big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1743 I just understand Qin Mo!

Everyone looked at Li Yongmeng, and Li Yongmeng said: "I am not speaking for the Ming Dynasty, I just know Qin Mo. Three thousand students from Gaozhou fought bloody battles back then, and Qin Mo has been the governor of Lingnan for many years. It can be said that Lingnan can be what it is today. Qin Mo is responsible for the prosperity of the country.

In order to suppress the rebellion and liberate the slaves in Lingnan, Qin Mo made great efforts.

Needless to say, Cangwu County, where everyone worships Qin Mo’s longevity tablet.

For the people in Lingnan, Qin Mo is their patron saint.

So Qin Mo had scruples in his heart. "

"Hmph, you have spoken too well of Qin Mo. Qin Mo is just a treacherous traitor. The court will make its own conclusion.

What does it mean that you are the son of Prince Cheng and openly praise Qin Mo? "Gao Kan glared at Li Yongmeng.

"Don't blame me." Li Yongmeng said coldly: "I'm just analyzing the facts, otherwise why hasn't Ming Dynasty's navy landed for so long?
There is only one reason to explain it. The Ming Dynasty Navy landed from other places, but we don't know it yet. "

"You are openly praising Qin Mo and disturbing the morale of our army. You are worthy of death!" Gao Kan hated Qin Mo, and naturally he also hated people who spoke well of Qin Mo.

"Stupid!" Li Yongmeng sneered.

"Okay, stop arguing!" Xue Gui said: "The war is coming, and if you still have internal strife, don't blame me for punishing you severely."

Seeing that the two of them could only stare and dare not say a word, Xue Gui nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, a scout hurried over, "Report, urgent report from Annan, the Ming Dynasty navy landed from Annan, and rushed hundreds of miles in one day, Annan is in danger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the military camp was stunned.

Li Yongmeng sighed, "Look, I said they should have landed from other places."

Xue Gui frowned. It has been more than ten years since Annan was merged into Daqian. Over the past ten years, as a food site in Daqian, it has been able to feed countless people every year.

Moreover, Annan's grain is harvested twice a year, and in some places, it is even harvested three times a year. It is an extremely important grain-producing area.

He had also passed through Annan in the past. After so many years of development, the water system was developed and the roads were smooth, and the place was no longer as dilapidated as it was back then.

Coupled with the prevalence of sea trade, it has become known as Little Jiangnan.

Attacking from Annan can be used as a base, which can be used as a springboard to advance and attack, and to retreat and defend.

It's indeed a great trick.

On the Annan side, there were only 5000 troops garrisoned.

Of course they couldn't resist it.

But now it would take seven days at the fastest to send troops from Gaozhou to Annan.

After reading the urgent report sent by the scout, Xue Gui immediately circulated it in the military camp.

After everyone read it, their expressions were solemn.

"Captain, there are [-] naval troops stationed in Beihai, and they can arrive in two days at the earliest." Gao Kan said: "Let's go there now. Water from afar cannot quench our thirst for nearness, but what is certain now is that the Ming Dynasty navy landed from Annan. We just need to cut off their eastward path.

I thought it was impossible for them to go north! "

"I think they are most likely cooperating with the Western Regions, using Annan as their foothold, and then attacking from both front and back." Black Teeth Changzhi stood up and walked to the map in the middle of the hall. "It won't take long to turn over from here. When we reach the territory of Tianxiang Kingdom, the Ming army will attack from two directions, and our army in the Western Region will be in danger.

Once we lose the barriers such as the Celestial Kingdom and the Nanyang countries, we will be in danger.

Last time, we retreated to Yuezhi. Yuezhi has thousands of mountains as a barrier. Once we break through Yuezhi, the barrier to the south will no longer exist.

No one knows where they will come from this long border.

And most importantly, they had complete supply lines.

You can continue to fight with us.

Therefore, I believe that the reason why they landed from Annan is more likely to use this as a springboard to fight a protracted war with us. "After saying this, many people nodded.

I have to say that Black Teeth Changzhi’s analysis makes sense.

If they were to stay here, more than [-] troops would be just a decoration.

Moreover, Li Yongmeng also analyzed it just now, which coincides with Hei Te Changzhi's analysis.

Because Qin Mo was concerned about the people in Lingnan, he chose to land from Annan.

The more scrupulous Qin Mo is, the more it shows that Qin Mo has a big plan.

What does he want to do?
Why do we need to worry so much when two countries are at war?

He naturally cares about his reputation, and his purpose is to facilitate his future rule.

Gao Kan said: "Captain, I am willing to lead the army to Annan to provide support."

"I'm willing to take a humble position!" Hei Te Changzhi hurriedly stepped out and Wanji was destroyed by Qin Mo. From the bottom of his heart, he hated Qin Mo.

Although the world is now unified and the people of the peninsula are living much better than before, no one wants their hometown to be occupied, even if their hometown was very poor.

Li Yongmeng came out and said: "I am willing to lead the army and fight to the death with the Ming Dynasty."

Xue Gui was just a small follower under Qin Mo at first, but now he has become the commander-in-chief of the army.

Li Yongmeng sighed secretly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, the little emperor is not as good as the great emperor. Some things he does are too obvious and chilling.

Everyone else came out to fight.

Xue Gui said: "I have other ideas. Ming Dynasty sent two teams of navy to shoot this time. The combined number of these two teams of navy is one hundred thousand.

If it were me, it would be absolutely impossible for these [-] troops to be in the same place. I would definitely divide the troops into two groups.

Go all the way to capture Annan and use this as a springboard.

The other route is to deter the enemy. No one knows where they will land next.

Therefore, the army cannot leave Gaozhou.

Gaozhou's defense cannot be relaxed. "

Everyone frowned, having said that, but now Annan County has come to ask for help, what if they can't defend and delay the war in the future, and the higher ups will be blamed?
Although not sending troops will not make a big mistake, once the opponent passes through Annan, their combat difficulty will be greatly increased.

Many people tried to persuade Xue Gui.

Xue Gui said: "The capital is inside the Central Plains, and this road is heavily guarded. Even if Nanfan is lost, so what?

Unless they can reach the capital quickly and directly from the grassland, otherwise, they will never reach the capital under our noses.

So, don't worry.

If the blame comes from above, I, the Governor, will take full responsibility for it! "

For this reason, no one dares to say anything.

Everyone is just unhappy.

The enemies have already reached their doorstep, and they are still huddled in Gaozhou City. It’s really frustrating!
I don’t know when it started. Facing the Ming Dynasty, Daqian had lost his previous vigor.

Perhaps the world has been at peace for a long time, and the sharp edges in the bones of the soldiers have been smoothed away.

Or maybe it was because the last failure was so complete that they felt that they could not be Daming's opponent. (End of chapter)

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