big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1738 I would rather be called a loser to the world!

Chapter 1738 I would rather be called a loser to the world!
Empress Dowager Gongsun hurried to Taiji Palace and met Ah Si.

Seeing that his mother's expression was wrong, Ah Si hurriedly got up from the dragon chair and asked, "Mother, why are you here?"

"Don't you know why I'm here?" Empress Dowager Gongsun said angrily: "We made a mistake in this matter, and your father took the blame for you. It's okay if you don't admit your mistake.

Now you want to start a war without permission, but do you know what the consequences will be?
Your eldest brother is at home idle, and the three assistant ministers all resigned, but this doesn't make you wake up.

What else do you ask me to do?
I'm afraid that if I don't come, my ancestor's inheritance will be lost in your hands! "

Empress Dowager Gongsun rarely scolded Ah Si. In Ah Si's impression, her mother had always been a gentle and charitable person.

"Mother, important matters for the family and the country"

"I can't take care of the important affairs of the family and the country. I just want to ask you, can I, as a mother, take care of you?"

Ah Si nodded helplessly, "Children's hair and skin should be taken care of by their parents, so they can naturally take care of it!"

"Since you can take care of it, then just listen to me!" Empress Dowager Gongsun said: "Since ancient times, military affairs must be conducted with integrity, and even I, a woman, understand this.

You are in the wrong right now, and you want to send troops without authorization to surround the Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty.

Regardless of Qin Shuangshuang, when it comes to communication between countries, you are wrong.

How did you survive, you don't know?
When outsiders say you are ungrateful, what do you say?
Do you think Ming Dynasty is such a small country that you can bully it at will?
Or do you think your brother-in-law will tolerate it again and again.

Even if you don't have the upper hand, what are you going to do to fight this battle?
If you win, that's fine. If you lose, have you thought about the consequences?

Do you want to make your father angry to death?
Where do you leave the people?

You kept saying that you wanted to be a good emperor.

What are you doing now?
How arrogant you are, your grandfather, your father, which one is not a talented and strategic monarch, but they never swallowed their anger for the sake of the overall situation.

You can't, you can't swallow this breath.

Look at you like this, you look like a second-generation nobleman who has not made progress, squandering the assets accumulated by his ancestors and fathers.

You can still squander it now, but one day you will have no capital to squander it.

When no one is willing to help you, that’s when the sky is not working and the earth is not responding! "

Ah Si's face turned red after being told that, and he was extremely angry, "Did I do something wrong? Mother, you asked me to imitate my brother-in-law and be nice to him, but what did he do?"

He is rebellious, rebellious.

I know that your son-in-law is very good and he is your support.

But a hundred years later, only sons visit their mother’s grave. Have you ever seen a son-in-law go to his mother-in-law’s grave every day? "

Empress Dowager Gongsun was stunned for a moment, and then she was so angry that she was shaking all over, "What did you say?"

"Whether we lose or win, besides, we may not lose. Even if we empty the national treasury, I will make sure that Tomorrow will not dare to speak to me loudly again!"

The dignity of a great country does not come from charity.

I know, right now all of you are thinking, I'm crazy.

They all felt that what I did was an impulsive decision that ignored the whole country.

But mother, I think I have been thinking about this day for a long, long time.

My father's shame is also my shame.

The rebellious and dignified people who live in temples and are in charge of righteousness, isn't this the tragedy of us?

But we can't do anything to him yet.

They threaten us from time to time, and give us some benefits from time to time, just to make us feel grateful. Don't even think about it!

If I make the third son the crown prince, in a few decades, Da Qian will be named Qin.

Call me narrow-minded or selfish.

But I don’t dare to bet on these.All the pressure is on me alone. Who has ever thought about me?
Since stretching out one's head is a knife and shrinking one's head is also a knife, then let me draw the knife myself.

Qin Mo felt that the world should operate according to his vision.

I'm not.

I also know that those people are afraid of him to their core.

But I'm not afraid!
I want to take away their timidity and let the blood of Daqian return to our bodies.

I am the greatest country in the world.

Daming is just a thief!

Even if everyone in the world calls me ungrateful and a white-eyed wolf, so what?
I would rather teach me to blame the world than to teach the world to blame me! "

At this time, Ah Si became more and more excited. When he said this, he rushed to the Empress Dowager Gongsun and said, "Mother, if Baihumen didn't have the resolution between you and my father, would we be where we are today?
Can uncle let our family go?

Am I still standing here today?

At the beginning, everyone was opposed to sending troops to attack the South, but Qin Mo shouldered the responsibility, fought back to the land of Jiuqu, met Aunt Jing'an, and fulfilled his eternal reputation. Who would have thought?

Today, I send out troops to fight. The success or failure will be decided by future generations.

But I don't regret it!

If one day I lose, I will use my own methods to solve the problem.

You don't have to worry about it. "

The Empress Dowager Gongsun was speechless. She knew Ah Si and knew that he had a very stubborn temper. To a certain extent, he was the same kind of person as Li Shilong. Even ten cows couldn't get rid of the things he believed in.

"Even if you want to fight, you have to worry about your father. I don't want you to be before your father."

Ah Si interrupted her, "Mother, I just want my father to see how I wash away the humiliation on his body.

The name of Tian Khan cannot be stained.

My father swallowed his anger and became the Khan who dominates the world today.

In his old age, how can I, my son, bear to let his reputation be humiliated? "

Empress Dowager Gongsun felt as if something was stuck in her throat. She looked at her son who was already taller than her and said lonelyly: "You are older and have your own opinions. As a mother, I can't speak to you.

I just hope you don't regret it. As you said, one will accomplish something and ten thousand bones will wither.

I hope you win. If you lose, you will just lose all your wealth. "

After saying this, Empress Dowager Gongsun turned around and left, "Don't let your father know about this matter."

Ah Si looked at his mother's back and said respectfully: "Best farewell to your mother!"

When Empress Dowager Gongsun's back disappeared completely, Ah Si took a deep breath. He had been worried and afraid, and had woken up countless times at night, only to be so frightened by the Ming Dynasty that he could not sleep.

At that moment, he finally understood why the emperor was called a loner.

He knew that if he lost, he would become an independent husband.

But so what?

If he wins, he will become as good as his father.

"Qin Mo, this is a war between me and you. Everything is in this battle." Ah Si thought in his heart, and then said to the palace servants: "Let King Heng quickly surround the Ming Honglu Pavilion. , anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!"

This chilling sound made everyone in the palace feel cold all over.

They knew that the real storm was coming!

(End of this chapter)

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