big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1803 Don’t move!

Li Cungong retreated continuously. Now the Ming army was only [-] miles away from the capital. It was really the biggest crisis since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, Lobu gathered together for a sneak attack and approached the city with troops, but they did not dare to attack the city at that time because they were absolutely invincible with the help of the high walls of the capital.

They are just afraid that if they join forces with the Northern Slaves, they will cause harm to the people of the North.

But now, Ming Dynasty is working step by step, digesting every place it conquers.

If they cannot capture the capital in one day, they will spend ten days; if they cannot capture the capital in ten days, they will spend a hundred days.

One goes and the other goes, Daqian has lost so much territory, and there will always be a day when it can no longer hold on.

"Old Emperor, what should we do now?" Gongsun Wuji was very resourceful, but this time, there was no other way. He felt that his wisdom seemed to have been exhausted.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is useless.

Especially when the army is pressing down on the situation, except for a beautiful victory, anything else is in vain.

Unless infectious diseases are spreading widely in the Ming army, or the generals suddenly make many stupid decisions.

But the Ming Dynasty's military structure was destined to be extremely difficult.

As for spreading infectious diseases, it will undoubtedly kill eight hundred enemies and cause one thousand losses to oneself.

This is in your own country. Once an infectious disease spreads, your soldiers and people will all die.

Counting the changes of dynasties, massacres, and flooding of cities, such harsh methods have never been used.

Li Shilong said: "If it doesn't work, just move."

The word 'du' was stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say it out.

Moving the capital can indeed protect the country for a while, but it cannot protect it forever.

He couldn't help but think of what Qin Mo said: If you don't cede territory, don't pay compensation, don't pay tribute, don't call yourself a minister, the emperor will guard the country, and the king will die in the country.

I have also included this sentence in the national law. If I move the capital now, I will undoubtedly be afraid.

People can die, especially the Khan of Heaven.

He would rather die in the capital than die on the road to move the capital.

He would rather future generations evaluate him as a staunch emperor than say that he was greedy for life and afraid of death in his later years.

Gongsun Wuji looked at Li Shilong and his eyes lit up. He was looking forward to Li Shilong saying those words.

"If it doesn't work, then just hold on, mobilize the armies from all directions, and fight to the death with the Ming Dynasty!" Li Shilong said, and then he coughed violently.

Gongsun Wuji sighed secretly. Sure enough, Li Shilong was still the same Li Shilong who would rather die than run away.

Li Daoyuan also breathed a sigh of relief. After Li Shilong calmed down, he stepped forward and said: "Old Emperor, I am willing to step forward to assist Chengjun Wang."

"You should guard the capital." Li Shilong waved his hand. Li Daoyuan and Li Cungong were two equals. Although they could have worked in the past, there is currently no one available in the court. All the veteran generals are dead, and all the surviving ones have been dispatched.

Either they were guarding the place, or they had died in battle or been captured.

Those young generals may not be afraid of death and have strategies, but it may be okay to let them serve as vanguards. They cannot command such a large battle to guard the capital.

Li Daoyuan thought for a while and nodded. There is really no one in Beijing who can take the lead at the moment.

The royal family of Longyou were ready to fight against the Ming Dynasty.

If he leaves, there will really only be two or three big cats and kittens left in the capital.

"Pass my orders, defend the capital, fight against all odds, repel the enemy, and show off the power of my Daqian!" Li Shilong cheered up. He felt that Daqian was just like him now, like an old man in his dying years.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Several people left Da'an Palace.Gongsun Wuji said with a bitter face: "There are 40 troops in the capital. Counting the 30 brought by Prince Cheng, that's 70.

Excluding those who died in battle and were captured, there were still more than 50.

If troops are mobilized from all directions, this force should reach more than 70. "

What he means is that removing these troops will not affect other places to resist the enemy.

But there are nearly 200 million soldiers in Daqian, and they are all numerous.

If these troops were placed before, it would be almost the total number of troops in the country.

But not now. With more than 70 yuan, he still feels insecure.

"How about we recruit more recruits? To form an army of one million people?"

Li Daoyuan said: "What's useful if there are more people? That's no longer a living target. Even if there are a lot of people, it can't withstand machine gun fire."

"Let them use a special thick shield to hold them up. Even if it costs you your life, you have to fight them off." Gongsun Wuji said.

Yu Boshi sighed, these soldiers are the mainstay of Daqian.

Two million soldiers represent two million mainstays. Once it fails, Daqian will not be able to recover for 200 years.

Generals died in hundreds of battles. Only the generals have their names left, but there are no graves of soldiers.

He was even thinking about continuing the peace talks with Ming Dynasty?
Or just surrender?

As soon as this idea came up, he was shocked.

Quickly dispel the unrealistic thoughts from your mind.

Li Xindao: "It's easy to recruit soldiers, but I'm afraid it's useless no matter how many people there are.

I always feel that Chai Rong is stalling for time. They are waiting for Cheng Dabao and others to come from Liaodong, as well as Qin Hei and others.

Once three armies surround the capital, it will be difficult. "

He said it more euphemistically. The Ming Dynasty's military strength has reached 60. Although such a large number of people is not as large as the Ming Dynasty's military strength, it is still an extremely terrifying number.

Because they captured a large amount of territory, seized a large amount of materials, and had military factories, they did not need to transport war preparation materials from the Ming Dynasty. They could produce most of the war preparation materials in Daqian.

This greatly reduced the pressure on Daming.

The pressure on Daqian is also increasing day by day.

Once surrounded by the three armies, it is really difficult to escape.

"Yes, I also think they are stalling for time!" Li Daoyuan said: "It seems that the other party is not trying to break through from one opening, but from three sides. Chai Rong is the most critical here and has the largest number of people.

And now that Yuchi is being driven away, if the situation is not low, Yuchi will definitely continue to retreat. "

Li Daoyuan also felt a headache. Even though there were still nearly one million troops available, it felt like they were stretched thin.

Before, Daming had been boiling frogs in warm water, and they didn't think anything of it. But now, Daming suddenly exerted force, and they only realized it later, which was horrifying.

Just like bamboo shoots, they have been hiding in the ground for the past few years and taking root silently. When they break out of their shells, they can grow more than ten meters long in just a few days.

The Ming Dynasty is like bamboo shoots springing up after a rain. By the time you find them, they are already covered with bamboo forests, which makes people helpless.

Several people put it all together, but in the end they couldn't come up with any practical and effective solution.

They used every available strategy.

As for what happens next, we can only leave it to fate. (End of chapter)

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