big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1805 Da Qian will follow in the footsteps of Da Zhou!

Yu Chixin thought ambitiously, it would be better to just pass out and die.

Looking at Qin Hei and others, he said with a cold face, "If you are here to laugh at me, then there is no need."

Qin Hei and Qin Tian looked at each other, then smiled bitterly, "General Yuchi, I have offended you many times before, please forgive me.

The death of young general Yuchi is also something beyond our control.

We have no old enmity with General Yuchi.

If you are defeated now, just take a good rest. When the mountains and rivers are unified in the future, you and I will become wise people. "

"Fuck you, who the hell wants to be a Mingren? I am a Dagan person." Yuchi Nobuo said angrily.

"General Yuchi, you were born in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and later became a Dagan man." Qin Tian reminded, "If His Majesty hadn't told you to be kind to old friends like you, do you think you could still be lying here peacefully? ?

If you lose, you lose. What qualifications do you have to shout here?

How old are you to live like a dog?

Your son's death was the result of his own incompetence in martial arts, and it was also your fault as the coach. What does it have to do with us?

Just because your son was raised by his father and his mother, our people just jumped out of the soil? "

"Then what are you pretending to do? I'll kill you or cut you into pieces."

Qin Tiantian was helpless and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Qin Hei.

Qin Hei looked at the furious Yuchi Nobuo and said, "General Yuchi, you know whether we are being hypocritical or not.

Again, your beloved son dying in battle is not what we want to see.

But what Qin Tian said is right, everyone is born from father and mother. Your son is a son, but other people’s sons are not sons?
You can ignore Daming's kindness, but you always have to consider other family members, right?
What good will it do you to make us angry?
If you drag your whole family to be buried with you, does that make you a loyal minister?
Is your little emperor considered a coward?
It should be calculated, otherwise, after twenty thousand miles of work, it would not be like this. "

"You fart, Your Majesty, he is not a fool, he was just born at the wrong time." When Yuchi Nobuxiong said these words, he seemed particularly unconfident.

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing, "You didn't believe it when you said this, right? I still remember when we were studying history, the book said this about Emperor Zhou Yang.

Emperor Zhou Yang opened the imperial examinations, dug canals, and An Beinu was a king with unparalleled achievements.

Although he is self-willed and loves great achievements, what he does is indeed something that will benefit the present generation and benefit the future.

The reason for going against Zhou was just to disturb the interests of the aristocratic family members.

The Eighteenth Route Rebel King is just a lackey of a noble family.

You must know that Dazhou at that time was not inferior to Dagan a few years ago in terms of food reserves and prosperity.

It's a pity that Emperor Zhou Yang failed to conquer Gaoli three times, but what if he wins?

Is Emperor Zhou Yang the emperor of the ages?

In the end, didn’t Daqian take advantage of Dazhou’s assets?

You know it.

The little emperor has no achievements, yet he still tries to imitate Emperor Zhou Yang?
He is not even as good as Emperor Zhou Yang.

You old man, you still think that your emperor is not a coward? "

Qin Tian sneered, and Yuchi Nobuxiong's dark face turned red.

This humiliation is much more powerful than a pure attack on life.

Yuchi Nobuxiong felt extremely aggrieved. This Qin tribesman had the same virtues as Qin Mo and didn't know what the hell he meant by respect.

Thinking of him, Yu Chi, he was also a hero, but in the end, he ended up being ridiculed by his juniors.

However, who allowed himself to be a prisoner?

Qin Hei pulled Qin Tian and then said: "General Yuchi can think about it carefully. Whether to continue to hold on to the old ideas and be loyal to Daqian, or to embrace a new future, it all depends on General Yuchi. Towards friends, Ming Dynasty has always been friendly. , Ming Dynasty will not show mercy to its enemies.

Since he is an enemy, it doesn't matter what his identity is.

There are people to be killed on the left and right, and there are corpses in the end, right? "

Yuchi Nobuo stopped talking.

Why couldn't he hear Chi Guoguo's threat?

Now that the big trend is over, they are still clinging to it, but they are just holding the whole family on their backs.

Thinking about Dou Xuanling, Du Jingming and others, they could still be their county kings in the Ming Dynasty. If they become prisoners, they don't know what they will do in the future.

Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about others, right?
Moreover, he really had no personal grudges with Qin Mo.

As they said, Yuchi died in battle domineeringly, and he himself also had a great responsibility.

He closed his eyes, the corners of his eyes were moist.

He originally wanted to save his life and die for his country, but he finally gave in.

It's not that he's afraid of death, it's that he really doesn't want his family to die with him.

Seeing that Yuchi Nobuxiong was silent, Qin Hei pursed his lips, and then walked to Li Ankang's side, "Longxi County Duke, I haven't seen you for many days. I hope you are well."

Li Ankang was injured in many places and was lying on the hospital bed. He listened to everything Yuchi Nobuxiong said to them just now.

"If you two are here to persuade me to surrender, then there is no need. I, Li Ankang, will never betray the imperial court." Li Ankang's attitude was firm.

Qin Hei smiled and said, "Is it worth it?"

"Why isn't it worth it?"

"Is it worth sacrificing your life for a foolish king?"

"Eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor are our duties as ministers. Wrapping the corpse in horse leather is the destination of the soldiers." Li Ankang was very calm. Death was not something he was afraid of.

"Well said, if you say so, I will not let you die, but I will let you watch how we besieged Daqian Capital step by step.

Once again, he determined the world step by step.

At that time, you were still alive, so it must have been very painful, right?

Our people will trample through your ancestral land and dig your ancestral land to the ground! "Qin Heidao.

"No, Qin Mo won't let you do this." Li Ankang said with a smile: "You can't do such a despicable thing."

"Are you so sure?"

"Yes, as you said, there is no personal grudge between us.

Although my father was defeated, he died of depression.

Although I am angry, I understand that I cannot blame you. "

"The Duke of Longxi is indeed enlightened." Qin Hei said: "In that case, you should join us."

Li Ankang didn't speak, no matter what they said, he just didn't speak.

The situation was over, and he knew that he was probably going to be a subjugator.

The founding of Da Qian was only 40 years ago. This is so similar to Da Zhou.

They were all at their peak, because several wars led to chaos in the country.

He once saw such a sentence in the book of Emperor Zu. He once asked Qin Mo, would Da Gan follow in the footsteps of Da Zhou?
Qin Mo's answer is, no!
But now, it is Qin Mo who is pushing Daqian to destruction step by step! (End of chapter)

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