princess Jingan was extremely angry. She actually understood Qin Shuangshuang's feelings very well.

If she had married into Nanfan and Luo Bu had treated him like this, would Da Gan have stood by and watched?

Will not.

Unless Da Qian Guozuo is unsustainable.

Now, if Daming uses any means to deal with Daqian, in her opinion, Daqian is asking for it!

It was precisely because she understood who Qin Mo was that she knew that she could not speak this way.

This is not only to show dignity to oneself, but also to hope that Ah Si will learn a lesson.

Why are you so petty?

A woman marries a chicken, and she marries a dog, and she marries a man who has come thousands of miles away to have children for you, without any fault.

I saved you when your life was at stake, why do you do this to others?

Is it reasonable to say that it is more about emotion than reason?

Now if she is asked to intercede, will she be able to say it out loud?
Thinking of this, Princess Jing'an said: "Go out and don't disturb me watching the movie!"

The little Huangmen knelt and knelt and bowed again and again, but Princess Jing'an was not moved at all.

In the end, Xiao Huangmen had no choice but to say: "Your Highness, the Emperor wants to see you too!"

Princess Jing'an frowned. She wanted to get angry, but then she thought about it and sighed, "That's it. You go back to the palace first. I will arrive later."

Hearing this, Xiao Huangmen was overjoyed, left Princess Jing'an's Mansion, and hurried back to the palace.

"How's it going? Has Aunt Jing'an agreed to help?" Ah Si asked.

Xiao Huangmen hurriedly explained what had happened, and Ah Si's face turned pale and blue, "What's wrong with me? She doesn't understand my struggles and difficulties at all!"

But he was frustrated again. He was not qualified to say such words in front of Princess Jing'an.

Thinking of the difficulties he was facing now, he had to lower his head.

The Honglu Palace of the Ming Dynasty has sent the telegram from Qin Mo to the palace, and Qin Mo's attitude is better than ever.

First, I sent my greetings to my father, the emperor, and my mother in the telegram, most of which were reminiscences of old times.

But there is a sentence in it that is very straightforward.

He would beat anyone who bullied his sister. He had already sent two navy fleets to greet him.

However, in the telegram, Qin Mo also showed kindness to him, saying that the old parents at home missed their daughter, so they wanted to take her home for a visit, and take the child with them by the way.

What the father meant was that Qin Mo had already given him a step, so he should stop arguing. If there was a fight, they would not be justified.

Ah Si was furious. After all, it wasn't because they were not strong enough?
If they also have so many ocean-going naval forces, so many fighter planes and powerful artillery, how can they be afraid of the threat of the Ming Dynasty?

He didn't take Qin Mo's overtures seriously. For him, the so-called return home to visit relatives was also a threat.

But he still did not give up hope. He hoped that Princess Jing'an would come forward and persuade Qin Mo that it would be best for Qin Shuangshuang to stay in Daqian.

This way, he won't lose face.

If this is the case, even if he is deceiving himself, everyone understands that his grandson cannot suppress his woman.

He is the emperor!

If he can't control his own woman and control his own children, then what kind of emperor is he?
But Princess Jing'an didn't even give him face. Is everyone laughing at him?
They all thought he was weak and incompetent, and they didn't take his words to heart.

The eldest brother is like this, and now Aunt Jing'an is like this too.

Ah Si clenched his fists, his heart aching with rage.

He hurriedly sat down, got the medicine, and calmed down for a while before he felt better.Not long after, Princess Jing'an arrived at Da'an Palace. She did not go to Tai Chi Palace. After arriving at Da'an Palace, she looked at her brother on the bed and could not utter any words of accusation. She said with a sore nose: "Second brother, I'm here. Got it!"

In the past, Tian Khan had a skinny body, curled up on the bed, and his whole body was exhausted to the extreme.

Seeing Princess Jing'an, Li Shilong squeezed out a smile on his face, "Here we come, second brother is going to trouble you again!"

"What trouble!" Princess Jing'an sat beside the bed, holding his hand. The furnace in the palace was burning brightly, but Li Shilong's hand was frighteningly cold. Princess Jing'an just kept rubbing her hands, hoping that he would His hands could warm up, "Second brother, I shouldn't be good at discussing state affairs, but I really did something wrong in this matter.

No matter from every aspect, it is wrong! "

Li Shilong shook his head helplessly, "One generation is in charge of another generation. I am old and cannot make the final decision in everything. This country will still rely on young people in the future."

Princess Jing'an could feel the helplessness in Li Shilong's words, "I can plead with Xiang Jingyun, but I can't say anything about Shuangshuang.

I am also a woman, and I understand her thoughts and her grievances.

I was forced to leave back then, but Luo Bu and others were still respectful to me.

Shuangshuang and the emperor were childhood sweethearts. This relationship is envied by many people.

Because of this, he should be kind to both of them.

How could she be treated as an outsider and not even given a chance?

Who else would it be, who wouldn’t feel chilled?
Do you expect someone to stand there after being beaten and let you continue to hit them without fighting back?

That's wood, not people.

If I go to see Shuangshuang today, what should I say when someone asks me about it in the future? "

Li Shilong sighed and looked at the roof speechlessly. He also blamed him. He should have persuaded him more at the beginning. He just thought that he was still alive and Qin Mo should not start a war for his own sake.

The fact is exactly what he thought.

Qin Mo did exercise restraint. Even so, he gave himself steps and face.

Ah Si had the idea of ​​making Li Min the crown prince, but he was too impatient. If he was no longer around, I'm afraid Qin Mo would have no restraint, and when the time comes, they might all mobilize.

Will Daqian still be Daqian at that time?

"It was my fault." Seeing Princess Jing'an's face bursting with tears, Li Shilong knew that this incident had pierced the pain in her heart. He couldn't help but hold her hand and said, "However, I am like this now, and it's just a day's work." One day, I don’t know how long I can last.

If I leave, Jingyun will have no restraints. I know that child very well. He promised me that he would not take the initiative to fight.

Even though we were dealing with each other like this, he still restrained himself.

So I hope you will come forward.

Ah Si is no match for Jing Yun. He is too young and is a flower grown in a greenhouse.

I wanted him to be the Lord of Shou Cheng, but he didn't want to.

At the moment, he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to be a conservative king. "

Princess Jing'an didn't say anything. She asked herself that she was not qualified.

Want to be the scabbard that restrains Qin Mo?
She really can't.

Qin Mo did respect her as an aunt, but after all, she owed him more, so how could she restrain him?
Does it match?

Threatening Qin Mo with his old feelings, if he uses it once, he will lose it once, and then he will probably break up completely.

Li Xue is still with Qin Mo.

"I'll try my best, but the person who untied the bell must tie it. To put it simply, it's just a family matter. As long as the emperor is willing to bow his head and admit his mistake, I believe that Jing Yun will not break up this marriage!"

(End of this chapter)

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