big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1763 East and West 2 Beijing!

However, Qin Mo's only worry now is that that bastard A Si will attack Qin Shuangshuang.

He doesn't worry about winning or losing. If he is ruthless, it will only be a matter of time before he wins this battle.

However, intelligence said that Lao Liu's condition was very bad and he was now bedridden.

Fortunately, A Si, that bastard, kept it secret and didn't let Lao Liu know.

Otherwise, Lao Liu's situation might be even worse.

"Hey, originally, I just wanted to be a humane person, even if I became the emperor.

But why are you forcing me?
Did I put too much pressure on you?

Why are you in such a hurry? "

Qin Mo shook his head. He could be said to be the most powerful person in the world, but he was not happy.

If this was the price of growth, he would rather go back to the years when he first traveled to Daqian.

Children can act on their whims, but adults cannot!

Some things, if done too much, will inevitably become pretentious.

The same goes for war. You can't joke with the lives of soldiers, right?
Qin Mo thought for a while and wrote a letter of reward. In this letter of reward, there were all the scientific researchers who secretly studied submarines.

And this reward letter is destined not to be made public.

In addition, the good news was published in the newspapers to make the people of Ming Dynasty happy.

Ming Dynasty has been a bit uneasy recently, some people are playing tricks, Qin Mo has been very careful.

The news of this great victory was enough to scare these people.

The more powerful Ming Dynasty becomes, the more afraid they become.

In addition, he is slowly improving the Kyushu Management Act.

How the Ming Dynasty will govern the world in the future will also be a troublesome problem.

Once Da Gan is captured, it will take a long time to win over people's hearts.

The best way is to divide and govern.

But that will undoubtedly create new problems.

With such a large territory and spanning thousands of miles of ocean, after much thought, he decided to activate the two-capital system.

The so-called two-capital system is very simple.

Two capitals, East and West, were established.

Qin Mo is forty this year, and the eldest child is in his early twenties.

If he becomes emperor until he is 50 years old, then his heirs will basically be adults.

What should be compared has been compared.

Then it is fair to them.

At that time, he abdicated and went to work on his own.

After ten to fifteen years, if he abdicates or dies, he can just take over.

Of course, there are problems with this approach, and a perfect bill is needed.

Although the emperor's status is higher than that of the emperor, his power must be lower than that of the emperor.

As for dividing Kyushu, it sounds nice, but it is not easy to manage.

The system of two capitals and two emperors can guarantee rule.

To a great extent, it prevents people below from usurping power.

With Qin Mo's reputation in Daqian, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Qin Mo always likes to take one step and see ten steps.Regarding the disposal of Li Qian's royal family, he did not decide to keep them in captivity.

Maybe, it's better this way.

After handling the political affairs, Qin Mo quietly left the palace and came to Liu Ruyu.

Liu Ruyu's style remains the same. Although she works hard to control her diet and maintain her figure, she is still unable to withstand the passage of time.

In the past, her beauty was not so exciting, but after years of precipitation, she has a sense of peace and tranquility.

In the small courtyard, her face was full of tranquility, as if she was indifferent to the world.

It made Qin Mo feel like she was hiding in a golden house.

"Brother, why are you free to come to my place today?" Liu Ruyu was very surprised to see Qin Mo. She hurriedly put down the things in her hands and hurried over to greet him.

"I haven't been here for a few days, come and take a look!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"You haven't been here for a long time. I think, whether you are here or not, I will go to serve my daughter-in-law during her confinement period!" Liu Ruyu said half-jokingly.

"Yuanjun just gave birth, and your mother is a little too kind to one another!"

"With you taking care of me, how can I still wrong my daughter?" Liu Ruyu said with a smile.

"My mother-in-law is right!" Qin Mo's words made Liu Ruyu blush. She rolled her eyes at Qin Mo and said, "She just likes to tease me!"

Maybe it was because he was too familiar, or because he was older, Qin Mo seemed to be having more and more fun, so much so that she couldn't bear it.

But what can I do? I can only obey his instructions obediently.

He got a fan, cut another watermelon, put it next to Qin Mo, and gently fanned him, "Eat slowly, no one will compete with you!"

You are such an adult, why do you still eat like a child? "

"No matter how many people ask for it, they can't get it." Qin Mo said quite complacently.

Liu Ruyu smiled, looked at Qin Mo who had not changed much, and said infatuatedly: "Brother Qin, why don't you age? It seems that there haven't been any big changes in these years, you are still as young as before.

Standing with you, I feel a little inferior, as if I am more than ten years older than you.

If you go out and say that I am your elder, people will believe you! "

"I looked mature when I was young, but now that I'm getting older, I don't look old very much. Maybe, in a year or two, when my hair turns gray, I will look old!" Qin Mo said.

Liu Ruyu was not the only one to say this, his women often talked about it.

Talking about Qin Mo is like a bull, talking about Qin Mo's youth.

Even Xiaojiu said that if Qin Mo were not old, they would go crazy!

"Really?" Liu Ruyu nodded, obviously accepting this explanation, "That's right, you have been different from other children since you were a child. You look particularly big and mature.

My dad also said at the time, you look like the living king of hell! "

"Your father is too bad. His looks were given by his parents. Is it possible that your children are handsome?" Qin Mo was not happy, "I say I am the second most handsome, who dares to say that I am the most handsome?"

Liu Ruyu covered her mouth and laughed. Is Qin Mo handsome?

He was as tall as an iron tower, with a huge back and a strong back. No one could be seen standing behind him.

The skin is slightly dark, the thick black eyebrows are thick and long, and the black and white eyes look particularly wicked.

When he smiles, his teeth are extremely white.

He is naive and bad, and people can't help but feel good about him and want to say a few words to him.

He was not a handsome boy in the true sense, but in Liu Ruyu's heart, no matter how handsome the boy was, he could not be as handsome as Qin Mo.

"Yes, yes, you are the most handsome in the world, right?" Liu Ruyu followed his words.

Only then did Qin Mo smile with satisfaction, "By the way, there's something I want to tell you.

I plan to transfer my stepson to the front line so that he can gain experience and make great contributions! "(End of chapter)

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