big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1799 Great Virtue!

Chapter 1799 Great Virtue!

Although Li Zhao still didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, he still nodded obediently, "My grandson will definitely keep in mind what the imperial grandfather said."

"Go!" Li Shilong touched his grandson's head and said lovingly.

Li Zhao hesitated, but he really missed his mother so much. After saying goodbye to Queen Mother Gongsun and Zan Ying, he trotted out of Da'an Palace.

Seeing this scene, Li Shilong said: "It is human nature for a child to miss his mother. I hope both of you can look at the child's face and calm down."

Soon, Li Zhao arrived at the Li Zheng Hall, "Mother, mother, open the door, it's me."

In the palace, Qin Shuangshuang was practicing the martial arts taught by his father one move at a time.

She had never caught an embroidery needle since she was a child, and her father and brother did not allow her to touch it.

When I was a child, although my mother taught me, I never learned it.

In her opinion, women also need to have a healthy and strong body.

When she heard the childish figure outside the door, she trembled and hurriedly opened the door to look at the child she had not seen for many days.

Tears came out instantly. She hugged the child and said, "Son, why are you here? I miss you so much!"

When Li Zhao saw his mother, he couldn't stop crying, "Mom, today I begged the emperor's grandfather and I was able to come here. I, I will wait for some time and I will bring my sister with me. Don't worry, my sister is doing well." .”

Qin Shuangshuang looked outside and found that the only person following Li Zhao was a young eunuch. This eunuch had a warm smile that Qin Shuangshuang had never seen before.

"Did you ask your grandfather to come here?"

Li Zhao nodded, "Yes, mother, you have suffered. Don't worry, I will bring my sister next time."

Qin Shuangshuang looked at the young child, but he was so mature, and felt even more indebted. She held the child tightly in her arms, but she had many questions in her heart.

With Ah Si's hatred for him, he would definitely not teach his children this.

He might say all sorts of things about himself in front of his children.

So after thinking about it, someone must be teaching Li Zhao behind his back.

"Did someone teach you this?"

Li Zhao hesitated, and finally shook his head, "No, I heard the palace people talking secretly, so..."

Hearing this, Qin Shuangshuang did not continue to ask. The child did not hate her. She was very satisfied that this person could teach the child to be like this.

Moreover, she had a certain guess that this person must have been arranged by her eldest brother in the palace.

In this case, it is better not to expose him.

For example, the eunuch standing at the door is most likely.

From the beginning to now, he has always stood far away and never listened. Ordinary eunuchs are not so smart.

"Mom, can you get out of here? Grandfather said that you can leave the Lizheng Palace now and go wherever you want." Li Zhao held his mother's hand and said, "Shall we leave here?"

Qin Shuangshuang shook her head, "Now we can't leave. Mom won't go there now."

When she wanted to leave, they refused to let her go. Now, although she still wants to leave, she won't.

If she returns to Daming at this time, it will undoubtedly be a stab in the back, and she cannot do such a thing.

Therefore, she wants to stay here and watch how Daqian is destroyed.

Even if she leaves, she still wants someone from Ming Dynasty to pick her up.

Li Zhao was anxious, "Mom, why?"

"You are still young and don't understand. Anyway, mother is here with you in the palace." Qin Shuangshuang said to Li Zhao: "Remember, no matter what bad things they say about your uncle to you, you don't listen. Your uncle, Is the best person in the world.

They will rescue the three of us, mother and son. "

"Mom, why did uncle hit us? Besides, I'm living a good life."

A four-year-old child understands the twists and turns involved.If he can understand this, he is considered precocious.

Qin Shuangshuang doesn't blame him. When he is older, he will understand.

"Remember what mother said, take good care of your sister." Qin Shuangshuang touched the child's head, and even if she didn't say anything, she just looked at him quietly, which made her very satisfied.

Li Zhao nodded, "Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of my sister."

He was a small furry kid, but he nodded his promise to his mother very solemnly.

However, he didn't understand why his mother left here.

He has too many questions.

Li Zhengdian stayed with his mother for half an hour before Li Zhao couldn't bear to leave.

Looking at the palace door that was closed again, Li Zhao said to the eunuch beside him: "Dade Master, why did my mother not leave even though my imperial grandfather had already allowed her to leave?"

The virtuous eunuch sighed slightly, "Your Majesty, if the empress wants to leave, no one in Dagan can keep her.

She could have left, but she stayed in the first place because of you and the princess.

Now she can leave, but it is for the sake of the breath in her heart.

There is a saying that goes like this: Buddha competes for a stick of incense, while people compete for a breath. "

Li Zhao was thoughtful.

In the view of the virtuous eunuch, Qin Shuangshuang was right not to leave now.

If she leaves, wouldn't the suffering she has endured in the past two years be in vain?
If she returned to the Ming Dynasty, would it be embarrassing for the Ming Dynasty to send troops?

When the time comes, no one will be able to blame Qin Shuangshuang for today's disaster.

At first, Princess Jing'an was welcomed back.

Today, can Princess Daming walk back by herself?
It would be so embarrassing to tell anyone.

After all, it's still a calculation.

If it were an ordinary woman, even the pain of these two years of imprisonment would be unbearable.

What is the difference between Qin Shuangshuang and being relegated to the cold palace?

After all, the emperor treated her very excessively back then.

"My mother, you have suffered a lot here. Your Majesty, you must not listen to those people and let your mother suffer all this in vain.

You know who loves you and who doesn't. "The virtuous eunuch reminded again.

Li Zhao nodded, "I know it very well!"

He knew that his father didn't love him, nor his sister.

He also knew that those ministers seemed to respect him in front of him, but in fact they all blamed himself and his mother.

Many people blame their mother and themselves for Daqian's failure today.

Although he is young, he can feel the attitude of people around him towards him.

"Don't worry, Dade, I understand." Li Zhao's face lost the lightness just now, and he frowned.

The virtuous man sighed in his heart, why should children know about these conspiracies?

If it weren't for him, this child would have been led astray by those people long ago.

Li Qian's education is really rotten from the root.

"This is really retribution. Whatever the beginning, there will be consequences." The great virtue thought so, but such days should not last long. When the Ming army leaves Sichuan and Sichuan, they will attack the capital of Daqian. It's just a matter of time.

At that time, East and West were unified and everyone was our own people!
(End of this chapter)

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