big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1846 This should be the result of the great alliance!

"Think about it, Qin Mo, an enemy, can risk his life to save his people, so what can he, the old prince, do?

Qin Mo was extremely brave, but why didn't he kidnap the old emperor with his morality?

So, this is where Qin Mo is different from others.

He has survived from desperate situations many times, not because he is fierce, but because he is both coarse and fine. He is always able to make the right choice and say the right words at the right time.

Only in this way can disaster be turned into good fortune.

It's the same this time.

Qin Mo's reaction ability is the best that your father and I have ever seen in my life, bar none.

And your father and I have to accept his love.

He obviously destroyed our Li family, but can you hate him? "

Li Yongyong shook his head, "I want to hate him, but when I think of him, I feel that he hasn't done anything to regret us.

So, I can’t hate it! "

"That's it, that's what most people think. Look at how many people hated us when the Northern Zhou Dynasty fell. They hated us so much.

A person as dim as Emperor Zhou Yang had so many fans.

Our emperor, the old emperor, is a wise king, and it is obvious to all.

But now that the old emperor is still here, the country has suddenly disappeared from its heyday.

I've always wondered why.

Later, I figured it out.

If the emperor does not change the national policy set by Qin Mo without authorization, then Daqian will be on the same starting line as Ming Dynasty.

Even if they are not a match for Ming Dynasty militarily, with the support of the people, they will not lose so miserably.

Changing the national policy is tantamount to reversing the course of history.

The people have become accustomed to this kind of good life. If you let them live in hard life again, who would want it?

The Ming Dynasty has been developing at a high speed. Although the founding of the Ming Dynasty was short, don't forget that Qin Mo has been experimenting in Daqian for so many years, and the various methods and strategies he proposed are all effective and feasible.

Then on this basis, Qin Mo has the foundation to continue innovation.

The people who immigrated from the Central Plains formed the most important mainstay of the Ming Dynasty. These people could seamlessly connect with the national policies of the Ming Dynasty.

And look at how Ming Dynasty treated these immigrants. They gave them land, houses, money, and tax exemptions for having children. Some even made a fortune by giving birth to children.

When a person has no worries about food, drink and clothing, he must have higher pursuits.

That is learning and enriching the spirit.

And in this regard, Ming Dynasty is also ahead of us. Look at those novel things, which one can't enrich people's spirit?

Therefore, the founding of the Ming Dynasty was short-lived, but the miracle of creating something from scratch is exactly what they are most proud of.

They are united, they are rich and powerful, they have better strategies than Dagan based on Dagan, and their people live better than Dagan.

The ninth son of Qin Mo made a mistake when he was in power. Qin Mo personally interrogated him and beheaded him in the market.

what is this?
This is above board.

But think about it, how few people in our country have done something unforgivable, yet are forgiven?

The cost of making mistakes is so low that these people are not afraid at all.

The people are silent, but can you really keep them silent?

Impossible, even you and I are slandering, let alone others?

Qin Mo really did it.

Therefore, the official administration of the Ming Dynasty must be clear and clear. These are the places where the Ming Dynasty is strong.

The industrial foundation and scientific foundation of Daqian were all brought up by Qin Mo.Therefore, once Qin Mo left, Daqian's industry stagnated. This could not be sustained by the Sixteenth Prince alone.

The sixteenth prince is extremely talented, but there is nothing he can do.

Therefore, we did not lose unjustly.

Moreover, Qin Mo's prestige in Daqian was too high, and the people trusted him too much.

Everywhere he passed by, the people praised him.

Because he was the one who truly brought peace and prosperity, and he truly cared about the people. Do you think those people who came from suffering would not miss him?

Can you not always remember him?
Qin Mo truly accomplished the task of cultivating oneself, harmonizing one's family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world. It was unprecedented and unprecedented.

It is not an exaggeration to call him a great emperor! "

Li Daoyuan was full of praise.

Li Yongyong scratched his head, "It turns out that Qin Mo has done so much!"

"Some people are destined to be destined, so we don't have to worry about it. Qin Mo is here today, and you will definitely be reused in the future. You just need to remember one thing and do your duty well.

Our Li family has been divided into various parts of the world, but everyone is still alive. Although there are quite a few complaints, people who know clearly understand that Qin Mo has backed down.

If someone asks you to do something you shouldn't do, you must report it immediately.

The world has changed, and there is no need for us to take risks anymore.

The world is unified, and the people of the Central Plains occupy the world anyway, so it really doesn't matter who becomes the emperor.

For the common people, whoever makes their lives good is a good emperor.

do you understand? "

Li Yongyong sighed, "My son understands."

Li Daoyuan nodded, and then asked his son to put on the record player, and there was a babbling sound from inside.

As Li Daoyuan listened to the opera, his mind wandered for a long time. He seemed to see his young self, fighting with iron and steel, fighting the enemy on the battlefield.

Li Yongyong did not disturb his father, but withdrew.

As Qin Mo issued political orders one after another, the capital gradually stabilized and the population returned again.

Qin Shuangshuang was canonized as the princess of Jiuzhou and was in charge of the capital to assist Li Zhao.

And her daughter was taken by Qin Xiangru and his wife.

Princess Jingan still stayed in the capital. For her, the capital was her home. Even if Li Xue begged, Princess Jingan would not nod.

Until that day, Li Shuangan and Shanshan arrived.

Li Shuangan knelt in front of his mother and said with shame on his face: "Mom, the child is guilty."

Princess Jing'an looked at her son who was no longer young, as if she could see the shadow of Lobu on him, "What crime do you have?"

"Surrendering to the Ming army, I failed to fulfill my previous promise. It neither brought stability to Nanfan nor to stability to Daqian." Li Shuang'an said with shame.

Princess Jing'an said: "You have fulfilled your promise to me, what's wrong with you?"

She sighed and helped her son up, "The disaster that happened today in Da Qian is not your fault.

If the father knew that his grandson was so useless, I don’t know how he would feel! "

Li Shuang'an breathed a sigh of relief, "I had already given up my position when I came here. From now on, I will serve my mother filially to make up for my neglect over the years!"

Li Shuang'an was tired. From returning to Qian from the south to surrendering to the Ming Dynasty, Li Shuang'an had gone through too many wars.

At the moment, he just wants to protect his mother, be filial to her, and let her live her old age peacefully.

After hearing this, Princess Jing'an didn't say anything. She just said, "Does your brother-in-law know?"

"I haven't told my brother-in-law yet. I'll go find him later!" (End of Chapter)

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