big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1836 is wrong, you are all wrong!

"Haven't you been the emperor for a long time?" Qin Mo said with a smile.

This sentence made Li Shilong grit his teeth in anger, "Sure enough, he has been pampered for a long time, and he is no longer the same."

"Father, why are you so angry? This emperor was not snatched from under your ass!" Qin Mo was so angry that he would not pay for his life.

The people around him wanted to laugh after hearing this, but when they thought about the current situation, it was unreasonable to laugh, so they held back.

Gongsun Wuji thought to himself: "This bitch controls the atmosphere to a terrifying level. I just want to laugh after seeing such a chilling scene. It's really weird!"

Let alone the others, the scene of Qin Mo scolding Li Shilong in the Tai Chi Palace in the past appeared in their minds, as if it touched deep memories, making the corners of their mouths rise unconsciously.

Yu Boshi noticed his movements and hurriedly looked around and found that they were all similar to him. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. He rubbed his cheeks and said, "You must never laugh again."

Li Xin also smiled bitterly and shook his head. How could he be attending a meeting alone? He was obviously here to visit relatives, right?

Qin Mo's courage is unmatched by anyone in the world.

He was taken.

Even if you hate some people so much that you still have to accept them.

Ah Si was furious at the side, but no one paid any attention to him, which made him feel like a clown.

"Who doesn't know how powerful your Majesty the Ming Emperor is? Stop talking nonsense and get down to business!" Li Shilong said. He knew that this bitch had always been eloquent. If he continued to talk nonsense, something might happen. Come.

Qin Mo cupped his hands and said, "My son-in-law came here this time to ask my father to surrender."

Li Shilong said: "That's impossible. What you said is that the emperor defends the country and the king dies in the country. If you surrender today, wouldn't it be reneging on your promise? Even after I die, I will be infamy for thousands of years!"

Seeing Li Shilong use his words to attack him, Qin Mo said: "This time and that time, the emperor guarded the country and the king died in the country. That was for the invasion of foreign tribes. Is the Ming Dynasty a foreign tribe?

Or am I an outsider in the eyes of my father? "

Just when Li Shilong wanted to say yes, Qin Mo said: "Most of the people of the Ming Dynasty were immigrants from Daqian. Not only do they share the same origin, but they also share the same culture.

We are like brothers who are separated. I took over the throne from my father. My father is not here today, otherwise it would be equal to my father talking to you about this matter.

My father, I followed you when I was a teenager, conquered the world, was injured all over my body, and saved you many times, so I won’t go into details.

You promised my father a life of prosperity and wealth.

So, this is a conflict between brothers.

Therefore, the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies. The country is not suitable to be used here.

Moreover, today, my father dragged his sick body and came here, and he has already achieved this sentence.

In the eyes of my son-in-law, it is enough to reflect the character of his father and the integrity of his father.

However, these hundreds of thousands of soldiers are also hundreds of thousands of families. If the war continues, every household will be hung up with white sails, and it will be difficult to recover in less than 30 to [-] years.

My father thinks, does it make sense to use the lives of tens of thousands of people to strengthen his own integrity?
If it's a foreign race, not to mention hundreds of thousands of people, even millions of people, it doesn't matter. "

Li Shilong said: "Don't threaten me. Ask others if they are willing to surrender!"

"I don't want to!"

"I don't want to surrender!"

"I would rather die than surrender!"

Everyone responded one after another, and the sound was so loud that it made people's eardrums hurt. It took a long time for the sound to stop.

Qin Mo smiled and gave everyone a thumbs up, "You really have some backbone!"

However, next, he changed the topic, "You guys, have you thought of your parents, wife and children at home? I, Qin Mo, can proudly say that as of now, it is only a matter of time before we can conquer the capital.

I came here today. Am I, Qin Mo, not afraid of death?
Not also!

I, Qin Mo, am here to save you!

Maybe it sounds harsh to you, but it’s the truth.Originally, I only needed to be on the opposite side, giving orders, waiting for the army to enter the city, and then I could take over the capital.

But I don't want to.

I'm still here.

I knew there would be danger and even death, but why did I come here?

Because there are my relatives here. "

Qin Mo said loudly: "The prosperity of the capital today is due to me, Qin Mo, and the prosperity of Daqian today is due to me, Qin Mo.

There are traces of me in many places here.

Many people trust me.

You say, can I watch them die?

You may say that I, Qin Mo, am hypocritical for saying such things while attacking, but I tell you.

If your sister is bullied, will you swallow it?

I, Qin Mo, established the World Association and governed the world together with Da Qian. Is it a lie?
If I let Ah Si pass, would I do anything to him?
I, Qin Mo, came to Daqian twice. Am I dead?

It was your emperor who used the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman. Originally, the Qian Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty divided the east and the west.

I don’t say eternal peace, but I have promised my father that I will never take action against Da Gan while I am here.

But why should I treat my good intentions as nothing?

If I, Qin Mo, wanted to conquer the world, I would have rebelled long ago. Why would I drag my family with me and go overseas to seek a chance to survive?
Is it my, Qin Mo's fault? "

Qin Mo asked loudly, "This evil deprived my nephew of his power. Everyone in the world knew that what he did was wrong, but no one stood up to correct him.

What do you ministers do for food?

As soon as I, Qin Mo, leave, will you all become a loser? "

Li Xin and others were ashamed.

The soldiers were speechless.

"Originally, I wanted to let the army push over directly, but I thought, if we continue to fight and let the hatred continue, wouldn't this be a kind of harm?
So here I am, I want to stop my losses now and I am willing to give in.

I can keep Daqian's Guozuo, but things must be unified.

At that time, the world will be divided into nine states, and those who govern the world will still be the people of the Central Plains.

I, the Central Plains, will stand on top of the world forever and ever.

I, Qin Mo, am not willing to cause more killings for my own selfish desires.

In my lifetime, the number of enemies that have passed through my hands, or died indirectly under my hands, is not 200 million, but 150 million.

Everyone in the world calls me a human butcher.

But I really don’t want to get my hands on my own blood.

Of the people present, how many have been brothers and sisters with me, how many have learned new things from me, and how many have experienced themselves under my command.

Let me ask you, how can I do it?

If you say you would rather die than surrender, no one will remember your names.

History will only remember that the emperor of Daqian guarded the country, and the king died in the country, but will not remember you nameless people.

They will only say that the third generation emperor of Daqian was ignorant and ignorant, and you are abusing him for the sake of his ignorant and ignorant emperor. "

Many people were shaken. They looked around and couldn't help but ask themselves, is this kind of persistence worth it?
Is the so-called defense of the family and the country for the sake of the foolish emperor, or for the homeland behind oneself? (End of chapter)

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