big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1852 Ruyu enters the palace

He didn't want a figure like An Lushan to appear. An Lushan almost destroyed the Tang Dynasty.

At present, the Ming Dynasty has a larger territory than the Tang Dynasty, so the challenges it faces are also greater.

Therefore, the integration strategy must be constantly changing.

After the integration of the two countries, the number of Ming troops reached an unprecedented 230 million.

In Qin Mo's view, the country must maintain this military strength for a long time, and even continue to expand it to deal with various problems that may arise at any time.

According to the population ratio, it is about thirty to one, but including officials, the ratio is about twenty to eighteen to one.

This tax ratio is still acceptable.

This ratio is acceptable under the premise that there is no agricultural tax or corvee labor.

After a few busy days, Qin Mo also comforted the other women one by one.

Finally, he left the palace and came to Liu Ruyu's side, "Stepher himself wants to stay in Daqian, and I can't stop him."

Liu Ruyu didn't say anything. When a child grows up, it's not up to his mother. When a child grows up, he has his own choices. "Now, you have given me a bad breath."

"You can't say this. If A Si hadn't tried to commit suicide, I wouldn't have been able to vent this bad breath on you." Qin Mo said with a bitter smile.

"Anyway, you just took it out on me, so I have to repay you!" Liu Ruyu's eyes filled with water. As she grew older, she became more charming than when she was young. This time, Qin Mo was able to Can't stop.

It was the same this time. Qin Mo watched her repay in her own way. The ultimate way of repaying was something Qin Mo had never experienced before.

"When did you learn this?" Qin Mo asked in surprise.

"I was just trying to figure it out." Liu Ruyu muttered vaguely, and repaid her with even more effort.

Qin Mo watched with squinted eyes, and after Liu Ruyu reciprocated, his whole body softened into mud.

"After a few days, my parents said they would go back and have a look."

"Anyway, your father has retired, so just go back." Qin Mo sighed with satisfaction.

Liu Ruyu circled her fingers on Qin Mo's chest, "I should go back with you, that would make me more angry!"

"It's all over." Qin Mo comforted him: "From now on, looking forward, this is the best arrangement now!"

Liu Ruyu suddenly said: "Brother Qin, I want to enter the palace to serve you!"

Qin Mo was very surprised, "Why do you want to enter the palace again!"

"The last rope that restrains me is gone." Liu Ruyu gathered the hair scattered around her ears, "From now on, I can serve you anytime and anywhere."

Qin Mo did not refuse. He had said earlier that he wanted Liu Ruyu to enter the palace. Li Yulan even talked to her personally, but he could not persuade her.

It seems now that she still had concerns at that time.

Now that Da Gan is gone, the last thorn in her heart is gone.

"Okay, then choose a good day and enter the palace." Qin Mo said, stroking Yu's back.

Liu Ruyu rested for a while and then continued to repay Qin Mo. She repaid Qin Mo three times in a row until she couldn't even lift her fingers before she gave up.

Qin Mo had never seen that kind of madness. Liu Ruyu was like a wild horse running wild, galloping wildly, as if she wanted to release the last bit of grievance in her heart.

After she stopped, she was reborn from the ashes and looked radiant, as if she had lived a second spring.

Liu Ruyu's entry into the palace was just a small incident, and the girls were not surprised. Even if Liu Ruyu didn't enter the palace, wouldn't there still be few meetings with her?
Everyone has become accustomed to it. There are more people in the palace and more people playing mahjong.

Qin Mo's harem is relatively peaceful, although occasionally there are conflicts and even quarrels. Just like Gao Yao and Fang Chun, they quarrel every three days and fight every five days, but they are still good sisters afterwards.Over the years, everyone has become relatives.

Noisy is what it tastes like.

But in recent years, the children have grown older, and except for a few younger women who still have children, there have been fewer and fewer children.

But even so, Qin Mo's heirs have reached a very exaggerated level.

In the past, it was a group of women with a group of children, but now it is a group of women, a group of big children, staring at a few small dolls.

Qin Mo is even busier. Even if the cabinet and secretariat staff are expanded, Daqian's government affairs will be summarized in two days and then sent to Qin Mo via telegram.

Most of these government affairs have been dealt with, and only some important matters have been selected for Qin Mo's advice.

This ensured the power of Emperor Qin Mo, but the official duties left behind after thousands of screenings were still numerous.

Qin Mo now has to spend two and a half hours every day to deal with these things, otherwise he can only continue working in the afternoon.

This made Qin Mo very dissatisfied with this work efficiency.

For him, working for two hours a day is already the limit.

While busy, Qin Mo crossed over from the fourth year of Yong'an to the fifth year of Yong'an.

After a year of integration, the exchanges between the east and west have become even closer.

People move to Xijing every day, come here to live and settle, or come here to do business, study abroad, or make pilgrimages.

Qin Mo's reputation spread far and wide, and Ming Dynasty became the greatest country in the world.

Many pilgrims appeared on the other side of the sky. They regarded Qin Mo as the incarnation of Buddha and traveled thousands of miles to come here to worship.

Every day outside the Meridian Gate, thousands of pilgrims kneel down and pray for Qin Mo.

Gradually formed a kind of landscape in Xijing.

Qin Mo also had the Zhenfo Temple built not far away, and the Ziwei Star Gate opposite.

It is not easy to integrate the east and west. In one year, there were more than ten rebellions in Daqian.

It's a rebellion, not an uprising.

After the suppression, Qin Mo accelerated the integration of the two sides and once again convened ministers to revise the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

For Qin Mo, the law is not static, but must be adapted to complex situations.

Finally, Qin Mo set the tone and held a national conference every eight years to discuss revisions to the law and unreasonable aspects.

At the same time, speed up the navigation channel.

The first-generation fighter aircraft has been put into civilian use, while the second-generation fighter aircraft is still the trump card of the military. The third-generation fighter aircraft, based on the performance of the second-generation fighter aircraft, has a longer range, a larger body, and a greater load capacity.

But it still doesn't reach the level of being able to sail thousands of miles.

Qin Mo estimates that when fourth-generation fighters or fifth-generation fighters enter service, third-generation fighters can be phased out and become civilian aircraft.

The endurance of the third-generation fighter aircraft has reached [-] miles. For use as a passenger aircraft, the endurance is a bit short, but if there is an emergency, it is faster to fly.

Qin Mo sighed, "I don't know if I will ever have the chance to see a large passenger aircraft that can travel thousands of miles. An aircraft of that level is a reflection of the highly developed industry. The current Ming Dynasty is still a little behind."

Speaking of this matter, we have to say that the newly developed radar and the rocket project that were put on the agenda by Qin Mo in the early years are now space projects! (End of chapter)

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