big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1824 The Power of One Person

Ten days later, Qin Mo arrived at Xingyuan Mansion.

Chai Rong and others came to greet them early.

"I will see you, Your Majesty!" Everyone hurriedly bowed down.

"Let's all get back together." Qin Mo was in a good mood as he looked at the familiar person. He stepped forward and took Chai Rong's hand. After two years of separation, Chai Rong's hair was almost completely white.

As the coach of the Assault on the Central Plains, Chai Rong is under tremendous pressure.

Coinciding with the death of his father, as the military commander, he could no longer fulfill his filial piety. Chai Rong almost grew old overnight.

Fortunately, it's all worth it.

"Thank you for your hard work." Qin Mo patted his hand.

This sentence almost made Chai Rong's eyes red, "No hard work, for His Majesty, for the Ming Dynasty, and for Wei Chen's father and eldest brother, Wei Chen is happy to do so!"

"Go back to the camp first and talk to me about the situation."

Qin Mo got on the imperial chariot, only Chai Rong followed, while Li Yulan and others sat in the car behind.

On the way, Qin Mo said: "My father-in-law passed away without any illness or pain. I was watching in front of him. He was joking with me. As he talked, he lost his voice.

When I looked over, I thought he was asleep.

The father-in-law said that he had suffered many hardships in his life and was a very popular minister. He was lucky to be trusted by emperors of two dynasties.

He said that he was very satisfied with his life.

With a son as upbeat as you, he can die in peace. "

Chai Rong could no longer hold back and burst into tears, "Father."

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

Qin Mo patted his back, "When my father-in-law left, everyone in the city came to see me off. If so many people come to see me off when I die, then my life will be worth it."

Chai Rong choked and nodded. Qin Mo buried his father with a state funeral. The standards exceeded that of a prince. His tomb was next to the Supreme Emperor. This honor was extremely rare.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Brothers, no matter how much you say thank you, I will do all the filial piety you have not done for you." Qin Mo said.

"That's good. My father left with a smile, no illness or pain. I have no regrets." Chai Rong wiped away his tears and said to Qin Mo: "Your Majesty, the four armies are currently besieging you. The Yizhou army has restrained Xue Gui's The army has been besieging the capital for two months. The situation inside the capital of Daqian has become increasingly corrupt, and it is time to attack the city."

Qin Mo nodded, "I'm here to persuade them to surrender this time. If I can persuade them to open the door, I can avoid a bloody battle."

The Ming Dynasty had fighter jets, but Qin Mo didn't want cannonballs to fall on people's houses.

This is not conducive to the future rule of Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, you want to go there in person?" Chai Rong said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, Daqian is already risking his life. If they know that you are coming, they will probably fight tooth and nail."

"Can't you protect me?" Qin Mo asked.

Chai Rong was stunned, "Of course it can be protected, but Your Majesty, a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall."

"I'm here to persuade them to surrender. If they don't listen, we can't be blamed." Qin Mo said, "Besides, there are some old guys in the city who are very stubborn, but we can't let them die. It would be a pity to die. Yes, do you think so?"

Chai Rong sighed. He knew that Qin Mo had always had his own opinion. Now that he was here, he was ready.

"These people are ready to live and die with Da Qian. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to persuade them to surrender," Chai Rong said.

"I have to give it a try anyway. It doesn't cost much anyway." Qin Mo lit Qin Yan and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

Daqian was already on his last breath, and there was no point in resisting. It was just a fearless sacrifice.

And soon, the news of Qin Mo's arrival in Daqian also spread to the capital of Daqian.

After the people learned the news, they also talked a lot. "Have you heard that Qin Mo is here to do something big?"

"What is he doing here? Could he be personally commanding the siege?"

"If that's the case, then we really have no hope at all."

Powerlessness and despair spread among the crowd.

Who is Qin Mo? He was the former No. [-] military god of Daqian, and a more powerful killing god than Liu Chenghu.

This is the existence of one person ruling one country.

Now that he has personally come from Ming Dynasty to supervise the battle, who can resist?
Not only the common people, but also many people in the army are afraid.

The Ming army without Qin Mo's command would have been so powerful, but with Qin Mo's command, the Ming army would not be able to reach heaven.

Oh, there are people like them in heaven.

Anxiety and panic also spread among the troops.

Although many people boasted that Qin Mo was also a human being and would bleed even if he was stabbed.

But if he is the emperor, will he personally lead his troops to kill him?
Think about it and know that this is impossible.

But now, the capital of Daqian is besieged, and they have no other way except a fierce battle.

When Li Cungong and others learned that Qin Mo was coming, they couldn't help but be startled, "Why did this kid come in person?"

"I'm afraid this bitch wants to destroy Daqian himself." Li Daoyuan slammed the table angrily.

"I think this bitch came here to see our jokes in person." Yu Boshi said angrily.

Li Xin said nothing, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. The fear of Qin Mo was a lingering shadow in his life.

Gongsun Wuji also smiled bitterly. Gongsun Min was captured, and now Qin Mo is afraid that he will come to collect the debt in person again.

"Qin Mo is not as boring as you think." Tang Jian said: "In my opinion, he is not here to supervise the battle this time.

With or without him, this battle would still have to be fought.

Surrounded by four armies, is there any other way besides fierce fighting and siege?

The capital city has been infiltrated into a sieve. We must not only be on guard against the Ming army, but also on guard against the knife coming from behind.

I think when the war breaks out, those people will stab you in the back! "

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!" Yu Boshi cursed, and then said: "No matter what Qin Molai does, we will try our best to kill him.

This arrogant guy actually dares to go to the front line at this time.

As long as he is killed, these Ming troops will be defeated without attack. "

"Naive, they have reached this point, will they defeat themselves?

They will attack even more crazily. Don't forget, there are many princes in the Ming Dynasty. Even if Qin Mo is gone, there are still three generations of Qin, and even the fourth generation has come out. Qin Xiangru is still there and can still control the overall situation.

The death of Qin Mo cannot shake the entire situation. Tang Jian hummed.

"Old dog Tang, do you think you have been brainwashed by Qin Mo? Ever since you came back from Xijing, you have been acting strangely." Yu Boshi rolled up his sleeves and cursed: "If you say such words that shake the morale of the army, I will follow you. You fought hard!”

Tang Jian smiled disdainfully, "You have such great ability, why don't you go to the battlefield and charge!"

"You don't think I dare? When that happens, I will wear armor and go into battle in person. Even if I die, I will die on the battlefield.

Never be that dog that loses its family and the person that loses its country! "(End of chapter)

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