big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1987 The miserable Subizhou!

Chapter 1987 The miserable Subizhou!
Qin Mo first arrived in Subi State. The king of the state here was Qin Cheng, the son of Qin Mo and Su Bimojie.

As the fifteenth son of Qin Mo, it can be said that he spends most of his time in Supi.

When Subi Mojie was the queen, after giving birth to Qin Cheng, Qin Cheng inherited the throne of Subi Kingdom.

In the early years, there were only 30,000 to 50,000 people in Subi, but now the population has exceeded 300,000.

You know, there were not so many people in Luoshou City in the past.

Subi includes Tuyuhun, Khitan and other places, and the population of the state has exceeded 1.5 million.

Among many states, Texas is the least populous state.

But here is a very important link between the Central Plains and the grasslands.

However, with a population of one million, the tax revenue here is less than 100 million. When the national tax is about to exceed 10 billion, there is not even 1% of the ratio in one state. There is obviously a problem.

You know, excluding the cattle and sheep in the Western Regions, this is the largest cattle and sheep breeding base in the country, and all kinds of cashmere products are almost all produced from here.

Qin Mo felt that Su Pi was developing too slowly.

There is also an inland salt lake here. Even if it is among the best, its tax revenue does not exceed 100 million.

When Qin Cheng learned that his father was coming, he hurriedly greeted him, but he didn't make a big show of it.

He knew his father was not a person who liked ostentation.

When my father went on patrol, he mainly wanted to avoid disturbing the people.

"My son, I will meet my father." Qin Cheng knelt on the ground.

Looking at his son whom he had not seen for several years, he said: "Get up."

"Thank you, Father." They haven't seen each other for several years. Even his biological son is a bit unfamiliar now. Both father and son are at a loss.

"Go to the palace first, while everyone else goes to rest, relax, and don't disturb the people." After saying that, Qin Mo got into Qin Cheng's special car.

The special car is not luxurious, it is just an ordinary Volkswagen car.

But this car stands out in Subiren, because in Subi, most of them are bullock carts and horse-drawn carriages. Only wealthy businessmen will buy a luxury car to serve as a front to facilitate negotiations.

Qin Cheng's car looked very civilian and businesslike.

“Four years ago, automobile factories were established in Dongdu and Luoyang, and 300,000 cars are produced in the two capitals every year.

In the past few years, Daming Automobile’s holdings have exceeded four million.

But I looked at the data and found that the number of private cars in Subizhou does not exceed a thousand, right? "

Qin Cheng heard his father's dissatisfied tone and said aggrievedly: "In the early years, Su Bi and Tuyuhun were beaten to pieces, and they spent many years recuperating. During the Great War, this place was more used to station troops. This place has accumulated a large number of troops all year round, so that the development space here has been infinitely compressed.

It is in the past few years that Subizhou has ushered in development.

Cars are not cheap, even the most common civilian car costs 10,000 yuan.

The per capita annual income in Subizhou is only about 3,000, which is far less than that of the two capitals. "

"Are you complaining to me again?" Qin Mo snorted, "You have been here for a few years. When you were still in your belly, you were born in Supi. The people of Supi regard you as their savior. .

How old are you this year?
After being here for twenty or thirty years, does it make sense that your state capital is still like this?
Supi is so big, unprecedentedly powerful, and occupies the starting point of the Silk Road. How can you be like this?
The annual tax revenue is only a few hundred million. Even if we collect tolls, we can collect tens of millions a year, right?
Not to mention, Supi also has other industries, including gold, gems, agate, cattle, sheep and horses, and cashmere products. Aren’t these pillar industries?
I can understand that Subi cannot develop heavy industry, but your position is irreplaceable. Why are you still like this?

Do you know how embarrassing it is for me to see Su Pi’s financial report every year when the financial report comes out?

In terms of region, Subi ranks high among the twelve states.

In terms of geographical location, it connects the north and the south and occupies the Silk Road.

In terms of population, there are 1.5 million people. At that time, Nanfan was said to have millions of people, and they were able to compete with Daqian for so long.

Today's Supiko is much stronger than Nanfan in the past.

The imperial court has always given Su Pi ample preferential treatment and even special subsidies.

Is this how you repay the court? "

Qin Cheng lowered his head and looked out the window, "I don't want to either. I also want Su Bi to become rich and strong. I am not lazy, but keep working hard."

"You can expose it just because you don't want to?" Qin Mo snorted coldly, "If you can't do it, replace it with someone who can. Don't occupy the position."

Qin Cheng didn't dare to speak anymore. He didn't have the courage to face his father.

"Thirty years ago, when I came to Subi, the people were like this. Thirty years later, when I came to Subi, they were still like this. Except that the roads have been widened and the houses have been built higher, there is no difference.

In my imagination, Subizhou is so uniquely endowed, why should it provide a tax revenue of two to three billion a year?

After so many years, how come the population has to increase to two million, right?
Looking at the data, Subizhou failed in everything. Do you understand?
I know that managing this kind of place is a little more difficult than ordinary places, but the people of the Central Plains here are not a minority.

I don't know, but these years, you have been too obsessed with being this king and have been able to muddle along.

Still unwilling to go deep into the grassroots.

Every one of your brothers has gone to the grassroots level to gain experience.

You escaped this disaster because of your identity.

If you feel that your current life is too comfortable, I can let you try the life of your brothers. "

Qin Cheng looked sad. He had long heard that those brothers were living the most difficult days in the poorest and most backward places.

He is considered frugal in Supi, but no matter how frugal he is, he is still the king of Supi.

And he has been the destined master of this country since he was a child.

There is no true sense of suffering.

Now that his father has come and reduced him to worthless, he feels aggrieved but does not dare to refute.

Because Subizhou is really counting down every year.

As for the adjacent grassland, which calls itself a state and is called Yuanzhou, it must be barren.

There are also more than 150 million in tax revenue a year.

The population is over two million.

Not to mention Fanzhou, which has a population of 3 million and provides more than 300 million in tax revenue to the national treasury every year.

Fanzhou reaped the dividends from the three Tianxiang states, and with the integration of Ross this time, the state expanded and gained a lot of weight.

The population also moved in by hundreds of thousands.

Seeing his son being scolded as autistic, Qin Mo didn't feel any distress at all. He scolded him because there was still hope.

If he didn't even bother to scold him, then he should pack up and go home.

"Write down all the problems you encounter for me. I will read them in an hour.

Also, bring me all the industrial reports of Subizhou in recent years. I want to see what you have done in these years! "

(End of this chapter)

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