big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1959 What is being revolutionized is the life of the royal family!

Chapter 1959 What is being revolutionized is the life of the royal family!
"So sometimes I wonder, what would happen if the eldest brother was the emperor?" Princess Jing'an sighed, and then said: "When people get older, they like to chatter and miss the past. Son-in-law, don't blame your aunt. Long-winded!"

"How come? I just love chatting with you!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Princess Jingan smiled and was indescribably satisfied with this son-in-law, "Actually, your father told me something at the beginning. He said that the person who understands him best in this life is you. You are both his son-in-law and his son-in-law." His soulmate.

A son-in-law is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find.

In those years when you were gone, he talked about you every day. "

Qin Mo smiled and nodded. In fact, he understood all this.

"Many people now say that you have taken away my father-in-law's world. Don't pay attention to those people. Your father actually doesn't blame you.

He himself also knew that if his son could not hold himself up the wall, he could not blame others.

Daqian actually had many opportunities, but he missed them all.

He told me at that time that he would actually surrender regardless of whether you climbed the city wall or not.

Because he is no longer young, he really does not want to see the capital flowing into a river of blood.

He was also willing to see the Li clan suffer heavy casualties.

He trusts you to handle these people and accept them with a big heart.

Even A Si will not die.

Your father said that in this life, he was successful as an emperor, but he failed in his duties as a father, and he also failed in his duties as a husband.

But as your father-in-law, he feels that he is successful.

He didn't treat you wrong.

Although he wanted to transfer you to a remote place several times, he never thought of killing you.

He couldn't bear it.

I don’t think your father would lie to me at the end of his life.

These are things you don't know. "

Princess Jingan patted the back of his hand and said, "You are very good. You have left many good qualities for Da Gan and Ming Dynasty.

You see, the succession of crown princes in the Ming Dynasty was very good. There was no bloody killing, but only fair competition.

If the second brother had listened to you from the beginning, maybe this wouldn't have happened at all.

I believe that the Ming Dynasty will definitely last for a long time and become the first thousand-year dynasty.

There should be no more war in this world.

I was born in the war years and saw too many suffering people. Throughout my life, I have protected not only 80,000 people but 80,000 people.

But those people just live in poverty and without dignity.

But Ming Dynasty is different.

I saw everyone straighten their backs.

Although there are still classes in the Ming Dynasty, ordinary people can already face those high-ranking officials.

I can understand your painstaking efforts and ambition in officialdom reform.

But you are not only opposing those people, you are also opposing yourself. "

"Aunt, can you tell?" Qin Mo said with a bitter smile.

"Although your aunt is old, her eyesight is blurred, and her ears are starting to become deaf, but she is not blind at heart!" Princess Jing'an said: "You are very dangerous like this."

Qin Mo nodded, "Selfishly speaking, I actually hope that the Qin family can always be the emperor. People are inherently selfish, and I am not a real saint, so it is inevitable that I will have such thoughts.

But don't worry, aunt, I have already thought of countermeasures and a way out in the future.

In this life, all people want is peace of mind.

The world of one family is not as good as the world of people in the world.

It is better for one family to be happy than for the whole world to be happy together. Qin Mo doesn't have any big wishes, but he just wants to be true to his heart. "

Princess Jingan nodded, "Then you have to be careful. After this official reform, someone will definitely have an idea for you. Maybe when you are here, those people dare not move, but one day you are gone, you Future generations may experience some cruel moments.”

I have to say that Princess Jing'an is still very smart and has a long-term vision, even seeing deeper than some men.

Qin Mo had actually thought of this a long time ago.

Isn't the reform of officials actually reforming the royal family?
But now, the person holding this sword is himself, the royal family. When the sword falls, and there is no enemy left, should it be put into the scabbard, or should it continue to be used as a deterrent?
Qin Mo originally thought about a constitutional monarchy, but in the end he rejected this method.

Because the path taken by the Ming Dynasty is unprecedented, and the constitutional monarchy will only cause the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.

From the reform of the inheritance law, to one master and two deputies, to the current officialdom reform, the Ming Dynasty's system has actually been gradually improved.

The system of separation of military and political affairs can ensure independence from each other to the greatest extent.

Moreover, there are still eighteen cabinet ministers in the cabinet.

There are also twelve kings.

This is doomed to the failure of the constitutional monarchy.

A weak emperor is not enough to control the world.

Eventually the Ming Dynasty will collapse.

When the time comes, we will take the same old path again!

That's not what Qin Mo wants.

Princess Jingan mentioned this matter today, but Qin Mo said what was in his mind, "I don't know what the future will be like, but within fifty years, this sword cannot be used to kill the royal family.

Now the imperial power of the Ming Dynasty is actually divided into five points.

One is in Xijing, one is in Tokyo, and two are divided among the two sub-factions.

There are two pavilions in the two capitals and eighteen pavilions.

It is no exaggeration to say that the imperial power of the Ming Dynasty was not actually attributed to one person.

However, the person who really made the decision was the emperor of Xijing.

A long time ago, I began to release the power of the emperor, because I know that the power of the world cannot always be in the hands of one person.

When the country is about to fail, a high degree of centralization of power is needed, but now that the country is at peace and developing rapidly, it is necessary to decentralize power.

You see, officialdom reform is actually a re-division of power, a redistribution of the cake.

And this kind of distribution must happen every few decades, otherwise, new families will be born invisibly.

Even without clans, there are factions; without factions, there are also party struggles.

The Ming Dynasty is so big that even if I spend my entire life, it would be difficult for me to finish it.

Such a huge country cannot be kept busy by the emperor alone. "

Princess Jing'an also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "Since you know what's going on, I won't talk too much!"

Su Che looked at the kind old lady and felt warm in his heart, "Thank you, aunt, for reminding me. I have a bad memory and am too lazy. If I don't have someone to remind me often, I'm afraid it will delay the business!"

"You have never been like this." Princess Jing'an knew Qin Mo too well. Qin Mo would only relax after truly solving the problem.

Everyone said that Qin Mo was the most relaxed emperor, but they didn't know how much brainpower he wasted.

Therefore, it is not surprising at all that Ming Dynasty can exist today.

The two-capital system is actually a kind of guarantee, which can ensure that the emperor in power is free.

It's impossible for both emperors to be mediocre, right?

Qin Mo is so young, he can still hold Daming for thirty years.

The Ming Dynasty in thirty years will definitely be even greater!
(End of this chapter)

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