big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1790 Sudden forced uterus!

Chapter 1790 Sudden forced uterus!

In the third year of Yong'an, winter.

The Ming Dynasty's troops stationed in the Western Regions successfully conquered the entire territory of Tianxiang and reached the southern border.

Because of the cold winter, the war was stopped, and then a months-long celestial rectification campaign began.

The Annan Naval Base has never encountered the Gaozhou group. Instead, it has opened up the link between the Southeast Asian countries and the celestial phenomena. At this point, it is connected from the Western Regions to Annan.

All the places bordering the south, southwest and other countries will be restored to the Ming Dynasty.

Sichuan and Shu were also captured amidst the roar of fighter planes.

Wozhou, Gaoli, Jihezhou and Bohai County were all captured.

Daqian lost one-third of its territory in less than a year.

The war has spread to the Central Plains.

This caused the economic system of Daqian to gradually collapse.

Coupled with the Ming Dynasty's series of attacks, Daqian's economy became increasingly depressed.

However, the wealth accumulated over the years was so thick that I could squander it at will for more than ten years.

Although it hurts his muscles and bones, it doesn't make him powerless!

Tang Jian was also 'driven' back to China.

In fact, after he returned to China, he was scolded by Ah Si, which made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

Even now that I am old, I still have to go to the Ming Dynasty to beg for help in a low voice.

Even if you don't succeed, you won't be scolded, right?

In this year's end-of-year inventory, both civil and military personnel are present.

In Fengtian Hall, Ah Si's mood became increasingly unstable.

It was originally agreed that he would give in after a month of reflection, but when Tang Jian returned home, he conveyed Qin Mo's message, which also made everyone understand that Qin Mo would not stop and would continue to fight.

Qin Mo doesn't pay attention to this level of moral kidnapping like 'uncle robs nephew's world'.

When the enemy is determined to kill you, no matter how much you say, it is useless.

Ah Si was not going to give in. Now that he saw that Li Zhao couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, his hatred for him became even deeper. Instead, he went all out and summoned the deposed prince Li Min to him.

He even wanted to abolish Li Zhao and directly give up his position to Li Min, which disgusted Qin Mo.

However, doing so will undoubtedly increase people's misunderstanding of him.

"Tell me, tell me. Now, except for Xue Gui, almost all the lines have collapsed. We have lost so much territory. What do you do for food?" Ah Si's voice echoed in Tai Chi Palace.

No one spoke below.

In the beginning, the ministers would continue to give advice, but as the war failed, A Si's mood became more and more unstable.

Especially after Ah Si collapsed last time, something seemed to be wrong with his body again.

Although most people don't know it, Gongsun Wuji knows it.

Because Ah Si was not in the right mood and was under too much pressure, plus he stayed up uncontrollably late at night correcting memorials, he had a heart problem again.

Surgery is not a panacea, nor is it a one-time solution.

The doctor who performed the surgery said that Ah Si's condition was critical and that even if the surgery was successful, he would need a long period of recuperation after recovery.

If he recovers well, he can live and work like a normal person, and even live to be 60 or [-] years old is not a problem.

But if you don't exercise restraint, the surgery will only be temporary.

Because of the surgery, once a problem occurs, it will worsen faster.

At this moment, Ah Si's face was pale and the bags under his eyes were blue. He looked as if he was terminally ill.In fact, he used powder to cover up the sallowness on his face.

Over the past year, he had almost never been happy or happy.

It's strange to have a good complexion.

"You are talking, are you all mute?"

Everyone lowered their heads, with bitter expressions on their faces, saying what?
Tell me why they lost so much land?
An important town like Sichuan and Shu, with an army of 15, could be conquered within three days, which shows how powerful the Ming Dynasty was.

Some people say that during the previous Lingnan War, Qin Mo had already passed through all these places. There were strong enemies outside, careful work inside, and cooperation inside and outside, so they lost so miserably.

Naturally, Ah Si would not listen to such a snake oil answer.

His ears were calloused by such words.

Gongsun Wuji had no choice but to go out and said, "Your Majesty, at this time, we still have to negotiate peace with the Ming Dynasty. I still have something to ask of Your Majesty!"

"Say!" Ah Si said coldly.

"A few months ago, His Majesty issued a document, reflecting on the past month, and finally abdicated to His Highness the Crown Prince. It is now the end of the year. Your Majesty should honor it!" Gongsun Wuji said.

Everyone fell to their knees. Although they didn't say anything, the meaning was already obvious.

Ah Si never expected that the last court meeting of the year would end with Gongsun Wuji forcing him to abdicate.

"Uncle Guo, what did you say?"

"Please, Your Majesty, fulfill your promise and never break your promise to the world!" Gongsun Wuji was neither happy nor sad, "The Supreme Emperor is already on his deathbed. If Your Majesty fulfills your promise now, the grand occasion of the Three Emperors' rule can be achieved.

Maybe it can even improve the situation of the Supreme Emperor! "

"You want me to be lucky?" Ah Si was furious, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know, I think, this is the best way, and there is no other way." Gongsun Wuji said.

If this rate is followed, the entire Daqian will fall within two years at most, and it will be captured by the Ming Dynasty bit by bit.

In many places in Daqian, people are thrown into the wind, such as Lingnan, where flags are raised in welcome in some places.

The farmers in the countryside were not afraid of the Ming army at all, but welcomed them.

Gongsun Wuji suppressed all these and did not dare to let A Si see them.

He was afraid that Ah Si would see it and get angry and end up in the hospital again.

"That's what you all mean?" Ah Si finally understood. These people are well-connected, but he holds the military power in his hands. "Come here, come here, capture this rebellious minister and traitor!"

Ah Si shouted loudly, but no one from the surrounding forbidden troops came forward.

"Where are the people, are they all dead? Let Gongsun Wuji be beaten into Dali Temple!" Ah Si looked around in disbelief. He had been the emperor for more than ten years, but he couldn't even command some of the imperial troops?
But he forgot one thing. The imperial court was restructured and the assistant ministers were actually prime ministers in disguise.

While A Si was recuperating, the auxiliary cabinet actually held overwhelming power.

As long as the six assistant ministers nod, they can surpass Ah Si.

But now, the six of them have reached a consensus and can no longer allow Ah Si to be so willful.

If we continue to be willful, the entire country will be lost.

That was the world they had worked so hard to conquer.

"You, you" Ah Si looked at everyone speechless, especially when Gongsun Wuji's face showed no joy or sorrow, he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, "Uncle Guo, you are my biological uncle, you actually Take the lead in opposing me?

Aren't you afraid that my queen mother will blame you? "

Gongsun Wuji knelt on the ground, "I am willing to die to apologize, but before that, please give me an edict to let the crown prince take charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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