big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1920 Changle!

Chapter 1920 Changle!

They can feel their father's truest thoughts from this sentence.

Many parents think that their sons will become dragons and phoenixes. Only Qin Mo hopes that they will be healthy and happy!

"Dad, are you going to Tokyo next?" Brother Feng asked with some reluctance.

"Yes, your father and your aunt are alone in Tokyo. I must go and take care of them." Qin Mo said: "Your aunt is alone again, and I don't feel at ease. I have to go and take a look."

From now on, Xijing will be handed over to your brothers.

What happens to this country in the future depends on you brothers.

Your eldest brother is also the first emperor, so please be more considerate.

If there is anything bad, feel free to scold it, if you deserve to be scolded.

If he doesn't wake up after being scolded, he will take action.

But don't hold back. "

Everyone couldn't help laughing again.

Tian Xin said: "Dad is right, brothers working together can be more powerful than gold. This country is too big for me to manage alone.

Even now, with Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er, I feel a little stretched.

After all, not everyone has Dad's ability to manage such a large country easily.

To be honest, I feel a little anxious every day now, for fear that I will not be able to be the emperor well.

I also put my words here. If I don't do well, whoever has the ability can take my place at any time.

The empire of the Ming Dynasty has never belonged to the eldest son or the legitimate son.

It belongs to the virtuous and capable.

To be honest, people are selfish, but the path Daming wants to take is a brand new path.

Because I know very well that even if I come down, I can still live a good life.

In this world, there is just another person taking charge of the overall situation.

His surname is still Qin.

So, brothers, in front of me, please don’t think that what I said today is just an echo. These are all words from the bottom of my heart! "

Everyone looked at Big Brother, some believed it, some didn't believe it, but no matter what, the atmosphere at this moment was very good.

At this moment, there is no emperor, only father and son, brothers.

We seem to have returned to our childhood, when we followed our grandfather and our father stayed there to watch the New Year's Eve. We didn't pay attention and played unscrupulously.

The atmosphere is getting thicker and thicker.

Listening to the sound and songs on the radio, time flies.

As the palace bells rang, time came to the new year.

Qin Mo said with a smile: "Go and have a rest. I wish you good health and peace of mind!"

On the first day of the new year, Qin Mo quietly left Xijing with his wives.

On this day, Tianxin held his first court meeting since he ascended the throne.

The Ming Dynasty officially changed from the Yong'an Year to the Changle Year.

Ming Dynasty also opened a new era.

On the way to Qianzhou, Qin Mo felt particularly relaxed. To him, it was like completing a long march in life, but now, life was about to start another journey.

The women were all playing mahjong. Qin Mo was wearing sunglasses and basking in the sun in the sun room. At this moment, his vision went dark, and Xiao Yurou's figure was reflected in his pupils. Qin Mo hugged her over and said, "Aren't you with them?"

"I'm tired from playing mahjong every day!" Xiao Yuju said, "What are your plans for going to Qianzhou this time?"

Qin Mo thought for a while and said, "Let's see my dad first, and then start the tour. After the tour, we can live peacefully in Tokyo."

Xiao Yujudao: "Then this time, can I open an orphanage? I want to take over those homeless, fatherless and motherless children, is that okay?"

Qin Mo asked curiously: "Why do you want to open an orphanage?"

"No reason, I just want to find something to do for myself. You can't be with me all the time, and I can't play mahjong, play cards, or go shopping with my sisters every day. Anyway, you have retired now. I do these No one will say that I am involved in politics." Xiao Yu said, "Besides, too many people died because of me. I want to gain some virtue for my children!"

"You can do anything you want, as long as you are happy." Qin Mo said. He actually realized this. If people only care about having fun, they will indeed become useless.

He can find a lot of things to do for himself, but these women are different.

After thinking for a while, he said: "You didn't plan to ask them to come together?"

"When they see that they want to join, they will naturally say that if I beg them, they won't have the perseverance." Xiao Yuju said: "And they all have their own ideas. For example, Yu Shu wants to open the largest one in the capital." mahjong parlor.

Lizhen just wanted to open an embroidery shop.

Junior sister wants to build the Sanqing Palace and then live in seclusion.

Don't talk about it, Xiao Gao, she just wants to be by your side.

Ruyu doesn’t like to appear in public.”

Qin Moha smiled, "Since you all have your own plans, I won't bother with that."

"That won't work. You still have to put in the effort, otherwise you won't be up to par as a husband!" Xiao Yu said judo.

Qin Mo pinched her face and said, "Just talk, what are you doing with your hands and feet?"

Xiao Yurou whispered, "I'm afraid that if I don't serve you well, I won't be able to serve you in two years. By then, I will be really old and yellow, and you won't even want to get close to me!"

Qin Mo looked at Xiao Yurou and realized that her hair also had many silver strands.

Yes, he is over fifty, how can Xiao Yurou not age?

Although she looks only in her forties.

But a person's mentality can tell his age.

"No, because at that time, I also smelled like an old man. Don't dislike the other!" Qin Mo hugged her and said, "We were young and crazy, so let's grow old naturally. This is a complete life.

After I go to Tokyo this time, I plan to open a school myself.

For me, teaching is when I feel most relaxed. "

"Isn't this the most annoying thing to you?" Xiao Yurou said funnyly: "Why do you think of taking the initiative to teach?"

"When I was young, I was still able to have fun, but when I get older, I can't. If I continue to pursue pleasure, I will ruin myself.

Don’t think I’m lazy, but I still have a heart that loves to teach others! "Qin Mo said.

Xiao Yurou smiled and said, "Teacher Qin, come and teach me!"

Her crow's feet made her look kind. Qin Mo stroked her hair and said with a smile: "My only regret is that I haven't seen you at the age of eighteen. If I had seen you at the age of eighteen, it would be fine." .

You are beautiful when you are in your twenties, you are still beautiful when you are forty, and your beauty is different when you are fifty.

Even now, I still think you are incredibly beautiful.

I'm even thinking, if I had pretended not to know and followed your advice, what would it be like now! "

Xiao Yurou chuckled and said, "Then I'll probably squeeze you out of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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