big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1751 Walkthrough!

Chapter 1751 Walkthrough!

Should we quickly attack the Bohai Sea Division, or should we first secure a supply point and then plan for it slowly?
Cheng Dabao said: "We are small, if we fight a protracted war with them, we will definitely suffer.

Let's raid the Bohai Sea Division first and capture them. Then we can rob the supplies here, which will be enough for us to use for a long time.

Then, let's attack Japan again without giving them a chance to besiege them. "

"That's good, but isn't this too urgent?" Liu Rudao said: "The Bohai Sea Division's combat effectiveness is not weak."

Cheng Dabao smiled and said: "We don't necessarily have to fight head-on this time. If we destroy their ship, what will they use to fight us?
Although Daqian's coastal defense guns have been updated twice, they have only increased in weight, thickened in caliber, and lengthened the barrel.

It is true that the power has become greater and the range has become longer, but it is more troublesome to manufacture and more inconvenient to use.

And the range of our ship's cannon is at least one-third farther than theirs. "

Cheng Dabao sighed, "It's a pity that the Fifth Marine Division has not yet been formed, otherwise the fighter planes could take off on the deck."

Dou Yiai suddenly said: "I understand, are you talking about the secret weapon?"

The secret weapon Dou Yiai mentioned was top secret. Only a few people knew about it and it was kept secret.

Naturally, Liu Rudao and others also knew about it. When Dou Yiai mentioned this matter, Liu Rudao's eyes lit up, "Did the weapon follow?"

Cheng Dabao nodded, "This secret weapon was actually designed many years ago and has been tested offshore before.

After determining the safety, we have been sailing in various places.

This time, they followed. "

Cheng San stamped his foot on the deck, and Liu Rudao suddenly understood.

No wonder Cheng Dabao is so calm.

With the help of this secret weapon, the Bohai Navy would really suffer.

"Then we can attack the Bohai Sea Division first and break through their base camp. When reinforcements arrive, we can push forward inland in one go." Liu Rudao said.

Cheng Sanaxe punched the document, "Then it's settled."

That night, the Bohai Sea Navy Base was very quiet. After Liu Gui's death, his grandson Liu Min also entered the Navy, and with outstanding ability, he served as a staff general in the army.

On this day, in the governor's camp, Gongsun Min, then the commander of the Bohai Sea Navy, called everyone for a sand table drill.

Nowadays, most of the generals in the DPRK have gone to the Western Regions, or to assist Lingnan, and the elite Bohai Sea navy has entered and exited.

But fortunately, Liaodong is a piece of cake. After years of operation, it is a piece of cake.

As the first naval base for the Daqian Navy to go to the sea, it is also full of talents, and the talents are young.

As the governor, Gongsun Min is actually not that young anymore. Gongsun Min, who is just forty years old, can be regarded as experienced in hundreds of battles and has made great achievements in battle.

He is good at strategy and cautious. He also fought with Qin Mo and has many of the same habits as Qin Mo.

For example, this sand table drill was inherited from Qin Mo.

"There are all our people in the Bohai Bay. If they come in, they will die without any body parts. Although our coastal defense guns don't have as far a range as theirs, our bottom is covered with mines. If they dare to get close, they will go to the sky." Liu Don't say it.

"Liu Shen is wrong!" The person who spoke was Li Sixun's second son, Li Anxiang. Unlike his elder brother Li Ankang, he preferred water battles. Moreover, his elder brother had long been a veteran in the army, so he had never been famous.

He always believed that the way out for Daqian lay in the navy.

Over the years, I have been patiently studying in the naval system. "The Bohai Sea Marine Base is the first naval base. It is built like an iron bucket, but the Bohai Sea Marine Base was built by Qin Mo. If you understand, Qin Mo It must be understood.

Even now, there are still many defenses that were inherited from the Qin Mo period.

Even if we change some defenses and add some more defenses, can we completely defend against them?
I think that if we want to catch all the enemies in one fell swoop, we must lure them deep and lead them into our mine array, only then can we give them a heavy blow.

If the enemy attacks outside the range of coastal defense artillery, how to attack? "

Liu Min was also stunned, and then said: "It is not a fool to lure the enemy deep into someone's home. It is better to show weakness from the beginning. The Ming Navy is arrogant and will definitely be fooled."

Li Anxiang shook his head, "You have to know that there are garrisons in Wozhou, Gaoli, Jihezhou, including some places nearby.

If I were the Ming Dynasty Navy, I would not break in rashly, so so far, we have not found any trace of the Ming Dynasty Navy.

Because our Bohai Navy is easy to defend and difficult to attack, if we cut off their retreat, we will easily make dumplings for them.

The intelligence we have now can prove that the Ming Dynasty Navy fleet is in Annan. They use Annan as a springboard and focus on the Western Region.

Liaodong is too far away from them and supplies are inconvenient, so there is no possibility of them attacking Liaodong. "

There were many generals who thought like Li Anxiang. In the camp, everyone was divided into two teams.

Some said they would not attack, while others said they would definitely attack by surprise.

Gongsun Min knocked on the document and said: "No matter whether the other party will attack or not, we must be fully prepared.

If a sneak attack comes, how will we respond? If not, how will we rush to help others?
The Bohai Navy has a large number of troops, is well-equipped, and receives the best treatment.

Compared to Beihai Navy, it is slightly higher.

I have already sent a report to the superiors, asking us to rush to the aid of the Beihai Navy.

No one would have thought that we would travel thousands of miles to attack them in a detour. "

Everyone nodded. These days, they have been practicing sand table here every day, and it is really unbearable.

Especially when the battle situation ahead is unfavorable, they have nothing to do here.

"Commander, I am humble enough to be willing to lead troops to assist the Beihai Navy!" Liu Mian said hurriedly.

"I'm willing to go despite my humble position!" Li Anxiang also did his part.

Many of the people present were young generals, and their minds were full of the idea of ​​rushing thousands of miles to help, deal a heavy blow to the Ming Navy, and then create their own legends.

Who among the people present doesn’t want to compare with Qin Mo?
Qin Mo is recognized as the strongest general in the sea, land and air. It is a great honor to be compared with such a person.

"There is currently no reply from the Beihai Navy." Gongsun Min could act cheaply, but the emperor still trusted him.

But he was also under a lot of pressure.

If things go wrong, how can I continue to be the commander-in-chief?
He banished the bad thoughts from his mind.

Tell yourself that Qin Mo has stopped leading troops a long time ago. Qin Mo is Qin Mo, and the generals of Ming Dynasty are the generals of Ming Dynasty. They are different.

He admitted that he was not as good as Qin Mo, after all, that guy was no longer human.

But he will never think that he is inferior to the generals of the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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