big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1964 Chu’er fell into the water!

Chapter 1964 Chu’er fell into the water!

At night, Zhao Chuer lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Her mind was filled with what Li Zhao said.

"Chu'er, are you asleep?" Princess Qi's voice came from outside the door.

"Auntie, no!" Zhao Chuer stood up in a hurry.

Princess Qi opened the door and came in, sat beside Zhao Chuer's bed, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous. I came here to ask you how your chat with Li Zhao went, and what do you think of him as a person?"

Zhao Chuer blushed, lowered her head and said shyly: "He is a very nice person, but the time I have known him is too short.

And he is younger than me. When word spreads, others will laugh at me for finding a little brother. "

"You have so many worries, but it seems you still like it, right?" Princess Qi, as someone who has been here, understands the little girl's thoughts very well, "Hey, this Li Zhao, he doesn't look like the Li family at all, but he looks like the Qin family Exactly the same.

He seems honest and safe. He has been taken by Emperor Mingzu since he was a child, and was trained by Qin Mo. His character is still guaranteed.

He is the Qianwang. Although he is young, you must not underestimate him with his age.

Since you like it, agree to it.

You have reached the marriageable age, so it is not too late to make a decision first and then wait for a grand ceremony in two years. "

"Then I'm trying too hard. Our family can't keep up with you at all." Zhao Chuer sighed: "Auntie, I still want to find an ordinary person."

"Do you think your father will let you find an ordinary person?" Princess Qi asked Zhao Chuer to be realistic, "Now is a world of poor families, but how many noble sons are there?
If you choose a husband who relies on your family, that would be a real joke. "


"If you have any concerns, tell them all."

"I'm confused and haven't thought about it yet," Zhao Chuer said.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but I have Li Zhao in my heart. Since I do, then be more decisive. It's not that Li Zhao can't find a woman.

In fact, there are already countless women in Dongdu who want to marry Li Zhao. "

"Why does it seem that if I don't marry him, I will be a sinner." Zhao Chuer said gloomily: "Since he has so many choices, why did he come to provoke me?"

Princess Qi couldn't help but laugh, "Silly boy, just like him if you like him. Isn't Li Zhao not married either?
As long as you nod, everyone else has to step back.

The queen knows about you and says she likes you very much and wants you to be her daughter-in-law. "

"King, did the queen ask you to come?" Zhao Chuer suddenly became nervous.

"Yes, she asked me to come later. She said that her stupid boy can't sleep because he misses you. If she doesn't settle on you, I'm afraid she won't even be interested in becoming the godfather!"

"How could it be!" Zhao Chuer immediately clenched his fists, "If he relaxes about state affairs because of this kind of thing, I, I won't forgive him!"

"Hey, you didn't even nod your head and you took care of it?" Princess Qi joked.

"No, no!" Zhao Chuer realized that she had said the wrong thing, and immediately held Princess Qi's hand, "Auntie, please don't laugh at me. I'm really confused about this matter, and I haven't thought about it well."

"Come here, your mother has already told me to help you find a good match.

There are so many noble people, so Li Zhao, who is about the same age as you, is the most suitable for you.

You don't want to marry the emperor's grandson, do you?
That's too small.

Prince Fan is about the same age as you, but if you nod, you will marry thousands of miles away.

Most of Qin Mo's sons are married, and even the younger ones are mostly engaged. You are out of luck.

In the entire Central Plains, you can't find anyone more suitable for you than Li Zhao.

He is the direct grandson of Emperor Gaozu, and even more so, the direct grandson of Emperor Mingzu, and that's all.

Whether it is status or blood, they are all precious. "

"The more this happens, the more scared I am. I am just an ordinary person, how can I be worthy of him!" Zhao Chuer said.

"What do you want to do if you think so much? Just like it. It's not like you can help the world." Princess Qi stood up and said, "Think about it carefully and give me an answer tomorrow. The queen also said that this boy wants you all the time. He said it's you. If he doesn’t agree, he won’t marry.”

After Princess Qi left, Zhao Chuer became even more confused.

I was tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep. I was woken up by other people at dawn, and I couldn't fall asleep anymore.

She felt like she was going crazy.

After staring at the panda, he saw that Li Zhao was also like him. The two looked at each other and turned away.

Li Zhao said hello, but Zhao Chuer ran away.

In the large dining room, Qin Xiangru, Qin Xiuying and other elders also got up early to have breakfast.

Princess Qi and others were accompanying her.

There are many breakfast options to choose from, with thirty or forty varieties.

"Good morning, Sister Chu'er!" Li Zhao walked to Zhao Chu'er carrying the dinner plate.

Zhao Chuer smiled and nodded, then picked up the dinner plate and walked to Princess Qi.

Li Zhao's eyes dimmed, "Sister Chu'er, do you want to draw a clear line with me? Sure enough, what she said yesterday scared her.

Also, how can someone say so much after only knowing each other for a few days? If it were me, I would be scared. "

He carried the breakfast and walked to his mother's side, listening to the elders chatting, but his mind had already wandered away.

"That kid, why haven't you gotten up yet?" Qin Xiangru said angrily: "So many elders are up, but he is still sleeping!"

"It's vacation, why did you ask Mo'er to sleep more?" Qin Xiuying said dissatisfied.

"Mo'er, how old is he? Why does he still sleep so much?" Qin Xiangru snorted, and then said to Li Zhao: "Zhao'er, you must not imitate your uncle, do you understand?"

Li Zhao came to his senses and responded hurriedly.

When everyone had almost finished eating, Qin Mo came over sleepily, holding a dinner plate in his hand. He was chatting all day long and didn't know what he did last night.

After finishing breakfast, Qin Mo took a group of elders to go to sea, while the juniors stayed in the villa.

This was the arrangement for several days.

Li Zhao's condition is getting worse and worse because he realizes that Zhao Chu'er is getting farther and farther away from him.

Even if he had the intention, he couldn't muster the energy.

My uncle said that if you try hard and still don't get results, then forget it.

Stop being so shameless.

He just kept this love in his heart silently, and would not say it out casually to embarrass Zhao Chuer.

At this moment, a cry for help suddenly came from the beach not far away, "Hurry, come quickly, someone is here, Chu'er is drowning."

Hearing this, Li Zhaohuner was almost scared to death.

He looked around and saw Zhao Chuer drowning on the sea not far away.

He jumped out and rushed out, "Sister Chu'er, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!"

Also rushing out were the eunuchs and female security officers who were with them.

"Your Highness King Qian, please don't enter the water without authorization. Let your slaves come!"

But none of their words could stop Li Zhao, who only had Zhao Chuer in his eyes now.

"Sister Chu'er, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!"

(End of this chapter)

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