big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1795 I Know Everything!

"Prince Heng, it is not wise to defend to the death." Li Xindao.

"Don't you understand yet? The Ming Dynasty landed from Bohai County and Annan, and then encircled them from the Western Regions. It is clear that they are surrounding three and missing one.

If we go to Jiangnan, are there any high cities there?

That side is close to the sea, so it is the easiest for the Ming Navy to attack.

Besides, once the capital is moved, Daqian will lose all the people's hearts.

Even if the imperial capital is lost, will Daqian still be Daqan? Li Daoyuan paused and continued: "I would rather die standing up than live on my knees. What can I do if I linger for a while?"
It would be better to kill him happily. "

Li Xin sighed and looked at the others.

The rest of the people agreed with Li Daoyuan's statement.

“Since Ming Dynasty does not agree to the peace talks, let’s fight to the end and turn the compensation into military expenditures.

It is impossible to move the capital. We would rather die to defend the capital. "Gongsun Wuji said.

Several people had expressions of despair on their faces.

Subsequently, Li Daoyuan mobilized an army from the surrounding areas, bringing the number of troops in the capital to as many as 30.For a capital city with a population of nearly 30 million, an army of [-] is not much at all.

Moreover, Li Daoyuan is still recruiting soldiers.

Although the reputation of the imperial court among the people once collapsed, there are still many people who are sober and join the army to protect their families and country.

This brings the reserve army to more than 7 people.

If there are many people, it may not necessarily be effective, but if there are few people, it will definitely be useless.

Even if you sacrifice your life, you still have to defeat Ming Dynasty.

There was a rush to join the army in the capital, and everyone was rushing to defend the capital.

At the same time, Li Shilong supported his sick body and listened to Li Daoyuan's report. After the spring came, his condition did not improve, but continued to worsen.

The oxygen bottles have also been used up, but the latest ones were delivered a month ago.

This made Li Shilong feel particularly uncomfortable.

That bitch was being nice to him at the same time.

But he could only accept it.

Without oxygen bottles or the oxygen supply machine sent by Daming, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold on for even one day.

"Old Emperor, the defense around the capital has now been completed. There are a total of 37 troops. Wei Chen and others have discussed and hope to gather 50 troops." Li Daoyuan said.

"How is the situation over there in the Western Region?" Li Shilong asked.

"All our territory in the Western Region has been occupied." Li Daoyuan felt a little melancholy, but quickly said: "Old Emperor, one day, we will be able to get all these territories back."

Can I get it back?
Li Shilong didn't have the slightest confidence in his heart.

If he could be 30 years younger, he would definitely not be afraid, but now, he is like this and can't see the future.

It is even difficult to say whether it can last until the Ming Dynasty is defeated.

Ah Si was imprisoned and played night after night. He was extremely disappointed in his heart.

It is difficult to achieve great things by giving up on oneself.

Perhaps, he was wrong from the beginning.

Flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand strong winds and waves.

Maybe Qin Mo knew it from the beginning.

The capable 56-24 all entered the research institute, while the least capable [-] became the emperor.

Li Shilong dispersed the dissatisfaction in his heart. It was meaningless to say this now.

No one in the court could carry the banner, and he, a half-dead man, was asked to stand up. This made Li Shilong feel that all his life's hard work had been in vain.

How high-spirited you were when you were young, how miserable you are in your old age.

He was even thinking that if this was retribution, then all the revenge would be on him alone.Wasn't his old age miserable enough?

How miserable can it be?
Will even his country be destroyed?

Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and finds himself back in the night of the conspiracy many years ago.

His wife, brother-in-law, and confidants were all around him, plotting what to do.

He thought that if he had done nothing at that time and was helpless and just let Jianyuan be beaten to death, maybe Daqian would be different.

He also often dreams that if he had stopped Lao Ba's thoughts at that time, maybe Daqian would not have fallen into this situation.

"Continue to recruit troops, 50 is not enough, just 60, 70!" Li Shilong said: "If we don't use the wealth we have accumulated over the years, how long will it take?"

As Li Shilong spoke, he coughed violently. Empress Dowager Gongsun hurriedly gave him some relief. After a while, Li Shilong calmed down and said, "Don't have any hope for the Ming Dynasty anymore, they will not hold back any more.

Once that bitch lets go of his inner restraints, he becomes the most cruel person in the world. "

Perhaps, if he dared to do this, he expected Qin Mo to be a person kidnapped by inner constraints.

But Qin Mo has never been an honest person.

Once he breaks free of his own shackles, he becomes his most formidable enemy.

Perhaps, he and Qin Mo would never reconcile again.

But he really wanted to see Qin Mo again, even just once.

He knew very well that as long as he could see Qin Mo, that guy would definitely stop.

It's a pity that he didn't reply, just like he didn't see it.

He doesn’t want Daming’s friends anymore.

He doesn’t want his father anymore.

He doesn't want those students anymore.

He let go of all the ties he had.

How can you stop a person who has no bonds?
Empress Dowager Gongsun couldn't help but said: "This Jingyun is so heartless, he really doesn't have any mercy at all."

"Shut up!" Li Shilong suddenly raised his voice, "What right do you have to blame him for being ruthless?"

Empress Dowager Gongsun never expected that up to now, Li Shilong was still defending Qin Mo, and the anger in her heart was rising, "Yes, yes, in your heart, your son-in-law is the best, better than your son and wife." ten times.

Even if he hits you, your father-in-law, now, you still think he is right.

Why am I not qualified to blame him?

How kind I was to him back then, how much I regret it now! "

Li Shilong looked at his wife and shook his head, "Do you really think I don't know anything? Niannu, I have always pretended that I don't know anything."

Empress Dowager Gongsun said: "I didn't do anything!"

"But you did everything." Li Shilong said: "There is nothing wrong with human nature. This throne was originally not for Ah Si, but in the end it was Ah Si."

Empress Dowager Gongsun stopped talking.

Li Daoyuan was so frightened that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Is this something you can hear too?

He didn't know what Empress Dowager Gongsun did, but it must not have been a good thing, otherwise Li Shilong wouldn't have said that.

He quietly withdrew and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Since ancient times, there have been many secrets in the palace. Some secrets can be heard, and some secrets can kill people if they are heard.

He didn't know why the throne fell on A Si, but there must be some unknown secret in it.

Actually, if you think about it, which one out of 56 and [-] doesn't have more advantages than Ah Si? (End of chapter)

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