big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1811 I am a sinner!

But no matter how unhappy you are, what can you do?

This person has passed away, and the grievances and grudges of the past have naturally disappeared.

Li Shilong took a deep breath and continued: "You came here specifically for this? However, this is indeed good news."

Gongsun Wuji smiled bitterly and said: "Xingzhou was defeated, with more than 6 casualties. Prince Cheng retreated to Xingyuan Mansion. At this time, the Ming army was only two to three hundred miles away from the capital."

Li Shilong was stunned, obviously he did not expect the Ming army to be so fast.

Gongsun Wuji was afraid that Li Shilong could not bear the news, so he hurriedly said: "Old Emperor, news has come from the front line. Prince Cheng has organized a death squad. He will die with these people and will not let them have an easy time. Please also ask the Lord Don’t worry, no matter what, the final victory will definitely be won by Daqian.”

Li Shilong's eyes were full of disappointment, both for Daqian's army and for himself.

In the initial battle of the Western Regions, he was full of confidence and felt that Daqian's army was invincible.

But in that battle, Daqian's army hit a wall.

Only then did he understand that even if Qin Mo revolutionized the army and gave Da Gan a variety of weapons.

But some people in Daqian are still stuck in the past, using the previous battle plan.

It failed to maximize the advantages of these weapons through new tactics.

The Ming Dynasty's army changed quickly with new generations. Daqian only maintained its existing achievements and did not continue to develop.

Li Shilong felt that this had something to do with Daqian's pride and complacency.

After all, at that time, Daqian was already the center of the world and the suzerain state of most countries in the world.

People from all over came to pay their respects, and the national power had reached a level that other dynasties could hardly match.

Not only the people and ministers, but also he fell into a kind of blind self-confidence.

As everyone knows, this kind of confidence was established by Qin Mo's victory time and time again.

Qin Mo won the battle through his tactics and various endless weapons.

Since losing the battle in the Western Region, many people have woken up, and Qin Mode's shadow has once again shrouded their hearts.

This time, it directly defeated the military system that Li Shilong was proud of.

He thought of what Qin Mo said, soldiers are more valuable than more.

Even if he has an army of 200 million, so what?
It was still no match for the Ming Dynasty, which had less than a million troops.

The endless new weapons are enough to make them overwhelmed.

No matter how big their treasure ship is, it will be difficult to defend against submarines and fighter planes flying in the sky.

Now, they still have tanks on land, and the castle made of steel is simply invincible on the ground. No one can resist it wherever they go.

He didn't expect that technology would develop so fast.

The emperor lived in the palace and did not understand technology. It is no wonder that he would blindly use troops against the Ming Dynasty.

It is not so much that the emperor is blind, but that he himself is blind.

This brought about today's disaster for Daqian.

"What's going on over there at Riyue Mountain?"

"The Ming army is attacking, and there is no other news yet."

"What about the Ming army in the direction of Keshuozhou in Jizhou?

"We are heading towards the capital. Dare to come."

"Where's the direction to Yizhou?"

"Yizhou has fallen." Gongsun Wuji's voice became quieter as he spoke.

Li Shilong couldn't help laughing, "Oh, this is the large army that I am proud of, an army of 200 million, but it can't stand a few 10 people.

Surrounding three and missing one tactic, you are dignified and upright, but you are unable to defeat the enemy.

This is to make me the king of subjugation! "

Gongsun Wuji was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, "Old Emperor, you will not be the king who subjugates the country, and I will not be the minister who subjugates the country. Da Gan will still be the same Da Gan. Today, Da Gan is indeed in crisis, but so We have been here for many years.

We will get through the current difficulties. "In the beginning, peace was bought with Jing'an. Now, who should we buy in exchange for it?" Li Shilong asked rhetorically.

Ming Dynasty, not Nanfan.

Qin Mo, not Luo Bu.

At that time, Nanfan was strong, but not sure.

The Ming Dynasty has surpassed the Ming Dynasty in the military. They have the best weapons in the world and the most advanced combat technology.

They keep moving forward, but we are still standing still.

Qin Mo is a person who takes one step at a time and sees ten steps ahead.

The issues you have considered, he has considered.

He also considered the issues that you didn't consider.

Do you understand?

Qin Mo's courage is beyond comparison with ordinary people.

If he takes action, he will definitely not give people any time to breathe.

People's hearts have long since dispersed, and the situation is over. "

Li Shilong said, sighing heavily, and immediately felt a tightness in his chest. He tried hard to breathe, but he felt more and more uncomfortable.

He tried all his strength, but his face turned red from holding back.

Gongsun Wuji noticed something was wrong with Li Shilong and hurriedly said: "Gongsun Wuji, come quickly!"

Zan Ying was waiting nearby. Seeing this, he rushed over.

Seeing that Li Shilong was having difficulty breathing, he rushed to rescue him. It wasn't until Li Shilong spit out the mouthful of turbid phlegm that he recovered.

Zan Ying looked at Gongsun Wuji and said, "Let's stop here today. The old prince's body can't bear it anymore."

Gongsun Wuji was also very nervous. Seeing that Li Shilong was getting better, he was relieved.

If Li Shilong gets angry because of this news, he will be a sinner.

He did not dare to stay here anymore and hurriedly said goodbye to Li Shilong.

After leaving Da'an Palace, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Looking at the people outside the palace, Gongsun Wuji glared at them, "Next time something like this happens again, let's go in and report it together!"

After saying that, he left with a cold face.

At this time, Zan Ying was giving Li Shilong acupuncture, "Old Emperor, you really can't be angry anymore. If it happens again, I'm afraid."

"How can I not be angry?" Li Shilong said helplessly: "The war has deteriorated like this, the country will be destroyed, and the country and the country will perish in my hands.

Zan Ying, tell me, what do people want in life? "

Zan Ying thought for a while, "I want to have peace of mind and understand my thoughts!"

"You're right, but my thoughts are stuck in my throat." Li Shilong said bitterly, "I can't guarantee my future!"

Zan Ying didn’t know how to persuade him.

It can only be said that today’s effect is the result of the past.

"Old Emperor, please relax and trust the soldiers." Zan Ying could only say calmly.

Li Shilong said: "Old man Nancun bullied me into being weak. Only then did I realize that the emperor's lifetime achievements are not worth his good health in his later years.

All the talk about the Khan of Heaven and the one emperor through the ages are all fake.

In the future, the world will only remember that I was the king who subjugated my country, a foolish king, and a sinner who killed his brother and imprisoned his father. "

As he said this, Li Shilong couldn't take a breath and passed out directly.

Zan Ying's scalp felt numb and he hurriedly rescued Li Shilong, but this time the rescue was not something he could do alone. (End of chapter)

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