big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1889 Father and son talk at night

Chapter 1889 Father and son talk at night

The atmosphere in Fengtian Hall was very lively.

Qin Mo immediately announced, "From now on, Chief Qin will hold a grand ceremony for me, the Ming Dynasty Crown Prince!"

With that said, Qin Mo waved to Tianxin and motioned for Tianxin to come forward.

Tianxin walked to the Jinluan Hall, and immediately everyone paid homage, and the title also changed to 'His Royal Highness'.

At that moment, Tianxin felt boundless pressure.

Soon, the news that Tianxin won the election and became the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty spread quickly.

In less than half an hour, it had already spread throughout Xijing.

After another half hour, everyone who needed to know knew.

After Tianxin left Fengtian Hall, he immediately went to see his mother.

Xiao Yurou seemed to know that he would come and was waiting here early.

Just seeing Tianxin walking over, she gave him a look, and Tianxin finally reacted and knelt in front of Li Yulan, "My son meets his mother."

Li Yulan sighed slightly in her heart, but she was still happy for Tianxin, "Get up quickly. From now on, you will be the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, and the burden on you will be even heavier. I hope you will put national affairs first and be able to unite your brothers and sisters at home."

"Yes, my son, please remember your mother's teachings!" Tianxin said.

Li Yulan nodded.

Tianxin then saluted the other aunts, and finally saluted Xiao Yurou, "Mother, I have lived up to your expectations!"

Xiao Yurou smiled and nodded, her eyes full of tenderness.

She thought of how she had gone through so much trouble to give birth to Tianxin, and how she had raised him by herself, hiding here and there, and not letting him get hurt at all.

Time has passed, twenty or thirty years have passed, and the infant child back then has now become his support.

"Don't live up to everyone's expectations!" Xiao Yurou said.

"Yes, my son will never forget the teachings of his elders!"

After saluting Li Yulan and others, Qin Xiangru, who was far away in Qianzhou, also sent a congratulatory telegram.

Qin Xiangru did not preach or put pressure on Tianxin. He just said in a joking tone: "Azu and your father can still work together, but you still have many years to waste!"

Tianxin naturally knew that this was just what Azu said deliberately to tell him not to be too nervous.

After Tianxin was elected as the crown prince, he naturally had to live in the East Palace.

The East Palace of the Ming Dynasty has actually been vacant for several years, and now it finally has a new owner.

Qin Mo did not arrange any assistant officials in the East Palace for Tianxin.

Tianxin has his own team and system, and Qin Mo will not interfere.

As for Qin Mo's existing system, Tianxin will take over it and integrate the two teams.

Qin Mo is not the kind of person who hides things.

The first night Tianxin entered the East Palace, she was called by Qin Mo.

The father and son sat facing each other and had a drink, with a big elbow in front of them, and they were enjoying themselves.

"Dad, I haven't had a meal with you like this for a long time." Tian Xin said.

Qin Mo said: "I'm tired of eating together every day. You don't want to be so cute when you were little. I don't want to see you!" Tianxin smiled bitterly, "Dad, what you said is too straightforward."

"To be honest, when I was young, I was naughty and a little cute, but when I grow up, I just become annoying." Qin Mo spit out the bones, took another sip of wine with satisfaction, and said with a long breath: "It doesn't matter if you are here, what happens next?" For one year, you have been responsible for supervising the country, and it’s time for me to relax.

If the supervision is good, I will be released in one year. If the supervision is not good, I will be released in two or three years. If you try your best, it is best to let me come down in half a year.

I'll take your mother and the others to go sightseeing.

Your Azu is getting older, so I have to be filial to him, do you understand? "

Tianxin smiled bitterly, he had never seen an emperor so eager to give up his throne.

He was even thinking that if he was more anxious, would his father give in to him tomorrow?

"Dad, there are still many things I don't understand."

"Don't do this, you don't know how to win the election? You were in the local area before, but now it's just a bigger stage for you. You need to consider the problem more comprehensively.

What you have to keep an eye on is the entire Ming Dynasty and Kyushu.

It's a bit difficult, but I believe in you. Your boy has been more sensible since he was a child. This is what makes me feel more at ease.

You can use the team under me as you wish, and you can also use the Jinyiwei as you wish in the future.

For less important things, don't tell me. You can take care of it yourself.

From now on, I will not go to court to supervise the country, and you will take my place.

The Secretariat and Cabinet will send you the memorial directly."

"Dad, I'm not the emperor yet, are you going to give up now?" Tianxin was speechless. He could see that Qin Mo was very excited and eager to hand over the throne.

Tianxin also understands history. Those emperors in history were not very defensive, for fear that their sons would seize power.

Qin Mo was lucky, he gave everything to him.

"Anyway, sooner or later, you have to pay everything early and late. You have to adapt to the intensity of the work now. Your father and I work hard for two hours every day. You must not be lazy, you know?" Qin Mo said.

Tianxin laughed dryly, working for two hours is hard work?

The longest time he worked in his memory was sixteen hours. On average, he was busy four to five hours a day.

His father was lucky, he only had two hours a day, so what did he do with the rest of the time?

"Yes, my son understands!" Tianxin said with a bitter face. He also knew that he was not as good as his father. Busyness is a good thing, but busyness has no effect. On the other hand, his father only devoted two hours a day to deal with political affairs, and also took care of the country. The prosperity and orderliness of governance are unmatched by other emperors.

"Although you will have the final say in this country from now on, you still have to be gentle in the early stage. Once I'm done with it, you can do whatever you want, as long as the steps aren't too big and don't break your balls, that's fine. Qin Mo said with a smile.

Tianxin nodded. To be honest, he was very busy and excited these days. He was a little confused and his whole person was in a state of excitement.

Now after listening to his father's words, he calmed down, "Dad, I want to keep the second and third oldest factions as the auxiliary faction of the progressive faction.

If I try my best to make progress, I will probably end up worrying about the beginning and end. I need their help. "

Qin Mo smiled and nodded, "Okay, this is indeed a good idea. The second and third children will be good helpers.

In fact, if possible, I think these factions can be more systematic.

In this way, we can better cope with the future. "

Tianxin's eyes lit up. He heard what his father meant. The factions in the court were quite complex, but there were only a few mainstream ones.

If the legitimate positions of these factions can be recognized, then everyone can take turns calling the shots in the future, and can also deal with different situations!

(End of this chapter)

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