big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1733 9-state meeting!

Chapter 1733 Kyushu Conference!

"They keep jumping outside the rules just to test my bottom line. Earlier, I have said that competition between countries does not involve family members.

Looking back now, I was too naive. For the sake of profit, these people will do anything. "

Qin Mo felt that if he was like this, others would be the same as him. Now it seems that he took it too much for granted.

Perhaps, the battle in the Western Region had not completely hurt Da Gan.

In this case, let's solve the trouble once and for all.

"Wars inevitably involve casualties. Whether to fight or not is just a matter of words. It is easy to fight, but what happens after the fight is over?
The most miserable people are ordinary people. At present, Daqian has not yet reached the point of anger and resentment. Although the little emperor has done a lot of stupid things, he is still diligent in his work.

The Supreme Emperor of Daqian is still here, and people's hearts are still there.

Anyway, we are the intruders.

Casualties are inevitable, but it would be better if there were fewer casualties, but what if there were more casualties?

Da Zhou lost people's hearts, so everyone in the world hated him, but even so, many people still thought of Da Zhou's good deeds.

Today, Da Qian is still doing better than Da Zhou, and the people are living and working in peace and contentment.

If this peace is broken, it will not be a good thing for us.

So what Weichen means is that we need to make a big move to lose the hearts of the people, and then disintegrate the big move step by step. At that time, public opinion will be boiling, and we will not be bullies or invaders, but upright saviors.

Our two countries have the same roots and origins, and we will only be able to govern them more easily in the future.

If we start a war now, it will be fun, but it will definitely leave a huge hidden danger.

Therefore, I hope Your Majesty will think twice.

You might as well bring the princess back first and then figure it out slowly.

As long as Da Gan loses people's hearts, with Ming's strength, it will only take a year or two to win over Da Gan.

What can be achieved is long-term peace and stability. "

Qin Mo thought about it and felt that Chai Shao's views were reasonable. It would be a pleasure to attack now, but Da Gan had not lost his people's support.

And there are many constraints.

After all, Daqian has a vast territory, and in recent years, the country's national power has been booming, and there are still many capable ministers in the court.

Generally speaking, the officials are fairly clean and the people are living a good life.

If we send troops, all that will be left is hatred and harm.

Why did the Great Zhou Dynasty die?

It was not only because of Emperor Zhou's willfulness, but also because of the aristocratic family's willingness to raise their flags that this triggered the problems in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Seeing Qin Mo's silence, Qin Youde became anxious, "Your Majesty, the opportunity is very good now. We have a good reputation. If we miss this opportunity, I'm afraid..."

"The World Conference is about to be held. If Emperor Daqian dares to come, that's fine. If he doesn't, then it's outside the rules.

Our Ming Dynasty holds justice and destiny. If there is oppression in the Ming Dynasty, it is reasonable for us to send troops.

Sending troops at this time is easy to be criticized.

When it comes to the princess, anyone with a discerning eye will know that the little emperor is cold, narrow-minded, and in vain of the love between husband and wife.

But if you think about it carefully, it is a private matter between husband and wife.

What will you do if someone bites us to death and accuses us of interfering in the country's internal affairs?
If the name is not right, the words will not be right, and if the words are not right, the things will not be accomplished.

Although my Ming Dynasty has abundant martial virtues, what we want is righteousness, not the impulse of anger.It is easy to capture the great cadres, but if the great cadres obtained in the future are dilapidated and caused by riots every day, what is the use of such great gans?

Many of Ming Dynasty's strategies are based on Da Qian, but some of them are the same.

It's hard to buy them off strategically.

If they feel oppressed, they will seek help.

At that time, Daming was taking action, and even the slightest difference would be infinitely magnified in their eyes.

So I think that now is not a good time to start a war.

We must slowly plan for it, based on three to five years, to disintegrate the internal affairs of the Great Qian Dynasty, until it is just for the Ming Dynasty to send troops. "

Qin Youde was speechless by the rebuke. Others could not object with those reasons, but in front of Chai Shao, he still did not dare to talk nonsense.

Furthermore, what he said was reasonable and he was not a fool.

If Da Qian loses the hearts of the people and Ming takes over justice, then it is not an invasion, but a correction, and it is taking over in the name of the savior.

The world will return to its heart, and all people will surrender.

Qin Mo sighed. Sure enough, having an old man in the family is like having a treasure.

Even though Chai Shao has retired now, Qin Mo will still ask for his opinion on every big event.

No, this sharp comment made Qin Mo realize his own shortcomings.

His weakness has always been obvious, that is, it is easy to get involved when it comes to family members.

Now, reason gradually gained the upper hand, and he said: "What my father-in-law said makes sense, but I was too hasty. The beating is necessary, but not now. Let's get Shuangshuang and the child back first, and use the excuse of going home to visit relatives. No one can say anything.

In addition, the International Conference will be held as usual. Since we have established rules, we cannot be the first to break them.

We must be both rule makers and defenders. If we trample on the rules at will, then who would be willing to join in?
As long as we occupy the great righteousness, we will not be able to do what the Ming Dynasty holds in the future. "

Having said this, he looked at Qin Youde and others who were unhappy, and said: "Although the combat plan has been temporarily shelved, the plan to dismantle Dagan must be put on the agenda. Within three years, Dagan will be dismantled and the public will be boiling with complaints. Can it be done?"

Qin Youde and others cheered up again, "Not three years, one or two years is enough."

"It's better to be more cautious. I will also help." Qin Mo smiled, "Work hard to build fighters and ships. I hope that the fifth fleet will be formed in three years."

The Fifth Fleet is based on an aircraft carrier. Of course, current technology cannot build such a large ship.

Not even splicing.

But it is still possible to build a ship larger than a treasure ship.

At that time, there will be dozens of fighter planes parked on the fleet, and they will directly and accurately bomb their military camps to minimize civilian casualties.

And now Daqian seems to have reached an inflection point of technological explosion. By then, the world will surely see the color of Ming Dynasty.

This meeting lasted for a full two hours. Later generations called this meeting the 'Kyushu Conference'. World history also took this meeting as a turning point.

Of course, these are all things to follow.

After discussing the details of the battle, Qin Mo left Chai Shao alone. Seeing that he was a little tired, he hurriedly asked someone to prepare ginseng soup, "Father-in-law, thank you for your hard work."

Chai Shao shook his head, "I'm getting older after all. I'm not as good as before. I'm tired after just two hours."

"Father-in-law is old and strong. If I can be like you in the future, I will be satisfied." Qin Mo said with a smile, and then said: "The next world will begin, and I want to ask my father-in-law to take the helm!"

(End of this chapter)

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