big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1838 The city gate is open!

Hearing this, Qin Mo was overjoyed. He knew that Li Shilong had been shaken.

He glanced at them and said, "Those who should retire should retire, those who should take care of their old age should contribute to their country, and those who should contribute to the country should do their best. Follow the good deeds without hurting anyone!"

Li Shilong sighed, "What about me, how do you deal with me?"

"Father is still father!" Qin Mo said.

"The Li family will no longer be a royal family." Li Shilong suddenly felt sad. It is better not to be a royal family than to die.

There are nearly ten thousand people in the Li family, and those are all human lives.

"That's it, I'm tired. The wind is too strong up here." Li Shilong said tiredly: "I want to go to the hut in Qinzhuang. I haven't been there for some days."

Qin Mo quickly walked behind Li Shilong and said, "I'll push you to go!"

After saying that, he looked at Gongsun Wuji and others, "Why are you standing there in a daze? Open the city gate!"

Gongsun Wuji looked at Li Shilong, who had his eyes closed and had no objection.

Gongsun Wuji sighed, let this piece of shit give orders, and those people will not know what to write about him in the future.

Forget it, I owe him anyway.

He walked behind the city wall and shouted: "Open the city gate and let the Ming army enter the city. The war is over!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt relieved, but immediately afterwards, a sadness spread among everyone.

They all knelt down and cried loudly, "Old Emperor, we will not surrender!"

"If the country is gone, will there still be a home?"

Qin Mo carried Li Shilong on his back and walked down the stairs step by step. Li Shilong was as light as if he had no weight.

He looked at the wailing soldiers and the joyful people below, and the world seemed to be divided into two parts.

Human emotions and emotions are not universal.

Qin Mo carried Li Shilong on his back and walked into the crowd. The people separated and looked at Qin Mo with hatred, helplessness, and admiration in their eyes.

How many young people grew up listening to Qin Mo's stories, and now, this legend is right in front of them.

I heard that he led fifteen thousand troops across the grassland to capture and kill Maodun.

We also know that he swept across the Western Regions.

Now, he went to the meeting alone to persuade him to surrender, and he succeeded.

Such people really make them love, hate, respect and fear.

"Who told you to open the city gate?" Yu Boshi grabbed Gongsun Wuji by his collar and threatened to hit him.

Gongsun Wuji pushed him away, "What's the point of continuing? It will appear that you, Uncle Yu, are adamant about giving orders?
Give everyone a decent look! "

"Prince Cheng, Prince Heng, you guys?" Yu Boshi looked at the two of them, only to find that they were holding on to the wall and crying.

During the Chinese New Year, people all over the world are in dire straits.

Emperor Taizu spent seven years to pacify the world, and it has been 40 years until today.

Da Qian finally followed in the footsteps of Da Zhou.

They are no longer young. Looking back, they are already a hundred years old.

What they are crying about is that their efforts over the years have been in vain, and they are also crying about themselves.

It’s my youth that I can’t get back.

Along the way, many brothers and sisters died on the way to battle, and a few of the survivors were not covered in pain.

For the sake of an eternal cause, the yellow sand road was covered with countless corpses.

does it worth?
The two brothers couldn't stop crying.

Li Xin was also a little at a loss. His face was full of confusion. Daqian was just gone?
Ah Si was also crazy, "I am not the king of the country that has been destroyed. It was you who destroyed Daqian. I am not the king of the country that has been destroyed. It is you wastes who are so useless. Haha. I am not the king of the country that has been destroyed. No, no, wuwu." Li Xian looked at it. Looking at Li Xuan, "You can have a good rest. No one will urge you to study desperately in the future!"

As a researcher, he knew very well what Li Xuan had done.

The younger brother who was the most out-of-the-box and lively back then, now exudes the aura of death.

At the age of thirty, he is like an old man with half his foot in the soil.

Li Xuan leaned against the city wall and took out a cigarette with trembling hands.

I wanted to light it, but the firewood couldn't be lit.

Li Xian helped light it.

Li Xuan said thank you, listened to the rumble of the city gate opening below, and asked uncertainly: "Brother Fifteen, tell me, brother-in-law, teacher, have you changed?"

"No!" Li Xian shook his head and said, "This matter is Ah Si's fault. I can't blame my brother-in-law and teacher for what happened today!"

"Under the leadership of my brother-in-law, the Central Plains should be able to continue to prosper, right? In the future, there may be no more wars in this land for many years.

Look, how happy those people are laughing. "Li Xuan's mouth was full of bitterness. Those people were happy that they no longer had to fight. But for Li's rule of the world for so many years, these years of hard work seemed...not worth mentioning!
He suddenly thought of when he was studying with Qin Mo.

Qin Mo said: If you take peace of mind into consideration, the people will hold you high!
Before, he didn't understand.

Now he understands.

"That's good. At least no one is forcing me to study. I can finally have a good rest."

He sat down on the battlement. When Li Xian turned around, Li Xuan had already fallen asleep.

Li Xian was not tired, so he took off his cloak, covered Li Xuan's body, and then guarded him.

There was chaos below, with crying, shouting, and laughter.

Until Chai Rong led the army into the city and took over the city defense.

Gan Jun was like a defeated rooster, dejected.

At this moment, Chai Rong and others gathered together.

Cheng Dabao, Cheng Xiaobao, Dou Yiai, and the Liu brothers are all here.

And soon, the news reached Xue Gui's ears.

When he learned that the capital had surrendered, Xue Gui was also stunned. Li Yong said fiercely: "Captain, what's going on over there in the capital?"

Xue Gui handed over the information with a wry smile, "The war was explained. Qin Mo went to the meeting alone and went to the capital to persuade the old prince to surrender. Now Chai Rong and others have taken over the city defense of the capital.

They asked us to surrender too! "

After Li Yongmeng read the news, he was suddenly shocked and burst into tears, but he felt happy in his heart, "Those people are still alive. I knew that fool could not be so cruel. He is our eldest brother, how could it be possible?" Watching your elders die before your eyes."

Li Yongmeng was sad that Daqian had come to an end, but he was happy that his closest relatives were all well.

Qin Mo went to the meeting alone, and he knew exactly why.

That guy is still acting like this.

He knew that he might lose his life, but he still went without hesitation.

Xue Gui sighed and said: "Send an order to cease the war. There is no point in continuing the fight."

Qin Mo finally destroyed Daqian.

This reminded Xue Gui of the scene before Qin Mo went to sea many years ago.

"Captain, I did it!" Xue Gui thought in his heart, "Maybe this is the best!"

No one knows what Xue Gui is thinking, and no one knows that Xue Gui is Qin Mo's biggest chess piece in Da Qian! (End of chapter)

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