big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1768 Yuchi died in battle!

Chapter 1768 Yuchi died in battle!

Western Region, Yuezhi Governor's Mansion, inside the military hospital.

Yuchi Nobuo was wrapped in thick gauze, and this time he almost lost most of his life.

Even if he was rescued by force, he would lose his leg forever.

Not only that, he had more than 30 wounds all over his body, and it would take a long time for him to recover in the future.Moreover, Yuchi Badao died in battle, but this matter has been hidden from Yuchi Nobuxiong.

Today, Yuchi Nobuo's condition has improved, and his spirit has improved a lot. Although he still can't move and has pain everywhere, he is a veteran after all. He doesn't have many things but many injuries.

"Although they only captured half of Gaofu, they also dealt a severe blow to the Ming Dynasty's arrogance. Let's see if they dare to show off their cruelty in the future!" Yuchi Nobuxiong said, but his heart was hurt, as he had to pay 4 casualties. , in exchange for this tragic victory.

Moreover, now that I have become like this, it is difficult to continue.

Li Ankang was also injured, but he was much better than Yuchi Nobuo.

"Commander, the morale of our officers and soldiers is at a high level now. Should we continue to advance westward or..."

"I don't understand the current situation either, so let's wait for a while." Yuchi Nobuxiong knew very well that the navy had lost. If it continued to advance westward, it would be easy to enter the enemy's strike circle again.

He felt that the half of Gaofuzhou that the other party gave up was more like a trap specially left for them by the enemy.

It’s not going in, and it’s not going in.

"By the way, how is Ba Bao? Is he okay?" Yuchi Nobuxiong suddenly asked: "That kid is acting recklessly, so don't force yourself on him."

He hadn't heard anything about Yuchi's domineering behavior in the past few days, and he didn't take it too seriously.

Anyway, my boy is strong and can withstand beatings, so it should be no big deal.

The originally bustling ward suddenly became quiet.

Li Ankang didn't know how to answer and looked at Li Shuangan.

Li Shuangan didn't know how to speak.

The reason why he didn't say anything was because he was afraid that Yuchi Nobuo wouldn't be able to bear the blow.

And now, if he continues to hide it, it will also be a huge blow to Yuchi Nobuo.

"Captain, Yuchi, he...he..."

"Is he injured? Is he disabled?" Yuchi Nobuxiong frowned, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

Li Shuangan said bravely: "Yuchi died in battle!"

After the words fell, the ward was filled with deathly silence. Yuchi Nobuo was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

At that moment, the heartache overshadowed the headaches from the wounds all over his body, and he almost fainted.

Seeing that Yuchi Nobuo's lips were not tight, his face was frighteningly pale, and his lips were turning purple.

It can be seen that the old man is in such pain at this moment.

"Commander, my condolences!" Li Shuang'an said with red eyes: "Yuchi fought to the last soldier and did not surrender. He is a hero.

We have snatched Yuchi's body back. The reason why we didn't tell you is because we were afraid that you wouldn't be able to bear it. "

Yuchi Nobuo said nothing, thinking about everything he had with his son.

This kid has been in front of me for so many years, why did he die in battle?
He would rather die than himself.

“It is your fate that a general will die in a hundred battles, and a soldier will be shrouded in horse leather.

The soldier died, but my son cannot die? "Yuchi Nobuo shook his head, but at this moment, the energy that supported him to persist was taken away, "You guys go out, I want to be quiet! "

Li Ankang was a little worried, but Li Shuangan pulled the others out, "Just guard at the door, the governor, he needs to digest it alone!"

When the door to the ward was closed, an extremely low cry came from the room.

This old veteran finally broke out at this moment.

He was like an old wolf, secretly licking his wounds.

Hearing the cry, everyone felt sad.But what Yuchi Nobuo said is right. If the soldiers die, they will not die?

Who is not born to parents?
"Shuang'an, the court has not yet decided who will take over, but the Commander-in-Chief is injured like this and is no longer suitable to be in charge of the armed forces.

Now, it's up to you. Li Ankang said: "Should we advance or retreat?" "

Everyone looked at Li Shuangan.

Huge pressure pressed on Li Shuangan's shoulders, making him breathless.

He was thinking about how much pressure Qin Mo had endured when he fought those miraculous battles.

I don't have a big heart like him.

"We have won a tragic victory this time, so we should first stabilize it. The best way is to exchange prisoners and get our people back." Li Shuang'an said: "In the short term, it is better not to launch a war easily. The other side is also prepared. , I’m afraid it won’t be a tragic victory next time.”

Everyone nodded and had no objections to Li Shuangan's arrangement.

This raid captured half the state with a casualty ratio of four to one.

Moreover, some of the four-to-one casualties were support troops from other countries.

In other words, what they were fighting was not the real core force of Ming Dynasty.

It's too difficult, it's really too difficult.

They do not have the ability to dominate the sky and can only be beaten passively.

The opponent does not have many second-generation fighters, but there are really many first-generation fighters.

It's really hard to get around them.

It is difficult to fight in the high mountains, and it is even more difficult to attack at night.

"Then, we appease the soldiers, the disabled soldiers, and send them back. We need more recruits. If that doesn't work, we recruit soldiers locally, from Tianxiang Kingdom, Yuezhi, and Nanfan.

We need to fill this gap.

It was too late to mobilize troops from the Central Plains. "Li Shuang'an said again.

"This is a good method. It can ensure our combat effectiveness as quickly as possible!" Li Ankang supported.

Everyone has no objection to recruiting soldiers.

Seeing everyone's support, Li Shuang'an secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Now there is no one in the army who can take the lead, so he can only do it himself.

After the order was given, Yuchi Nobuo also recovered from the pain. He endured the pain and saw his son for the last time.

Yuchi Badao was covered in wounds, but fortunately there were not many scars on his face.

Because of the bad weather, Yuchi Babao's body has been hidden in the ice cellar.

"Son, what a weird dad!" Yuchi cried domineeringly: "You and I have been competing with Qin Xiangru all our lives. I can't compare with you, and my son and my son can't compare with each other. In the end, I was asked to give away the white-haired man to the black-haired man.

Go to hell Qin Xiangru, go to hell Qin Mo.

The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable.

I must kill their father and son! "

But while he was talking, he said again: "How can you kill them if you can't even see them? I'm incompetent!"

He knew that this had nothing to do with Qin Mo. If it hadn't been for his decision, Yuchi Badao wouldn't have been able to lead a sneak attack.

Naturally, he will not die in battle.

Under the general trend, they are all pawns.

Qin Mo, the chess piece, was disobedient, so he jumped out and became the chess player.

He wanted to jump out, but he didn't have the ability. No one else could blame him!
(End of this chapter)

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