big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1736: Looking forward to the country for thousands of years, the country will be forever sol

Chapter 1736: Looking forward to the country for thousands of years, the country will be forever solid!

He has been the emperor for more than ten years, and only then did he realize that the emperor would always follow the rules unless his wishes came true.

There are times when the emperor is forced to compromise.

"What I want is a solution, not that you throw all your problems to me, do you understand?" Ah Si said, "If I have to do everything, then what else do you need to do?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people changed again and again.

Gongsun Wuji said: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, then order the siege of the Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty. Since we have decided to use troops against the Ming Dynasty again, then at this moment, we will capture the queen back to the palace and the people of the Honglu Pavilion. Chi Ze Something has changed, send people to arrest them now!”

Yu Boshi and others looked at each other and stood up and said: "Your Majesty, please use troops against Daqian and order the siege of Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion!"

Ah Si's face turned slightly red, and he felt a surge of blood rushing to his head.

When he said to use troops, these people said that they besieged the Honglu Hall of Ming Dynasty.

The two naval fleets of the Ming Dynasty are about to arrive in Gaozhou, and defenses are also deployed in the Western Region. Once they start, it will definitely be a full-scale war.

Although Daqian has been preparing for these years, he always feels that he has no confidence.

He felt that Da Gan's backbone had been taken away.

"Okay, okay, send troops to surround the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion!" Ah Si said, feeling furious.

However, as soon as he said the words, he felt regretful in his heart.

But he was the emperor, so he naturally meant what he said, "Li Daoyuan, you led troops to surround the Honglu Hall of the Ming Dynasty. You said that there were remnants of the Northwest slaves in the capital recently, and you asked for them to be hunted down. If they resist, you will take action directly."

This hot potato fell into Li Daoyuan's hands, and his heart suddenly pounded, feeling extremely helpless.

Fortunately, the emperor didn't lose his mind and knew how to find an excuse.

However, this excuse sounds really ridiculous, and it also deceives other people.

Once you lead troops to surround the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion and search for them, there will really be no room for maneuver.

Li Cungong sighed, "If that's the case, then inform the military department to prepare for war, and don't give them a chance to react.

Set up defenses on the beach and let the navy make a surprise attack. If you can defeat the opponent's navy, then everything will be easy. "

Yu Boshi was extremely disappointed. He didn't even understand why the emperor was so anxious.

Although the Ming Dynasty was an enemy, it was not like the previous Beinu Nanfan. Even so, Daqian had concentrated on development for more than ten years and only used external troops when it had the strength to crush it.

Now is obviously not a good time to use troops.

They didn't take advantage of the right time, place, and people, and they didn't even have the name to send troops.

It should be noted that when the Ming Dynasty mobilized its troops, it was to advertise the world and not to launch a surprise attack.

Qin Mo, who liked to use surprise troops so much, launched his troops in an upright manner, and defeated Da Qian's deployment in the Western Regions in an upright manner.

At the moment, if the raid succeeds, it's okay, but if it fails, it will be fatal.

Although Li Daoyuan and Li Cungong talk well, they have no actual actions.

But Ah Si seemed to have made a major decision, "Go ahead. If I, Da Gan, want to stand on top of the world again, I must prove myself with my strength.

Peace does not come from charity, but from fists.

Azu can put an end to the troubled times, father can achieve the rule of Longjing, and I can bring Daqian to another peak. "

The five people looked at each other and knew that the emperor had made up his mind.

Yu Boshi said: "Your Majesty, I am old and my eyes are dim. I can no longer keep up with Your Majesty. I hope Your Majesty will let me retire and return home!"

He didn't want to start a war, at least not at this juncture.

Everyone knows that they have a greater chance of losing.Once they lose, Dagan will fall into the quagmire.

It has only been more than 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Not to mention that the country will last for ten thousand years, but there will still be no problem in two or three hundred years.

The world has been suffering from war for a long time. He is a man in troubled times. He thought he could enjoy his old age in peace, but now, he is afraid that he will not be able to see it.

Once it falls into war, the world will
"Yu Boshi, what do you mean?" Ah Si said coldly: "The family and the country are in trouble, but you resigned at this time. Are you dissatisfied with my decision?"

"I don't dare, I just feel ashamed of the trust I have placed in my ancestors and the Supreme Emperor, and I failed to assist His Majesty well.

Wei Chen feels ashamed and feels that he has no face to occupy a high position. Please, Your Majesty, please allow Wei Chen to return to his hometown for the sake of Wei Chen's hard work and hard work for decades! "

Tang Jian also came out, "I am already old. According to the retirement law of Daqian, I have already passed the retirement age. I really should not seize the high position.

I hope your majesty will allow me to retire and return home! "

First, he was unwilling to face Qin Mo, let alone the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

He didn't want to see the mountains and rivers broken. Last time, Qin Mo had spared his efforts. Otherwise, the Western Regions would have been defeated, and they would have annexed the Western Regions long ago, instead of stopping there.

People are showing mercy, but this time you are ruthless and disloyal. How can you fight this battle?
If the top and bottom are not on the same page, no matter how hard we fight, we cannot win.

Everyone knows that you made a mistake, but you keep making mistakes again and again.

If the name is not justified, how can soldiers unite their morale?
"Tang Jian!" Ah Si looked at him with stern eyes, feeling like he was about to explode with anger, "Are you threatening me too?"

After he finished speaking, Gongsun Wuji also came out, "Da Qian decreed that he would retire at sixty. I will have nothing to do with you this year, and my seventies are not far away.

My old eyes are dim and my thinking is slow. I will go to His Majesty to express my gratitude to you. "

Li Daoyuan and Li Cungong also had expressionless faces. They belonged to the royal family, so naturally they could not abandon the emperor at this time.

One glory and one glory.

After Li Xin quit as an assistant minister, they understood that A Si had gone astray.

They have been using their influence to influence Ah Si, but what is frustrating is that Ah Si has gone to an extreme.

They all regretted it and should have stopped it when the grandson was canonized, then there wouldn't be so many things happening now.

"Uncle, are you going to abandon me at this time?" Ah Si couldn't believe it.

"The Ancestor Emperor brought peace to the troubled times and brought peace to the world; the Supreme Emperor made the world surrender; Da Qian achieved the rule of Longjing.

Your Majesty is determined to bring Daqian back to the top, which is our long-cherished wish and common goal.

However, now is not a good time to start a war. It will only make the two countries fight to the death.

Once a war breaks out, lives will be devastated and the country will be devastated.

Your Majesty is confident that these old bones of humble ministers should be swept into the garbage dump and will not be here to hinder His Majesty's footsteps.

I would like to express my congratulations to Your Majesty. I hope that the great power will last for thousands of years and the country will be forever solid! "

"I hope that the country will last for thousands of years and the country will be forever solid!"

The other two also shouted.

Since they can't change, they use the last resort.

They hoped to change the emperor's mind.

It's a pity that Ah Si is now dizzy with anger.

He thought to himself: "Brother is like this, and even you are like this. If you don't think highly of me, then I must win this battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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