big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1816 You are more cruel than my father!

Qin Xiuying was equally anxious, "I asked your father-in-law, and he just said, don't let me get involved in this matter."

Hearing this, Li Yulan said: "Aunt, you have to let us know what mistake the child has made, right?"

Qin Xiuying sighed and said, "I'm going to find Mo'er, but I don't know if he will see me."

For Churui's sake and the children's sake, Qin Xiuying couldn't stand idly by.

The Qin family is a big, united family. If this matter is not handled well, it is likely to create a serious family crisis.

This is not what Qin Xiuying wants to see.

"Thank you, aunt!" Chu Rui couldn't help but thank her. In just two days, Chu Rui became haggard and looked as if she had aged ten years.

Qin Xiuying took her hand and said: "Thank you no matter what, we are all one family. However, it is hard to say whether my aunt can help with this matter. If not, don't blame me."

She doesn't want to do bad things with good intentions.

Chu Rui said hurriedly: "I don't dare, and I can't complain. It was Chu Rui's incompetence in teaching his son that made him suffer today."

Qin Xiuying nodded, Chu Rui was still very sensible.

Immediately, she led a group of people to the imperial study room. When she learned that Qin Xiuying was coming, Qin Mo was helpless.

As a junior, it is not easy for me to shut out my elders. Moreover, after thinking about it all night, I can no longer avoid these women.

You have to face them.

"Open the door and let them in." Qin Mo was already ready to face it.

Soon, Qin Xiuying came in with a group of women. When she saw Qin Mo, Qin Xiuying didn't mince words and said, "Mo'er, I came here today not for anything else but for Qin Ming's affairs.

If your child makes a mistake, you should punish him, both emotionally and rationally, as it should be.

But we elders cannot remain ignorant. You have to give us an explanation today. "

Qin Mo smiled bitterly and hurriedly helped Qin Xiuying sit down, then looked at his women, and finally his eyes fell on the haggard Chu Rui, and sighed: "Forget it, since you are here, I won't hide it anymore.

It was because I, as a father, failed to educate my child well that he made a big mistake.

This guy, in the Southeast, embezzled public funds for his own benefit. He only accepted bribes from others, and also bribed officials in the Southeast.

Led by this kid, a profit network was formed in the southeast of our Ming Dynasty. These people embezzled national assets and enriched their own pockets.

That's all.

This kid took [-] concubines in two years, [-]% of which were forced.

After those girls were humiliated, they had no choice but to marry him, but there were some strong ones, and most of those women were gone.

Afraid that the matter would be exposed, he used his power to put those who knew about it in prison.

The number of murders involved is more than one can count.

Those are all the people of my Ming Dynasty, the people who support my Qin family.

That’s all, there are still some sins that I’m ashamed to say.

There are too many words to describe his crimes.

He even ran to you to cry and beg for mercy. What qualifications does he have? "

Hearing this, all the girls felt incredible. After all, the children all grew up in front of them. You Tianxin, Brother Feng, Huo Lin'er, and Niu Duzi were all in front of them. They thought that the children of the Qin family all grew up in front of them. It is good.

Even if he is not as good as his fathers and ancestors, he is still an upright man.

Who would have thought that such a beast would appear among them.

Churui's legs gave way and she collapsed directly to the ground. She was so sinful that she couldn't even say a word of mercy.

Qin Xiuying was also shocked. No wonder Qin Xiangru, who loved her grandson the most, told him not to interfere.That was the number one grandson slave in the Ming Dynasty.

But now, he actually doesn't care about it, which shows that Qin Xiangru can't get over this matter.

"Yes, but now that you have demoted the child to a commoner, is it possible that you want to send him to prison?" Li Yulan said.

Qin Mo shook his head, "Being demoted to a commoner is already the lightest punishment I can get according to the rules of the clan. Letting him go to jail will be an advantage for him.

Not only do I want the three ministers and the clan government to interrogate him, I also want to interrogate him personally.

It is stipulated in the national law that if he makes any mistake, he will naturally be punished accordingly.

The laws of the country cannot be violated. No matter who you are, you cannot trample on the fairness and justice that countless people in the Ming Dynasty paid for with their blood! "

Xiao Yurou understood. She knew that Qin Mo was determined to kill Qin Ming.

Fang Chun also frowned. When she came just now, she thought about a lot of things, but now she couldn't say them out at all.

Li Yushu said: "That's your own child!"

"It's really because he is my Qin Mo's child that I have to deal with business affairs even more. If everyone in the world thinks that the emperor's children can kill innocent people indiscriminately, rob civilian girls, and embezzle national assets, then the Ming Dynasty is not far from being over. .

How should I face the people who trust my Qin family?
How should I face those ministers who trust me?

Should I have double standards?
This bastard just wants to have fun. He has the ability. Why not go to the battlefield and kill the enemy like his brother? No matter how many ten thousand he kills, that's fine.

The world also praised him as a hero.

But now, calling him a bear is an insult to a bear.

Didn't he slap me in the face when he committed such a heinous crime in his own country?
When he did this, why didn't he think that he was my Qin Mo's son?

Why didn't he think that it would be difficult for his father?
Why didn't you think that national laws cannot be trampled upon and mercy cannot be tolerated? "

Li Yulan pulled Li Yushu and signaled her to stop talking.

Qin Mo looked at Chu Rui and said, "My child, I have always been equal to a bowl of water. I don't value anyone or underestimate anyone. I treat all children equally.

His elder brother went to places with difficult conditions, but he only went to the prosperous southeast.

The same rice feeds all kinds of people. It is impossible for all of my Qin Mo's children to be talents and heroes.

I allow them to be mediocre and unmotivated.

Regardless of the national law or the clan rules, it has been stated a long time ago that if they have no talent, I can ensure that they have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

But he should never have committed such a heinous crime.

If I forgive this sin, I, Qin Mo, will have a bad conscience.

Therefore, I must not let him off lightly.

I also hope that everyone will take this as a warning. If other children dare to do this, I will not be merciful.

Today, you come to me to intercede. This is the first and last time.

Next time, I will punish you as well.

Go back, I still have things to deal with. "

Qin Mo issued an order to expel guests.

Qin Xiuying couldn't wait any longer. If she knew that this child had committed such a heinous crime, she would never come.

Chu Rui cried silently, but Li Yushu felt that Qin Mo was too cruel, "You are more cruel than my father!" (End of Chapter)

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