big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1917 Honorable retirement!

Chapter 1917 Honorable retirement!
In the winter of the 11th year of Yong'an, on December 8, the second emperor of Ming Dynasty, Qin Mo, held a concession ceremony in Fengtian Hall.

He gave up his throne to the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Chief of Qin.

Crown him personally.

"Ascension to the throne is not an end, but a new beginning." Qin Mo looked at his son who was as tall as himself and said earnestly: "As the saying goes, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. I always feel that this is not for the emperor. It is a constraint, but it reminds us at all times what our responsibilities as an emperor are.

I believe you can be a good emperor.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Even if you go in the wrong direction, it doesn't matter, because the road to Ming Dynasty is an unprecedented road.

The experience of our predecessors cannot help us go very far.

We are more like crossing the river by feeling for stones. No one knows what the road to Ming Dynasty will be like, and no one knows what the future will be like.

But one thing is, the future cannot be worse than the present.

Don’t always try to surpass anyone.

You just have to remember if you ask your heart if you are qualified.

You can pat your chest and tell yourself that you are a qualified emperor.

Then, you are a qualified emperor.

Being an emperor is the same as being a human being. What you want is a clear conscience and a happy heart.

I wish you good luck in the future, a long life, and many descendants! "

Qin Mo gave Tianxin his best wishes.

Tianxin could feel his father's expectation and concern. He took a deep breath and nodded heavily, "My son, I will definitely keep this in mind!"

At this time, the eunuch beside Tianxin said loudly: "Salute!"

Qin Mo patted his shoulder at this time and said, "Sit on!"

Tianxin turned around, looked at the supreme dragon chair, walked up step by step, and sat in that position under the gaze of his father and all the civil and military officials.


Everyone knelt down and shouted, "Long live your Majesty!"

After three kowtows and nine bows, Tianxin successfully ascended the throne.

Then he went to the Ancestral Temple to offer sacrifices to his ancestors and God.

On this day, the capital was extremely lively.

Outside the square, countless people gathered together spontaneously.

The palace bell rang nine times, indicating the formal end of the coronation ceremony.

Then a gun salute began outside.

Then everyone shouted: "Long live your Majesty!"

Countless doves of peace fly from the city wall, indicating that the Ming Dynasty has soared thousands of miles.

Not long after, Tianxin, wearing the emperor's crown, walked step by step to the Meridian Gate. Looking at the countless people, he delivered his first words as the emperor.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, returned to the harem.

From now on, he is truly relieved of his burden.

Whatever happens to Ming Dynasty in the future, he is unlikely to interfere.

Unless Tianxin did something very wrong.

However, it is highly unlikely.

With a secretariat, a cabinet, and two auxiliary factions, it is actually impossible for Tianxin to do what he wants to do as he pleases.

In fact, from this time onwards, the emperor's power had been set with layers of restrictions.

This was also Qin Mo's intention.

Not every emperor has absolute self-control.

Some emperors often lose themselves after trying that kind of supreme power.

For example, A Si and Emperor Zhou Yang are the best examples. Maybe their intentions were good, but they were ultimately destroyed by power.

Qin Mo doesn't want them to lose themselves. Even if they lose themselves, there will be layers of restrictions.

For now, it is extremely difficult for a mediocre emperor to break these many restrictions.

A smart emperor would not let go of this kind of authority.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and his steps became much brisker.

When he returned to the harem, all the girls were dressed very beautifully, waiting for Qin Mo.

Qin Mo was startled, "Why didn't you play mahjong today?"

"Your Majesty, you have retired today. Do you dare to play mahjong with your slaves?" Li Yushu said with a smile.

"That's right, the Supreme Emperor. Today is the day when the Supreme Emperor will step down from office. The servants must treat you well!" Xiao Jiu also said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of women gathered around and surrounded Qin Mo in the crowd.

Immediately, he pushed Qin Mo into the room.

Qin Mo thought these women were going to teach him a lesson, but he didn't expect that there was a huge cake in the room with a few words written on it: Happy retirement!
Li Yulan smiled and said: "Master, you have worked hard for us all for decades. Now you can finally put down the heavy burden in your heart and live the life you want to live happily.

You are not ashamed of your country, you are not ashamed of your people, and you are even more worthy of your family.

In this life, I am lucky to be able to marry you.

Today you retire, I’d like to toast you! "

As he spoke, Li Yulan filled a glass of wine for himself and drank it all in one gulp.

Xiao Yurou also poured herself a glass of wine, "In the first half of your life, you worked for your family and your country. In the second half of your life, we will take care of you!"

Li Yushu sat on Qin Mo's lap, held his neck, and kissed him hard, "Brother silly, in my heart, you are still exactly the same as you were more than thirty years ago, and you have not changed!"

Li Lizhen also said: "Brother-in-law, you have worked hard these years!"

Fang Shun crossed his arms and walked to Qin Mo's side. He put a big lipstick mark on the corner of his mouth and said with his head held high: "You did a good job. I'm in a good mood these days and I can satisfy you." condition!"

Qin Mo suddenly became excited, "Senior sister, please don't lie to me!"

Fang Chun glared at him, how could she not know what he was thinking.

Gao Yao said: "Master, from now on, I can follow you all the time again!"

Chu Rui, Xia He and Qiu Yue also stamped their stamps on Qin Mo's face.

Suga Sachiko and Subi Mojie are the same.

Xiaojiu begged: "Brother-in-law, will you let me give birth to a child in the end?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo frowned, "No, no matter what you say!"

Xiaojiu pouted, his face full of displeasure.

Finally, it was Liu Ruyu's turn.

Liu Ruyu was the last to join, and she was very happy to see Qin Mo resign.

In fact, she knew very well that Qin Mo had never truly taken the initiative to pursue power in his life.

Rather, power pursues him.

"Brother Qin, congratulations on your honorable retirement!"

Qin Mo saw that she was still a little embarrassed, so he pulled her over, and then looked at his wives, feeling extremely satisfied, "You all thank me. In fact, I should thank you more. Thank you for giving me the strength to work hard." power.

Thank you for giving me a happy home.

Thank you also for tolerating me and taking care of me!
Pamper me unconditionally.

What I am most proud of in my life is not the great achievements I have made.

Having you is the proudest and happiest thing in my life! "

(End of this chapter)

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