big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1899 The people around you are the ones you love!

Chapter 1899 The people around you are the ones you love!

The Ming Dynasty was so big that Qin Mohua might not be able to visit all the places in ten years. This was just a casual tour. If he was like him and settled in a place, he would not be able to visit it for thirty years. I will definitely finish the walk.

As a result, some local snakes will inevitably appear in the place.

This is not the information age, but even in the information age, there are some so-called local snakes and lying tigers.

And here is the largest city in the south, with a population of one million. It is one of the very few cities with a population of one million in the Ming Dynasty.

The people here are mainly Qin people, Gaoli people and Japanese people, among whom there are also some Nanyang people and some local indigenous ethnic groups.

The ethnic integration here is pretty good, but the further you go, the fewer Qin people there are. The fewer people there are, the more fierce the local folk customs are.

Although Qin Mo believes that the Qin people are a real fighting nation, the fighting spirit in the Qin people's bones will not be displayed casually.

They will not be like these natives who like to worship personal bravery.

Although Qin Mo had killed them all without bones, he still treated them equally.

This also leads to many uneducated natives who like to form gangs.

The closer you get to Xijing, the less likely this is.

This place is thousands of miles away from Xijing, and it is obvious from here that they exclude outsiders.

This is not what Qin Mo wants to see.

Xiaoba nodded, then made a gesture behind him, and then stood aside silently, not disturbing Qin Mo's elegance.

Qin Mo likes the strong local flavor of this city. In addition to the Central Plains culture, the unique subculture of the Japanese and Gaoli tribes extended from the Central Plains culture is also quite interesting.

The indigenous culture is basically two different cultures that are completely opposite to the Central Plains culture. Now the fusion is pretty good, but... there are always people who don't like it, right?

Qin Mo doesn't force them to like them all, but whoever dares to reject them must weigh their own weight.

After eating breakfast and listening to music, Qin Mo and Xiaoba walked back carrying a lot of breakfast.

In addition, Nanfang City's breakfast is his favorite. It is a bit like the Cantonese breakfast of later generations, with many varieties and exquisiteness.

Qin Mo ate very happily.

Carrying breakfast back to the beach, the group of women gathered together to practice health-preserving exercises. Each of them was wearing special yoga clothes and pants. Qin Mo was twitching his index finger wherever he pressed his legs.

"Eat breakfast! Qin Mo raised the breakfast in his hand and said as if taking credit: "It's all your favorites! "

The girls didn't bother to talk to him, and were busy pressing their legs and exercising.

Qin Mo moved a deck chair and watched them exercise happily. For Qin Mo, this is the second most popular sport after beach volleyball. It is particularly eye-catching. The key is that only he can see this beautiful scenery.

If he gets excited, he will join in and practice with them.

Just when Qin Mo was looking at it enthusiastically, Xiaoba walked to Qin Mo again and said something.

Qin Mo came back to his senses and frowned, "Okay, I understand. I'll be there after everyone has finished their breakfast!"

Xiaoba nodded and retreated silently.

Two-quarters of an hour later, the girls finished their morning exercise dripping with sweat. Qin Mo hurriedly handed over towels, "You must be tired. Go take a shower!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Lang will give you a massage!"

He was busy jumping up and down alone, causing all the girls to roll their eyes.

Qin Mo likes this kind of life. At least, this kind of life is what he has been pursuing.

At the age of fifty, he left everything behind, accompanied his wife and concubines, and went to Manan Mountain. Although he is not in Nanshan now, he is in Nanfang City. Rounding it off, he can be regarded as being in Manan Mountain.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo secretly gave himself a thumbs up.

The girls went to the bathhouse and took a shower before coming over to enjoy Qin Mo's breakfast.

"That street in Southern City is very nice. Let's go shopping together later!"

"There is a street here that is a direct imitation of the night market in the capital of Qianzhou. After shopping, we can go there to eat delicious food."

For the ladies, they have to join the world even if they are hidden in the world, otherwise there is not much difference from being in the palace.

They just want to live an ordinary life.

However, because they are so numerous and beautiful, they can easily cause unnecessary trouble if they go out in large numbers at once. Therefore, they usually act in groups of two or three and split up.

Although there are a large number of Jinyi guards protecting them secretly, they don't like the feeling of being restrained.

"Madams, how is Lao Qin's service?"

Li Yushu curled her lips and said: "I'm barely qualified. Next time I give you a massage, just massage it. Don't touch me."

Fang Chun also nodded, "Next time you dare to take the opportunity to bully me, I'll screw you!"

Qin Mo suddenly felt chilly and couldn't help but close his legs, "You can't help it!"

Xiao Yu said judo: "You have served me very well today. I have nothing to do so I can leave. The sisters have their own arrangements today and don't need you to accompany them."

In fact, Qin Mo must be uncomfortable following them, because Qin Mo is too easy to recognize. He and Lao Qin's appearance is printed on coins and in various textbooks, ranging from an eighty-year-old man to a thirty-year-old man. When they were two years old, no one knew their father and son.

Fortunately, Qin Mo had done some self-tanning, and now his skin is very dark. In addition, Qin Mo had specially added a short beard. If he had put on sunglasses, beach shorts and flip-flops, who would have known that he was the Ming Emperor?

Others looked at his muscles and thought he was a muscular man. There were many like him on the beach in Nanfang City, and all of them were experts at picking up girls.

However, even so, there is still a possibility of being recognized.

Qin Mo has been recognized several times after being out for so long.

"Okay, okay, you won't take me with you, right? Then I'll play by myself!" Qin Mo snorted, pretended to be angry, and left.

Seeing Qin Mo leave in anger, Li Yulan said, "Are we going too far?"

Li Yushu hummed and said, "Sister, he's just pretending to be following us around every day, and he's already tired of us.

I heard that he has been sneaking to the beach recently to look at beautiful women through binoculars. Now that no one is bothering him, he can't even mention how beautiful she is! "

"That's right!" Xiao Jiu said angrily: "Last time he looked at it for a long time!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused the resonance of all the girls, "Okay, let's go to the street to see the little fresh meat."

Of course, this is all a joke.

But Qin Mo really doesn't have time to look at beautiful women at the moment. For him, he just likes to look at her, not to possess her.

Otherwise, more than ten years ago, when he came to Ming Dynasty, he would have had countless concubines, and the number of his heirs would be even greater.

He can even change one a day!

But Qin Mo didn't want to. For him, the person he loved was by his side, and that was enough!

(End of this chapter)

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