big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1887 The color of Ming Dynasty is struggle!

Chapter 1887 The color of Ming Dynasty is struggle!

Tianxin was the first prince to escape death with an ordinary status, starting from a soldier.

It can be said that he set a good example for the princes of the Ming Dynasty, letting the people behind know how the princes in the new era should manage themselves.

But Tianxin's achievements are very high, which is achieved by Tianxin's hard work. Not everyone can be like Tianxin and become a hero as an ordinary person.

There are two ways to be a hero, one is to die, the other is to die and live again, Tianxin belongs to the latter.

In addition, Tianxin has been managing the poorest northern part of the Ming Dynasty. He spent nearly ten years to develop the northwest, turning it from a desert into a rich city with no shortage of water resources and gradually rich forest resources.

The education and medical care there are becoming more and more similar to those in the southeast. All of these are inseparable from Tianxin's efforts.

It can be said that in the past ten years, Tianxin has highlighted two words: struggle.

Standing here today, Tianxin was very emotional. He said: "My two brothers gave very wonderful speeches. No matter whether my speech is successful or not today, I think there is nothing wrong with what they said.

The Ming Dynasty is an inclusive Ming Dynasty, embracing all rivers.

Today, we are standing here to debate, not to fight over whose idea is correct.

It can be said that everyone’s starting point is for the people.

The conservativeness of the third child and the welfare of the second child are both indispensable parts of today's Ming Dynasty.

It’s just that, among the three of us brothers, whoever has the main idea in the future will be able to focus on developing a certain aspect first.

Then let me tell you my philosophy! "

As soon as these words came out, warm applause erupted in Fengtian Hall.

Tianxin is indeed very general-like. He did not deny the ideas of the two brothers, but affirmed their approach.

This kind of healthy competition is what everyone wants to see.

There is no river of blood, no flash of sword, although there is still competition and pressure, and there is fighting for resources, but it is much better than the changes of dynasties in previous dynasties.

Qin Mo was also very satisfied. This was the scene he had imagined.

There are no brothers belittling each other, no insults at each other, and some just talking about things.

Xiao Yurou, who was in the side hall, had a calm expression. How could the son she carefully cultivated not be outstanding?

When the applause stopped, Tianxin continued, "It has been nearly twenty years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. To become the number one in the world in such a short period of time is the greatest miracle in history.

If it weren’t for my father’s courage to risk everything, perhaps there would be no Ming Dynasty today.

So in my opinion, the future motto of Ming Dynasty should be to forge ahead, strive, and constantly strive for self-improvement.

It is good to be conservative, but that will gradually make this new country timid and afraid to move forward.

Because, my father, my grandfather, they did such a great job.

So good that we, future generations, don’t dare to break through them or question them.

My father once said, practice makes the truth come true.

Only by practicing it can you know what the truth is.

My father couldn't be right in all his decisions.

Even if his current decision-making is in line with the current situation, what about the future?

Three years from now, five years from now, or ten years from now?

Why does my father hold a symposium every eight years? Isn't it just to constantly correct shortcomings and adapt to changes in the current situation?

Only through self-effort and self-breakthrough can Ming Dynasty continue to sublimate on the original basis.

In my opinion, the reason why Ming Dynasty can stand proudly in the world is because it supports our ideas and stems from our beliefs.

If there had not been a battle in the Western Regions more than ten years ago, would there have been such a grand event today?

There won't be any.

In my opinion, my father's century-old plan is the general direction that this country will not deviate from, and welfare represents the degree of civilization of our society.

Forging ahead, striving, self-improvement, self-breakthrough and innovation are the main themes of the future!

The doctrine of saints has been popular for thousands of years, but during these thousands of years, the doctrine of saints has almost stagnated. It was not until the emergence of new learning that the stagnant theory gained new vitality, and now, hundreds of schools of thought are blooming.

Our Ming Dynasty is very pragmatic.

Be practical.

Any tool that is useful and can help us is good.

Future generations must have the courage to surpass the courage of their predecessors. Talents have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years.

Don’t you have this confidence?

Or is it that you are already used to this kind of life and don’t dare to fight anymore?

If so, I'll be disappointed.

The glory of Ming Dynasty is constantly moving forward.

It's like my father said many years ago that one day in the future, humans will be able to fly into the sky.

At that time, who dared to believe it?

But now?

Later, my father said that one day in the future, humans will fly to this universe to have a look, but does anyone still question it?

We have a telescope and can already see the starry sky in the universe. There seems to be no Guanghan Palace on the moon.

And my goal is very simple. In my lifetime, I will plant the dragon flag of the Ming Dynasty on the moon.

Thank you, my speech is over! "

Tianxin bowed to the surroundings, and the hall fell into a brief depression, and then there was endless applause.

"Okay, good point!"

"The Ming Dynasty should be a Ming Dynasty that strives, works hard, and constantly strives for self-improvement!"

"Da Ming should always be on the road, and should always be young!"

I have to say that Tianxin’s speech was very successful.

But in the end, it all depends on the votes.

When the applause stopped, Qin Mo did not express his personal opinions. He could not favor any of the three, so at this time, it was the most just thing not to speak for any one of them.

He said: "Now, everyone writes down the person they want to support on the ballot and puts it into the three big boxes in front of them. The cabinet and the Secretariat will coordinate and draw the final ballot!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. They knew that the most critical moment was coming!

Brother Feng was a little nervous. He knew that his performance in this game was not very good.

Huo Lin'er is bound to win.

He knew very well that he had made a lucky move, and he had confidence in himself.

He looked at his eldest brother. In his opinion, his eldest brother was a mountain he had to surpass.

And now, he's transcending the mountain.

Everyone wrote the name of the person they wanted to support on the ballot, and then put it into a big box not far away.

In the side hall, the women also became nervous.

It would be a lie to say I'm not nervous.

Who is ultimately in charge of this country in the future is still very important.

Li Yulan is actually the most nervous. As a queen, if his son does not become emperor, it may be a failure in the eyes of outsiders.

Xiao Yurou, on the other hand, kept a calm mind, "No matter who goes up, they are our children, aren't they?"

(End of this chapter)

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