big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1818 General attack!

Churui's current situation is not good. Although the sisters have taken turns to accompany her these days, Qin Ming's death still greatly stimulated her.

Seeing Qin Mo coming over, Xiao Yuju said: "She is not in very good condition. Please stop stimulating her in the past few days."

Qin Mo's face was full of helplessness, "What I do, to outsiders, is to kill relatives out of justice, but to my own people."

"Sometimes, you have to make a choice." Xiao Yuju said: "This is my own child, not someone else's. I originally wanted to say something to explain it, but I couldn't. The knife didn't fall on me. No matter what I said, OK.

But for those who are already injured, it is undoubtedly worse. "

Qin Mo nodded and glanced inside. Chu Rui was the first to follow her. Even though he had a thousand words in his heart, he also knew that it was not a good time to speak now.

"I'm just afraid of losing her." Qin Mo said.

"Don't worry, her sisters are with her and they won't let her do stupid things, and the children are also by her side." Xiao Yu said judo.

Qin Mo nodded, turned and left without saying anything else.

To outsiders, he was an upright emperor who killed relatives for justice and protected the people. But to his own people, he did seem a bit unkind.

"There is no perfect solution in the world. I saved Li Xin, Li Zhi, and Li Yue, but in the end I destroyed Daqian. This is the cause of the disaster.

If I am like before today, then Ming Dynasty will definitely make the same mistake again. "

The reason why Qin Mo made the case so big was because he hoped that the case would have a far-reaching impact.

He left the palace and found Liu Ruyu.

When Liu Ruyu saw him coming, she didn't say anything. She just gently knocked on his back and legs, handed him hot tea, and used her water-like gentleness to relieve Qin Mo's annoyance.

"I heard that my stepfather is very brave on the front line and has been promoted from a new soldier to a hundred flags." Qin Mo said.

Liu Ruyu nodded, "Yes, I didn't lose your face."

Qin Mo said: "That's all his own ability and has nothing to do with me."

Liu Ruyu smiled and said: "Of course it has something to do with you. That child hates his father and Li Qian."

Seeing that Qin Mo's expression was wrong, Liu Ruyu hurriedly explained: "It's not your fault, it's because the child has hated him since he was a child, and it was also the cause and effect they planted that made him what he is today."

Liu Ruyu still remembered how Concubine Li treated her.

The two siblings had a difficult life, and this miserable life made them hate Daqian particularly.

Qin Mo's face softened slightly, "I can understand."

"Now it is said outside that our Ming Dynasty will be able to capture the capital of Daqian within half a year at most. Have you figured out how to deal with those people?" Liu Ruyu asked.

Qin Mo sighed: "Let's wait until we actually capture the capital. As for disposal, can I still kill them?"

Liu Ruyu nodded. According to Qin Mo's temperament, as long as these people don't commit suicide, Qin Mo will probably not do anything to them.

"Anyway, I won't go back to that place again." Liu Ruyu said. For her, Daqian is a sad place, and going back will easily remind her of those bad things.

"If you don't come back, don't come back." Qin Mo waved his hand and immediately closed his eyes. He was really tired these days, busy with state affairs and housework, and was in a tangle in his heart.

I used to feel that I had endless energy, as if all the difficulties in front of me were nothing.

At this moment, Qin Mo felt stretched for the first time.

Maybe he is really old.

Although he looks like he is in his early thirties, his age is there.

Over 40, he is really no longer young.

Not long after, snoring sounded in the yard. Liu Ruyu quietly looked at the man sleeping on her lap, mesmerized for a moment.

The Qin Ming case is sweeping across the Ming Dynasty. A wave of reporting activities has been launched in the north, south, and east to report corrupt officials and injustices.Qin Mo sent many secret agents and imperial envoys to deal with these matters.

Once implemented, there will be special personnel to arrest.

This nationwide campaign lasted for two years.

It was this arrest campaign that made the public security in Ming Dynasty even better. In the future, this kind of anti-corruption storm will become the norm.

The news that Qin Ming was beheaded also reached the ears of Tianxin and others.

When Tianxin learned that Qin Ming had been beheaded, his first reaction was disbelief, but when he learned the evidence of Qin Ming's crimes, he also cursed fiercely: "This evildoer deserves to die. He has done so many evil things that it is difficult to describe.

This unfilial son makes it extremely difficult for his father to do anything. If he does not kill him, he is trampling on the laws of the family and the country. If his younger brothers and sisters follow his example in the future, Ming Dynasty will sooner or later repeat the old path of those lonely dynasties.

Killing him would hurt the relationship between the family, and it would be difficult no matter what he did! "

Therefore, he immediately sent a telegram to Qin Mo to comfort Qin Mo.

And Brother Feng, Huo Lin'er, and Niu Duzi are similar.

They all felt that Qin Mo did nothing wrong.

If such a black sheep is handled with care, more people will inevitably follow suit.

These brothers have all grown up in front of me.

But they don't know what will happen when they grow up.

It is unknown who they met and whether they learned from them well or badly.

Not everyone has the world in mind and a kind heart for the people.

Not everyone has compassion.

Qin Mo was also very pleased to receive their news.

He knew that the pain was temporary and time would heal everything.

After settling domestic matters, Chai Rong has led his team to break through Xingzhou in Daqian, and his blade is pointed at the capital of Daqian.

Cheng Dabao, Qin Hei and others also acted steadily and surrounded Daqian Capital step by step.

At present, several armies from the south are entering Beijing to protect the capital, which also gives the opportunity to garrison troops on Yizhou Island.

Those city-states with empty defenses were captured without much effort.

Qin Mo knew very well that the knife was already placed on the neck of the strong man in Daqian. With just a little force, the strong man's neck would be cut.

Thinking back to those days when I was only focused on working for the country and the people, I just wanted to do my best to do something for this era and the people of this era.

But we finally got to this point.

After receiving the intelligence from Chai Rong, Qin Mo issued an order to launch a general attack on Daqian Capital and be sure to capture Daqian Capital.

After this news was published in the newspaper, the whole country of Ming Dynasty was excited.

Who would have thought that a country that had been founded for more than ten years had built a huge capital from scratch in the wilderness, and that it would only take two years to completely defeat an ancient country.

This is incredible.

But now, they are about to do it.

Ming Dynasty will become the only symbol in this world.

Everyone will live by the breath of Ming Dynasty! (End of chapter)

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