big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1912 Lao Qin is furious

Chapter 1912 Lao Qin is furious

"Why are you here again?"

"Didn't I say that the princess doesn't want to see you? If the princess wanted to see you, she would have met you yesterday. Even if you stayed here until death, the princess would never look at you!" the guard captain said dissatisfied.

Ah Si originally wanted to ask him if he had anything to eat, but when he heard this, he knew that he shouldn't come over. But he hadn't eaten all day and night, and he hadn't had a sip of water. He was really thirsty, "Well, can you?" Give me a drink of water?"

The captain of the guard frowned, "If you want some water, buy it yourself!"

Seeing that he couldn't even get a sip of water, Ah Si didn't bother asking for trouble. He originally wanted to stage a bitter trick here, but he really wasn't the type to endure hardship.

I went to the store to beg for a drink of water, but I was so full that I walked out. Then I got a bottle and filled several large bottles of water, ready to fight a protracted battle in the pavilion.

The story of Ah Si staying in Bieyuan for a whole day and night also reached the ears of Li Xin and others.

Li Yongmeng said: "With him blocking the door like this, can the queen be happy?"

"You can kill him if you're not happy?" Li Xin said: "Don't worry about it. Let him make up for the mistakes he made. Whether it's good or bad is his own business.

Whether it succeeds or fails, we don’t care.

Is it possible that you really want our queen to marry someone else? "

Li Yongmeng smiled bitterly, "I really don't hope that, but he is really not a good man. The queen has suffered too much, there is really no need to force it!"

Li Xin sighed, "None of us are involved, so what's the use of saying this? Tell them not to spread it, it won't sound good!"

Li Yongmeng nodded silently.

At the same time, in the palace, Qin Xiangru was extremely angry, "This little bastard went to find Shuangshuang again. He's a fucking piece of shit. I didn't kill him because of Zhao'er's sake. Why did he still do it?" Dare to show up?"

Qin Xiangru didn't like her former son-in-law at all. If it weren't for Li Zhao's sake, she would have killed him long ago.

But then I thought about it, the children will always grow up, and if my grandfather killed his father, he would inevitably have knots in his heart in the future.

And it doesn’t sound good to say it out loud.

The Ming Dynasty has already conquered the world, so there is no need to eradicate it, and those people in Qianzhou are the guarantee of Qianzhou's stability.

So Qin Xiangru just kept out of sight and treated this person as dead.

But he didn't expect that this maggot would come out again and make people sick.

He originally wanted to teach him a lesson in person, but after thinking about it, teaching such a person would be dirtying his hands.

But he really couldn't swallow this breath. How could a father watch his daughter being bullied?

Thinking of this, he hurried out of the palace.

Gao Shilian also hurriedly followed. He was still used to his own job. If he was allowed to be pampered at home, he would die of suffocation.

And now he doesn't have to keep vigil. As soon as it gets dark, he goes to sleep in the small room by himself.

As the ancestor of all the young eunuchs in the palace, Gao Shilian's status is undoubtedly the most noble.

"Your Majesty, please wait, old slave!" Gao Shilian hurriedly chased after him.

Soon, Qin Xiangru and Gao Shilian came to Bieyuan. In fact, he would rather be here on weekdays, mainly because Qin Xiuying was here. The palace was too big and deserted. Qin Xiuying said there were too many dead people. He does not like the Lord.

But as the palace is the brain of a country, someone must live there, and Li Zhao still has to go to school, so Qin Xiangru lived with Li Zhao in the palace.

As soon as Qin Xiangru came over, he saw Ah Si sitting in the pavilion in a daze. He was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and rushed over. Before Ah Si could react, he was knocked down by a punch.

Lao Qin is getting stronger and stronger. Even though he is almost eighty, he is still vigorous when he starts fighting.

Ah Si's body, which was hollowed out by tobacco and alcohol, was Lao Qin's opponent.

He was beaten so hard that his eyes were filled with stars, and he could hardly find the north.

Ah Si screamed in pain. He didn't even see who it was before he was knocked to the ground.

He held his head in his hands and screamed: "You dare to hit me, I am, I am Li Si, the father of King Qian. If you dare to hit me, I will kill your nine tribes!"

"You are the father of King Qian, and I am the ancestor of King Qian!" Qin Xiangru laughed ferociously, "Bitch, you just want to live a peaceful life, why do you come out and disgust people?

You really think that since I didn’t kill you, I won’t dare to touch you, do you?

If you make me angry, what if I kill you? "

Hearing this familiar voice, Ah Si reacted instantly, "Father-in-law, please stop fighting. My son-in-law realizes his mistake. Please, stop!"

"Bah, who is your father-in-law? Why don't you talk nonsense here!" Qin Xiangru became more and more angry and struck harder.

The sound here also alerted the patrollers.

Several guards exclaimed and were about to rush over, but were stopped by the guard captain, "Stop, you are all blind. Didn't you see who is standing there?"

"But Captain, he was beaten. If this reaches King Qian's ears,"

"Think about it with your brain, who is the person who dares to hit him?" The captain of the guard said with hatred: "That is the Supreme Emperor of our Ming Dynasty. Did you have the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard in the past?"

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the sturdy old man looked really familiar. It was him who was printed on the Ming Dynasty's treasure banknotes.

Everyone was frightened, "Captain, it's lucky to have you, otherwise we would have been in trouble!"

The guard captain whispered: "Stand your posts, don't look at what you shouldn't see, and don't say what you shouldn't say. If what happened today comes out from your mouth, there will be a big disaster. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded, and everyone stood up straight, without squinting.

Just listening to the screams made me feel inexplicably relieved.

When Gao Shilian saw that the beatings were running out, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, take a rest, don't get too tired. Wait until you have rested before beating again!"

Gao Shilian didn't care at all about people like A Si, and he would kill them if they were beaten to death.

In his opinion, Qin Xiangru and Qin Mo were still too soft-hearted and too emotional.

However, he could also understand that after all, the world was just settled at that time, and with the queen, several concubines, and King Qian, this kid really couldn't be killed casually.

But it's still okay to hit him.

Qin Xiangru made a move, no matter who it was, he couldn't say a single word!
Qin Xiangru was panting from exhaustion and sat aside tiredly, looking at A Si who had been beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face and constant nosebleeds, but he still felt uneasy, "You bastard, what are you doing here to harass Shuang Shuang again? Are you doing it again?" Planning to hurt him?
I tell you, this time, I will not let you get close to Shuangshuang.

Next time, I will send you to the most remote place in Liaodong immediately and make you suffer for the rest of your life!
If you don’t believe it, try it! "

Ah Si was so frightened that he trembled all over, "No, no, I don't want to go to Liaodong!"

(End of this chapter)

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