big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1957 is filled with Ming Dynasty dragon flags!

Chapter 1957 is filled with Ming Dynasty dragon flags!

Is Qin Mo happy?
Of course he was happy.

Although he doesn't have this kind of hobby, the pleasure is really pleasure.

Liu Ruyu was happy and he was happy.

For those who betray you, dragging them out and killing them a thousand times is not an exaggeration.

But after today, Qin Mo no longer worries about what happened before.

On the way back, Liu Ruyu said, "The biggest regret in my life is that I couldn't give you a son and a half."

"Look, here you are again, can't you get over this matter?" Qin Mo said helplessly: "Does that mean you don't want to have a baby? Aren't you unable to give birth?"

Liu Ruyu's body had been broken down by that bastard Li Yue in those two years. If possible, why wouldn't Qin Mo want to fulfill Liu Ruyu's wish?
"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore!" Liu Ruyu leaned into Qin Mo's arms, "Brother Qin, I'm sorry for letting you do such a thing today."

"Me? I'm fine, I'm quite happy!" Qin Mo said with a smile.


"It's not like I've never been in the wild before!" Qin Mo said with a bad smile.

"I have completely let it go now and no longer hold a grudge. My only regret is that I couldn't do it to him while he was alive!" Liu Ruyu said.

"Okay, what are you doing with a dead man?" Qin Mo coaxed her for a while before Liu Ruyu stopped worrying about this topic.

Back at Liu's house, Liu Ruyu continued to be annoying with Qin Mo, and she was even more annoying than before.

Liu Chenghu simply went to the countryside, out of sight.

He is retired now and doesn't care about anything. He just goes fishing, plays chess, and goes to the theater with some old friends. His life is extremely happy.

Liu Rujian and others were not at home, and he and Hu Hongyu couldn't be more comfortable.

Hu Hongyu is eighty years old, but she still can't sit still and her body is very strong.

From time to time she dances with guns and sticks, but now she spends more time teaching children in the countryside.

Hu Hongyu has always been strict with the heirs of the Liu family.

Therefore, the children of the Liu family are very disciplined when they go out.

At the same time, Xijing.

Tianxin received a telegram from the Western Region.

"Your Majesty, suicide attacks have occurred again in many places in the Western Region, not only in Tianxiang, Yuezhi, but also in Ross.

The people of the Sun Cult kidnapped some civilians and planted bombs on them!

Many innocent people died. "

Tian Xin was furious, "Have you not found the person behind the Sun Cult so far?"

"Not yet!" said the person in charge of Jinyiwei.

"Let me investigate carefully. They must be hoping to get something by doing this, and they are trying to find a way to get in touch with them.

Ask them what exactly they want! "Tian Xin said with suppressed anger.

Since he came to the throne, he has always focused on people's livelihood.

After Ross surrendered, the Ming Dynasty's land area increased greatly, and the living standards of the people in the entire country also increased.

Now everyone has no worries about food and clothing. Although there are still poor people, what they have to face next is the problem of resource allocation.

But hardworking people can always get rich through their own hands, and lazy people, even if they are sitting on mountains of gold and silver, cannot stay rich forever.

Tianxin has tried his best to divide this cake, and after the reform of officials, this big cake has fallen on the heads of the people to the greatest extent.

He had a vague feeling that there must be more than one person behind the Sun Sect, and there should be multiple people behind it.

Behind this, there might be people from Ming Dynasty.

Their plans are big.

It's nothing more than profit.

Even after three years as emperor, Tianxin still felt that he was not as comfortable as his father in being an emperor. Even felt tired.

But his father was away, and he could only seek an answer by telegram.

Just like the Battle of Ross, this was actually a gift left to him by his father.

Everything is under my father's plan.

Although this battle completely established Tianxin's majesty, in fact, becoming the great emperor was much more difficult than he imagined.

Even if his father was stationed in Tokyo and suppressed Kyushu, even Xijing would be difficult for him to control.

Thinking of this, Tianxin personally sent a telegram to his father, seeking answers and methods.

Now, none of his brothers are around, and the people around him are all newly promoted and are still in the running-in period.

He could only ask his father.

At this time, Qin Mo woke up from the large bed, and Liu Ruyu was still sleeping. In the past two days, she had been too crazy. Liu Ruyu, who had untied her knot, was like a madman, asking for things like crazy.

The end result is that I can't walk without shaking.

"What's wrong?" Qin Mo looked at Gao Yao, who was sitting beside the bed without blinking.

"There's a telegram over there in the palace. It's from Xijing. It's on a red letterhead!" Gao Yao took out a red letterhead.

Qin Mo suddenly woke up a lot, pulled his clothes over his body, then lay on the chair beside him and read.

After reading it, Qin Mo asked Gao to throw the letter into the stove and burn it.

"Sun Cult, the countries in the Western Regions should be behind this. It is impossible for a single country to support this organization.

Rus fell. In order to protect themselves, the countries in the Western Regions surrendered to the Ming Dynasty on the surface, but who knew secretly?

And behind this, there might be some careerists from the Ming Dynasty.

They are trying to make huge profits through this method.

I have seen this method too many times.

Even their advanced bombs are likely to be provided by insiders. "

Qin Mo snorted coldly. After the official reforms, the interests of many people were touched.

But Qin Mo doesn't care, there is a strange circle in this world.

When the country is in danger, it is often those frustrated civilians who sacrifice their lives to save the country.

But when the country is at peace, this country does not belong to ordinary people, but to those high-ranking officials.

Therefore, this innovation must be reformed and carried out to the end.

In Qin Mo's view, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. This is actually pua for the suffering people. Can't high-ranking officials sacrifice their lives for the country?
The credit goes to them, but it’s ordinary people who die.

How unfair.

Once upon a time, Qin Mo didn't actually want the world to be unified, but now, Qin Mo feels that it's time to do what needs to be done.

He thought for a while, "Xiao Gao, let me tell you, you write it!"

Gao Yao nodded, walked to the desk nearby, and picked up a pen. It had been a long time since she had written for Qin Mo.

This made her feel like she was back thirty years ago.

"My son Tianxin, there is no need to worry. If you feel that the future is unclear, it just means that we are on the right path.

The road of Ming Dynasty is an unprecedented road, a road where no one knows the direction.

As long as the fog on the road ahead is dispelled, everyone will reach the other side!

If the Sun Sect does not have a city, then it will be repaid to the other side in the same way.

If the Western Region does not surrender, then let this enclave of the Western Region be completely filled with Ming Dynasty dragon flags! "

(End of this chapter)

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