big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1884 Entrustment

Chapter 1884 Entrustment

Yuan Zhiqiu looked at Qin Mo. It was difficult for Rentu, the emperor of all eternity, to be associated with the smiling man in front of him.

Everyone has an aura, some are serious, some are cold, but Qin Mo's is warm, making people want to get close.

"Nothing happens this time. I will stay with your aunt at home. Oh, by the way, I left this kid with you. You can take good care of me. If you do something wrong, you should teach me a lesson and clean up!" Yuan Tiangang said.

Yuan Zhiqiu was stunned, "Didn't Dad agree to let me go up the mountain?"

The main courtyard of Ziwei Star Gate is not in Xijing, but is located in Ziwei Mountain not far from Yuan Tiangang's fiefdom. Xiao Yurou and Fang Shun personally supervised the construction. After so many years of construction, it has become the Taoism in the hearts of the people of Ming Dynasty. Holy place.

Qin Mo allocates millions of dollars to Ziwei Star Sect every year, and also allocates millions of taels from his own treasury.

For Qin Mo, Ziwei Star Sect is not only a state religion, but also a means to prevent the slightest evil.

Lao Yuan is really capable.

He looked at Yuan Zhiqiu and said with a smile: "Junior brother's bones are amazing. You can see the master's inheritance at a glance. Don't worry, master, I will take good care of my little junior brother here!"

"Don't lead him astray!" Yuan Tiangang said: "Also, he is old now, please take a look and find him a suitable wife!"

The rules of the Ziwei Star Sect are different. From now on, the Taoist tradition will be inherited by the Yuan family, and the Yuan family will inherit the position of Heavenly Master for generations.

Qin Mo thinks this is safer.

"Don't worry, don't worry, in two years, let my junior brother go back with a bunch of children, and I will ensure that your old Yuan family's descendants will prosper!" Qin Mo patted his chest and walked to Yuan Zhiqiu's side, hooking his shoulder, "Little Junior brother, from now on, I will follow my senior brother and I will ensure that you enjoy the hot food and drink spicy food!"

Yuan Zhiqiu looked at Qin Mo, "Senior brother, oh no, Your Majesty, why do I think you are different from what is said outside?"

"I also have two eyes and one mouth, so I can have more objects than others?" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"That's not it. People outside say you are scary. Why?"

"In the eyes of my enemies, I am indeed terrible, but in the eyes of my friends, will they think I am terrible?

You and I are close brothers. Although there is a big age difference, in my heart, you are just like my youngest brother.

Can I be cruel to you? Qin Mo said with a smile: "You, you can stay in Xijing peacefully from now on. Qin Tian Prison happens to be short of a supervisor. You can wander around the capital first and take up the post when you get used to it."

If anything happens on weekdays, just come to me directly. "

Yuan Zhiqiu nodded. He always felt that Qin Mo was difficult to get in touch with before, but now after getting in touch with him, he found that it was not the case.

Qin Mo stayed with his father and son to eat before sending them off.

On the way back, Yuan Zhiqiu asked: "Dad, why does my senior brother seem to have experienced a great calamity?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yuan Tiangang, "Didn't I tell you not to look at the emperor's face without permission?

Who is your senior brother?

He is a man of destiny.

All those who are destined to die will have great catastrophes when they are young. Only those who have survived are called destined people. Those who cannot survive will die.

Do you know what destiny is? It is destiny itself.

Do you dare to spy on a living destiny? "

Yuan Tiangang looked serious, he rarely spoke to his son in this tone, but at this time he was shaking with anger, "If you don't want me to send someone with white hair to someone with black hair, don't look at your senior brother's appearance in the future.

What you have to do is to complete the sect's doctrine safely.

The imperial court now wants to predict the weather through the constellations to facilitate everyone's travel and achieve farming and sowing.    This is what we are going to do.

If you accomplish this, you will be worthy of me and the people of the world.

I have spied on too many secrets in my life, and it was only by good luck that I caught up with your senior brother's luck and avoided some disasters.

Only then did I meet your mother, and I was lucky enough to have two children, you and your sister.

In the future, our sect must take the people of the world as its own responsibility, benefit the people, accumulate blessings for ourselves and future generations, and then we can continue.

Otherwise, our Yuan family will not be able to handle this incredible wealth! "

Yuan Zhiqiu nodded, "Dad, I remember."

"If it happens again, you will go home and let your sister inherit the Ziwei Star Sect!" Yuan Tiangang said angrily.

Of course he could see Qin Mo's face. To be precise, Qin Mo had experienced two major catastrophes in his life, the first time shortly after he was born.

The second time was more than 20 years ago, and both were destined to die.

The first time, it was Qin Xiangru who knelt down one by one with Qin Mo in his arms.

As for the second time, he didn't know. In short, Qin Mo came back to life.

After that, Qin Mo got out of control and ended up in the current situation.

As if he realized that his tone was too strong, he couldn't help but slow down, "I know that for people like us, meeting such a person is rare in our lifetime, so you can't help but .

But we must exercise restraint. Only a person who knows how to exercise restraint can restrain his inner desires and impulses.

In our industry, the most taboo thing is desire and impulse.

Never imitate your uncle, that will only harm others and yourself! "

Yuan Zhiqiu nodded heavily, "Dad, I remember, next time, I will never read my senior brother's fortune."

Yuan Tiangang sighed and didn't say much. He rested for a night in Xijing, packed his bags, and got on the train home.

It's time for Yuan Zhiqiu to travel alone. Whether the future is good or bad, he can't follow him all the time. He has to be left alone.

Moreover, with Qin Mo's help, this child will not go astray.

However, the reason why he asked Yuan Zhiqiu to come over was because he wanted him to have a good relationship with the third generation monarch of the Ming Dynasty.

From this moment on, the Yuan family has been coexisting with the Ming Dynasty.

He could feel the roar of several newborn dragons in the Ming Dynasty, but it was still unknown who among these dragons would win.

Tianji has been deceived, and he can't calculate it clearly. If he tries to calculate it by force, he will definitely hurt others and himself.

Thinking of this, Yuan Tiangang corrected his mentality, "I have been calculating for a lifetime, do I still need to calculate when I get old?

Next, let’s write a book honestly at home and write down all the experiences in this life so that future generations can read it! "

Yuan Tiangang is no longer alone, he must also start thinking about the future of the Yuan family and future generations.

He did not dare to expect that the Yuan family would always be prosperous and developed. He only wanted his descendants to be useful people to the country, and he would be satisfied!

Ming Dynasty is an unprecedented country, and the heights it will reach will exceed everyone's imagination!

(End of this chapter)

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