big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1871 The general election begins!

Qin Mo originally wanted to choose an heir when he was fifty years old.

But now he is too young, looking as if he is in his thirties. He stands with his son, and some people believe him even if he says they are brothers.

You know, Lao Qin is still in a semi-retired state.

However, on second thought, it is time to start the general election.

It’s just that this general election should not be decided at once, and the election time should also be longer.

It is now the eighth year of Yong'an. If it is the tenth year of Yong'an, he can choose a prince, and then use one year to let the prince supervise the country under him and exercise his abilities, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Qin Mo is a person who considers issues comprehensively, and he does not miss this position.

After retreating, Qin Mo decided to go to Qianzhou to take charge of the situation. The situation there was still relatively complicated and needed a prestigious person to suppress it.

He wants to leave a Qianzhou without problems to future generations, rather than a Qianzhou that falls apart when problems arise in Xijing. That is not what he wants.

Is it because of his so-called great achievements that he worked so hard to defeat it?
  That was never Qin Mo's original intention.

Qin Mo rarely held court meetings, basically once every ten days, and the time for morning court meetings was also very short.

Qin Mo simplified this process. On weekdays, a large amount of work is handled by the Cabinet Department first. After processing, it is then connected with the Secretariat for refinement.

Things related to people's livelihood, construction, education, and medical care are all divided into categories. The most important ones will be put in front of Qin Mo first.

Important but not urgent items will be placed in the second pile, so the work efficiency is very fast. Although the workload has been increased, Qin Mo still has to spare two hours to work every day. His daily leisure time is tight and there is no time at all. Lazy and sleepy.

If it's a little later, I'll have to work overtime for a while in the afternoon.

If you have to take a nap, then these two hours of work will be spent in the day.

Seeing Qin Mo holding a special court meeting, everyone was curious. In the past court meetings, Qin Mo would push it as he could, and he could not show full attendance for a month.

But even so, the Ming Dynasty's chariot is still moving forward at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine.

It can only be said that the system established by Qin Mo is very efficient and practical.

"Your Majesty, is there something important?"

"Your Majesty, please tell me as soon as possible. There are still many important things to deal with in the cabinet."

"Your Majesty, to make a long story short, don't delay everyone's meeting time!"

Several cabinet ministers came out one after another.

Do you really think they only work two hours a day?
  They have endless meetings every day. Although they work nine to five, they can't help but work overtime every day.

Fortunately, the food in the palace is good, and there are people to provide food and drink at twelve o'clock. If they are tired, there is a special rest room, and there are even special health doctors to treat them. Although the work is stressful, the treatment is also very good. of.

Qin Mo looked at this man and couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, okay, I'll make a long story short. I'm about to turn fifty, and the heir has always been vacant, so I plan to start the general election!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. Start the general election?
  Doesn't that mean that there will be a competition for the crown prince's position soon?
  This is not easy.

The main reason is that Qin Mo is very young and strong. In other dynasties, no emperor would be willing to do this.

But Qin Mo is different. This guy is thinking about retiring in his twenties.

You see, he is not even fifty yet, yet he is eager to start the general election.

"Your Majesty, are you a little too hasty?"

"Yeah, it's too sudden!"

The courtiers tried to persuade Qin Mo.

Qin Mo said: "The general election I am talking about is not an immediate election. In about ten years of Yong'an, all princes who want to participate in the general election must submit memorials.

In the ten years of Yong'an, whoever does the best will decide who will be the prince.

There are still two years for everyone to prepare and plan.

In the tenth year of Yong'an, I will be fifty years old. At that time, the prince will enter the palace and oversee the country under my hands for one year. When the prince is familiar with the work, I will abdicate at the age of fifty-one. When the time comes, I will succeed the Supreme Emperor and take charge of Qianzhou! "

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but sigh. This would have been unimaginable in other dynasties.

The emperor was at his peak in spring and autumn, and he was actually willing to give up his position at the highest point and give it to his son.

It's unbelievable, unheard of.

However, this also makes everyone very happy. At least, no disgusting royal scandal has happened in Ming Dynasty.

Although some of the Qin family's children are not talented, they are generally well-behaved and sensible.

The two generations of emperors of the Qin family did not occupy positions, which undoubtedly gave a good start to future generations.

Of course, on the surface, they must still persuade Qin Mo.

But Qin Mo had made up his mind, "Don't try to persuade me, my Ming Dynasty is prosperous, but I just need younger people to represent me.

We, the older generation, are just behind the scenes, silently supporting them and encouraging them.

Ming Dynasty must never lose its determination to move forward courageously.

There is never a shortage of fresh blood. "

After hearing Qin Mo's words, everyone agreed.

Qin Mo is bold, but also conservative.

The old and new powers alternated, and Qin Mo did a good job.

Everyone had no choice but to shout long live His Majesty.

And Qin Mo seemed to be relieved of the heavy burden on his shoulders. For him, he really didn't want to be the emperor.

How can the Supreme Emperor be so comfortable?
  I have rights but not much, and I have pressure but not much. I just need to think about how to live a good life every day.

How happy would it be if a child could scold and vent his anger when he did something wrong?
  Take your wives and concubines and live the magical life you want. Isn't this happy?
  Qin Mo is already fantasizing about the beautiful life he will have in Qianzhou.

But the outside world was blown up by this incident.

The start of the two-year general election means that who is the prince will become the focus of everyone.

This is what everyone wants to know most.

After all, when the new prince comes to power, what is his governance philosophy? Does he love the people as much as the old emperor?

Or should I say, more pioneering?

This is what they are concerned about.

Thinking of this, there are different opinions.

And everyone started to place bets.

Everyone is afraid of making the wrong bet.

But Qin Mo also has many outstanding sons.

Whether it is Tian Xin, Brother Feng, or Huo Lin'er, they are all extremely outstanding people.

In the eyes of many people, the position of the general election should fall on one of these three people.

After receiving the news, Tianxin also submitted the memorial as soon as possible.

He knows his mission very well, and he just wants to compete for this position.

At the same time, he also sent telegrams to several of his brothers! (End of chapter)

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