big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1962 Attacking Li Zhao

Chapter 1962 Attacking Li Zhao

Princess Jing'an said: "He should also be on vacation now. I will call him and ask him to come from Tokyo!"

As soon as Li Zhao came over, he was stunned, and a sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart.

Li Ke is his cousin and a strong competitor for the second generation King of Fanzhou.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will take over his cousin's position.

"Um, Sister Chu'er, I, can you come here?" Li Zhao waved to Zhao Chu'er.

When Zhao Chuer saw this, he felt as if he had seen a savior. He said something to Princess Qi and Princess Jing'an and left.

Before Li Zhao could react, he was pulled away by Zhao Chuer.

Seeing this scene, Princess Jing'an sighed, "It seems that my grandnephew is interested in Chu'er."

They were all experienced, and Princess Qi couldn't help but laugh, "Princess, it seems there is no hope for your grandson."

"My fair lady, a gentleman is always jealous. Who wouldn't like a lady like Chu'er?

This is the Ming Dynasty. If he were to be a Daqian, he would have been determined at the age of thirteen or fourteen. How could he stay until today? "Princess Jing'an looked at the two people leaving, "It's great to be young! "

"Yes, it's great to be young!" Princess Qi smiled. The reason why she brought Zhao Chuer here was actually for this reason.

It is said that marriage is free, but among the upper echelons of the Ming Dynasty, marriages are basically more common.

It’s not that they are not allowed to have freedom of marriage, but who knows what those people are running for?
Wealth breeds conscience, poverty breeds treachery.

But now, no one dares to openly arrange marriages. After all, after Qin Mo's reform, everyone understands.

From now on, no one will dare to talk about marriage openly.

But there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

They were in free love, so no one said anything about it, right?

These second-generation lords all have superior family backgrounds, but they have been strictly educated since childhood. Whether it is knowledge or vision, they are really not comparable to ordinary people.

No matter how you look at it, you have an advantage over those people.

In addition, everyone knows the basics of free love, and no one can say anything wrong.

But I heard that many people who were devolved have already gotten married and had children at the grassroots level.

Moreover, in the future, the system of one husband, one wife, and two equal wives will be implemented.

In other words, ordinary people can only have three wives, but no more concubines.

Why didn’t Qin Mo abolish the system of monogamy and multiple concubines?

First, the Ming Dynasty had a small population, with more women than men.

The overall population is still too small.

In the early stage, the focus was still on encouraging childbirth.

This system will be gradually abolished after the population exceeds 1 billion or even 1.5 billion.

Before this, the relationship will gradually be reduced from one husband, one wife, and two wives, to one husband, one wife, and one wife, and finally, monogamy will be fully implemented.

Only when there is a buffer space can this strategy be gradually implemented.

Because of the rapid increase in population and the gradual division of resources, this system made it more difficult for ordinary people to find wives.

Only in this way can resources be decentralized.

Population resources are also a resource.

During the Daqian period, in some remote areas, people who could not afford a wife would have a family with several brothers and only one daughter-in-law. It's ridiculous, but it's true.

Of course, these are all too far away. Maybe Qin Mo won't see the day when this strategy is banned until he closes his eyes.

But this is a plan that is truly included in the century-old plan.

Zhao Chuer pulled Li Zhao to the edge of the reef, and then lay down on the beach, "I'm exhausted. You don't know, my parents and relatives at home have been saying goodbye to me for the past two years. It's annoying!" "

Li Zhao's heart skipped a beat, then he sat next to Zhao Chu'er, "Sister Chu'er, are you disgusted with this?"

"It's not that I'm disgusted. In fact, I prefer free love. I heard that both the Emperor and the ladies are free to love. I also want to find someone I like.

Moreover, the person I like must treat me wholeheartedly and cannot be half-hearted, nor can he marry anyone else.

You must pamper me alone.

But no one around me seems to be able to do this.

Their families all have titles to inherit or have big businesses, and they all like to have more children.

Moreover, the Ming Dynasty encouraged childbirth, and many people made a business out of having children. "

Zhao Chuer sighed, "I know, all this is to fill the population, and there is nothing to exclude, but I am me, and I make my own decisions about my own life!"

"Sister Chu'er, you are so brave!" Li Zhao said, "I can't. There are many things that they have to take care of me."

"That's different. You are King Qian and the leader of Qianzhou. There are tens of millions of people below who depend on you!" Zhao Chuer said with a smile: "I really like a sentence in the book of the Supreme Emperor. What do you get? , you will lose something.

You are the Qian Wang. You have great responsibilities and great abilities, so you will lose some freedom.

But compared to ordinary people and poor people, your life is something they can't even dream of enjoying.

The Supreme Emperor sees everything too clearly, so he will try every means to distribute resources to these ordinary people that they have not been able to enjoy in their previous lives.

It is said that the Ming Dynasty was the prosperous age, but I think the Ming Dynasty was the prosperous age.

There are many children from rural areas in the school, which I never dared to think about before.

As long as they work hard, everything else will be left to the state. "

"Sister Chu'er, you see things very deeply, just like what my uncle said!" Li Zhao said.

"Whatever this is, the teachers in school will teach it, and it is written in the books." Zhao Chuer sat up, her white feet kept pumping water, the wind blew her hair, and Li Zhao felt like a fool All the same, they were speechless.

After a long while, Li Zhao held back a sentence, "Sister Chu'er, you are so beautiful!"

Zhao Chuer tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at Li Zhao, "You must be a good king in the future. The people are suffering too much. If you don't do anything, many people will suffer."

Li Zhao was excited, patted his chest and said, "Sister Chu'er, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to be a leader!" "

Zhao Chuer nodded and then said: "Let's go and play volleyball over there!"

Just as Zhao Chu'er was about to leave, Li Zhao remembered what his mother said, grabbed her hand, and said nervously: "Sister Chu'er, I, I, I have something to say to you!"

Zhao Chuer was puzzled, "What?"

Li Zhao took a deep breath and said, "Sister Chu'er, I like you. Although I'm not old enough to get married yet, I really like you. I can only love you in the future, and I will never pamper anyone else.

I don't know how to have three wives and four concubines. I can swear that you are the only one in this life.

Me, I know I'm still naive now, but I swear, I will work hard to mature.

Make yourself worthy of you, Sister Chuer, be my girlfriend, okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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