Chapter 1745
"Who is the opponent's coach?"

"They have six base commanders, namely, Qin Hei, Qin Tian, ​​Liu Rujian, and Cheng Dabao.

There are two other base commanders who are currently unknown, their identities are kept secret, and they have never been found out. "

"These people are all young people." Li Shuangan said.

"Young?" Yuchi Nobuo shook his head, "These people are in their prime, in their 40s and [-]s."

I think back then, he, Yuchi, was a flower in the army, but it's a pity that he is old now.

When Li Shuang'an came back to his senses, he always felt that his brother-in-law was still working hard. There was a group of people around his brother-in-law back then. Wasn't it these people?

Back then, these people fought for Da Qian, but now these people fight for Da Ming.

"Commander, I am leading almost all cavalry this time. If possible, I am willing to lead troops to raid." Li Shuangan said: "Even if the cavalry has declined now, as long as it has not been completely eliminated, I can play a role." ."

Who would have thought that more than ten years ago, cavalry was king.

Today, more than ten years later, the cavalry have become a burden, and not many people are even happy to see their arrival.

When Qin Mo said that one day, the cavalry would be eliminated, everyone just smiled.

And now, what Qin Mo said is coming true.

"It's better to guard, we can't trade numbers for results now." Yuchi Nobuo said: "It's better to wait for the opportunity. The other side now clearly wants to consume us and trick us out.

As long as we stay in charge, it's not that easy for them to fight us. "

The terrain of Yuezhi is easy to defend but difficult to attack. As long as the opponent does not use any fighters, they can completely make up the gap.

And the longer it is delayed, the better it is for them.

The Western Region is their base camp and they can completely delay victory.

Of course he wanted to wave his hand and ask all his men to go out. What were they going to do?
To die?
Facing the opponent's elite weapons, what you have to do is not to act violently.

Qin Mo's sixteen-character mantra is still good advice to this day. Be fierce when you should be fierce. If you are not fierce, avoid its edge and recharge your batteries.

If the opponent fails to attack repeatedly, they will inevitably become anxious. As long as they are anxious, they will reveal their flaws. When they find the flaws, they will be able to defeat the opponent.

Everyone deliberated for two hours before deciding on the final plan.

Although the cavalry is facing elimination, it still has an advantage that the infantry cannot match.

That is to wait until there is a flaw in Ming Dynasty, and they can attack with thunder.

But these are high mountains, and many weapons can only be transported by horses.

This is something that diesel locomotives do not possess.

After everyone walked out of the military camp, Yuchi said domineeringly: "I finally understand why Qin Mo held the internal combustion engine and refused to export it. Did he expect this day?"

Li Ankang said: "Qin Mo's approach was actually the same as ours. At that time, we also sold obsolete weapons to other satellite countries and earned a lot of foreign trade to subsidize the country.

However, Qin Mo did better than us, and he also guarded against it more strictly. "

Everyone nodded.

Although they hated it with itch, they had to say that this trick was really useful.

Li Shuangan looked into the distance, feeling at peace in his heart.

What a beautiful scenery, but why are there constant wars?
He didn't understand why Nanfan still had to fight for years after being included in Daqian. This was no longer in line with his original intention.

He wanted to ask his brother-in-law, did he really want to conquer Daqian?
Can war be completely eliminated in this way?

Li Shuangan took a deep breath, feeling confused inside.

At the same time, Daqian was in the capital.

Dark particles were activated one by one, numbering thousands of people.The six-door raid did not affect their daily lives.

They know their identities and live a normal life, just like ordinary people.

But now, they have received the order to fight for Qin Mo.

Many years ago, Qin Mo rescued many people, many of whom were orphans and survived the war.

And these dark men were carefully selected from these people.

Each one is loyal and has received special training and testing.

They are the most basic people, and above that, there are connectors and leaders.

On weekdays, they are loyal people of Daqian.

And once activated, they are the most fearless warriors.

Now, they are waiting for an order.

In addition, in Daqian, officials have died inexplicably one after another.

This caused panic for a time.

This panic spread in the capital, and countless people petitioned A Si to negotiate peace with the Ming Dynasty.

The Daqian Capital Daily also disclosed this incident.

The final result was that the front door of the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion was splashed with gold juice and the stench was overwhelming.

When the two armies fought, they did not kill the envoys, because Ming Dynasty also had officials from Honglu Pavilion stationed there, so for now, they did not touch Qin Youcai.

Ah Si looked at the report and became furious, "Assassinating my Dagan officer, Qin Mo, you are really cruel."

But then I thought about it, why didn't I want to kill Qin Mo?
He didn't expect that Qin Mo would fight back so fiercely.

In just a few days, more than 20 military officials were assassinated and their deaths were mysterious.

Even though he has strengthened his defenses, there are only [-] officials in the capital. Can he defend against so many people?
He called the newly appointed Governor of the Six Gates over, and Ah Si yelled angrily, "Trash, what do you do for food? After searching the Six Gates for so long, there are still so many enemy troops lurking in the capital.

Do you need to let the other person touch me before you can react? "

The new governor is also from the royal family. As far as A Si is concerned, no one else can be trusted now. Only the royal family will not betray him.

"Your Majesty, Qin Mo has been laying out the plan a long time ago. These secret agents are ordinary people on weekdays, and there will be no problems no matter how you check.

You can't just kill anyone you suspect, otherwise sooner or later the world will be in chaos. "

Ah Si smashed the memorial in his hand and said, "I would rather kill them by mistake than let them go. If I can't kill them, arrest them all and send them all to prison. Isn't it okay to wait until the war is over and hold separate trials?"
I'm telling you, if someone else is assassinated next, you shouldn't come to see me? "

The new governor had a grimace on his face. He thought that being the governor of the six gates would be a blessing, but looking at it now, this position was undoubtedly a life-threatening one.

Not to mention other people, now he is afraid of being assassinated!

But now that the emperor was furious, he couldn't tell what was in his heart, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

After the six-door governor left, Ah Si gradually calmed down.

In less than five days, the entire Annan was captured by the Ming army, but the Ming army had not yet stopped and kept marching westward.

Those small countries in Southeast Asia all bowed down without any resistance.

This made him feel that after many years of exploring Southeast Asia, he had always dealt with dogs.

But when he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was extremely scary to think about it. After all, Qin Mo had also visited Nanyang for many years!

(End of this chapter)

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