big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1928 Dad, you’re not really going to die, are you?

Chapter 1928 Dad, you’re not really going to die, are you?

Half a month later, Qin Mo entered Tokyo and made a lot of noise.

Because the Ming Dynasty implemented a dual-capital system, Qin Xiangru had been guarding Tokyo before, and now there must be a ceremony for the handover between the old and new emperors.

However, Qin Mo thought it was troublesome and kept everything simple.

The father and son met again after several years, and there was no sense of unfamiliarity.

All the ministers were filled with emotion when they saw the son succeeding his father.

What is the rule of three emperors? This is the real sense of the rule of three emperors.

When Li Shilong was in power, although the Three Emperors' rule reappeared for a period of time, that kind of Three Emperors' rule was not the Three Emperors' rule in the true sense.

The current rule of the Three Emperors of the Ming Dynasty is in line with what everyone wants.

One generation supports the other, and one generation manages the other.

They support each other, but they have nothing to do with each other.

Ensure the authority of the contemporary emperor.

At the same time, the two emperors also have a high degree of autonomy. It can be said that the two-capital system is indeed very good.

After everyone paid their respects, Qin Mo took over Lao Qin's position without saying much. Or rather, there was not much meaning in saying those polite words.

All he wants now is to be reunited with his family.

At noon, Qin Mo and his family had dinner together.

Qin Xiangru and Qin Xiuying sat on the main seats, Qin Mo sat on the left, and Li Yulan and others sat on Qin Mo's right.

On the other side, there were Qin Shuangshuang and his children.

In the blink of an eye, Li Zhao was now a boy of thirteen or fourteen. His eyebrows looked less like A Si's and more like his uncle Qin Mo.

"Dad, from now on, you can retire and enjoy your life with peace of mind. From now on, just enjoy it with my aunt." Qin Mo raised his wine glass, "Here, my son, I'll give you a drink!"

Qin Xiangru raised his glass happily and said, "You have some conscience. I'm over seventy, how many more years can I enjoy it?"

"Dad, you will definitely live a long life!" Qin Mo said: "Maybe, our Ming Dynasty can survive the four emperors' rule!"

"I don't dare to think about it!" Qin Xiangru shook his head with a smile, "Three emperors rule the world, which is already something that can only be expected. How dare you think about four emperors ruling the world!"

For an ordinary family, having four generations living under one roof is considered a big deal, let alone a Tian family.

Since ancient times, being an emperor has been a high-risk profession.

But the Qin family's Ming Dynasty was particularly successful.

Firstly, it was because Qin Xiangru only had one son, and secondly, it was also because Qin Mo was open-minded and put everything on the table.

It has been almost thirty years since the great revolution!

Thirty years have subtly influenced the consciousness of two generations, so everything is a matter of course.

It took Qin Mo so many years to complete the transformation of the Ming court.

Speaking of which, it is quite difficult.

"You still have to have dreams, just in case they come true." Qin Mo smiled, and then toasted Qin Xiuying with another glass of wine.

Qin Xiuying also said happily: "Your father is taking care of himself every day now and doesn't touch me anymore!"

Qin Xiangru said in embarrassment: "I do, but think about how old I am this year and I don't want to die?"

Qin Shuangshuang said hurriedly: "Father, mother, there are still children here!"

The couple then restrained themselves.

Qin Mo was not surprised at all. These two people spoke so rough that sometimes he felt scared when he heard them.

Qin Xiuying curled her lips and whispered, "It's useless to look at things!" Qin Xiangru's face turned red with anger, "The child is still here, give me some face!"

The couple has been together for more than thirty years, and it is normal for the couple to bicker, and no one else seems to notice.

After finishing the meal, the women gathered around the table.

Lao Qin and Qin Mo were drinking tea there, "Dad, Zhao'er is fourteen years old this year. It's time for him to go to Dongdu. We must let him learn to handle affairs by himself and put some pressure on him.

Lest those people think we are reluctant to let go! "

Qin Xiangru also nodded, "I have been thinking about this issue recently, but your aunt disagrees and wants to let Zhao'er stay with her for another year!"

Qin Mo sighed, "Okay, as long as she's happy."

"Didn't anything happen over there in Xijing?" Lao Qin asked.

"With me here, nothing can happen. But dad, when I came to Qianzhou this time, I found many problems along the way. Many officials have problems with their behavior. It's time to rectify them.

I found that many people still have the same old thinking. "Qin Mo said: "Even our Qin family must conform to the general trend of the world, but they are still stubborn. "

"Then what are you going to do?" Qin Xiangru asked.

"The pattern of Jiuzhou has been decided. Let's play a big game and initiate changes again. But now, Tianxin must agree to this matter." Qin Mo said.

Seeing that Qin Mo was a little nervous, Qin Xiangru laughed and said, "What, you're not used to it?"

"It's a bit. I used to do my own thing, but now my son is riding on my head. Can you get used to it?"

"You have to get used to it even if you're not used to it. This is for the good of the world and for our old Qin family." Qin Xiangru took out a special Qin cigarette and threw one to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo hurriedly took out a lighter and lit it for him.

Qin Xiangru took a deep breath, exhaled contentedly, squinted his eyes and said, "I'm not complaining, I just want to continue to correct some bad things.

Dad, following the trend of Three Emperors ruling the world, we should reverse those unhealthy trends, what do you think? "

Qin Xiangru said: "It's okay, I'm not dead yet anyway."

Qin Xiangru was the first to support Qin Mo's actions.

In fact, it can be seen from Qin Mo's strategy that Qin Mo deliberately wanted to punish those officials.

Some astute officials came up step by step from remote places.

But some people are different.

These people who came from remote places all adhered to Qin Mo's will, or in other words, were representatives of officials in the new era.

But there are still quite a few people who can't.

“I want to set up an official school, only for officials, and all officials who want to be promoted must take advanced studies.

Being an official now is not as easy as before.

Now we must not only improve the economy, but also improve people's livelihood, infrastructure construction, and education.

Letting a idiot become an official will only plunge a place into a dead end.

I came from Lingnan and discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, Lingnan is extremely prosperous. After passing Lingnan, many places are still the same as before, without much change.

I think that although the Ming Dynasty has not yet completely achieved cement roads in every village, all major towns have access to them.

Coupled with rail connections, airports, etc., why haven't these places developed yet? "

Qin Xiangru felt a little sleepy, "Okay, okay, as long as you know what's going on, I'm too lazy to listen. Anyway, I just need to cooperate with you."

You finally came back, don't give me lessons as soon as you come back, I'm tired of listening to them! "

Qin Mo smiled harshly, "Okay, how about we talk about what my aunt said during the day? Dad, you are not really going to die, are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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