big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1989 Unlock the last shackles!

Chapter 1989 Unlock the last shackles!
"Dad, I was wrong!" Qin Cheng couldn't help pleading.

But Qin Mo didn't talk nonsense. People around him didn't dare to take action. Qin Mo took out his belt and beat Qin Cheng until he rolled on the ground.

"You bastards, Lao Jiu's death still failed to wake you up, why didn't you do anything? Do you have to be whipped to know how to be afraid?"

Qin Mo whipped, but felt very uncomfortable inside.

"Your Majesty, please stop fighting. If you continue to fight, someone will be killed." Xiaoba knelt on the ground and hugged Qin Mo's feet. In his opinion, Qin Cheng was at fault, but he was only wrong because of his stupid qualifications and lack of management. talent.

It's much better than those idle and dissipated guys.

At the very least, he didn't do anything wrong, and his attitude was very upright.

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words to Qin Mo. As a slave, you can't just watch your master beat your young master.

Qin Mo kicked Xiao Ba away, but his attack became more and more ruthless, and without saying a word, he beat Qin Cheng until he was covered in blood.

After the hundred belts were drawn, Qin Cheng lay on the ground, panting heavily. There was not a single piece of good flesh on his body, and there were all whip marks from the whipping.

Tears of grievance fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Compassion does not control soldiers, justice does not control wealth. As the governor of a state, it is your fault to be kind.

Because of your kindness, the entire Subi State is riddled with holes, and those rats have exploited the loopholes and invaded the entire system.

The road to the humble family was completely cut off.

I have investigated for a long time and found that after local students complete their studies, only two of them come out and stay in Subizhou to teach in remote places.

Or, after completing your studies, stay outside.

Why don't those great rats help teach?
Oh, I understand, they stay there for a month, get a layer of gold, and then they can become regular employees, and their resumes are very beautiful.

What the hell are you afraid of?
If you make a mistake, just let it go.

Those who are dishonest can just be beheaded.

Anyone who dares to act recklessly is going against Ming Dynasty.

If you have the ability, let them shake things up.

I'm waiting for them to jump out and cause trouble.

You idiot, with these one hundred lashes, I won’t beat you unjustly. "

Qin Mo angrily threw the blood-soaked belt beside Qin Cheng. It was not that he was disappointed with Qin Cheng, but it was precisely because he had high hopes for Qin Cheng that he beat him.

It's not scary for people to make mistakes. What's scary is that they don't even know they are wrong.

"Don't think that I hit you just to vent my anger. I hit you just to beat you. It's not true." Qin Mo said: "You are so old. If you can understand my painstaking efforts, you can train yourself well.

Given time, there may be a chance to start over.

Take your tears back to me, only the weak will cry. "

Qin Cheng forced his tears back.

"Think about it for yourself." Qin Mo walked out with a cold face.

Xiaoba got up from the ground, went to Qin Cheng's side, then helped him sit up, and said earnestly: "Don't blame the Supreme Emperor. The Supreme Emperor has high hopes for you. He really hopes that you can take charge of Su Pi." alright.

When the second round of reforms came, among the many princes, you were the only one who did not leave, and many people complained.

It was the emperor who withstood all the pressure.

You, think about it for yourself, if he didn’t really wish you well, why would the Emperor be such a villain and beat you? "

After saying that, Xiaoba stood up and said, "I'll take my leave first."

After Xiaoba left, Qin Cheng fell into deep thought.

The pain in the body is far less than the grievance and pain in the heart.

But my father was right.

Compassion does not control soldiers, justice does not control wealth.

As the governor of a state, he is indeed unqualified.

He endured the pain and got up from the ground, then limped after him, and knelt in front of his father, "Dad, I repented, please give your son a chance." Qin Mo looked at his face. The remorseful Qin Cheng felt a little relieved in his heart.

Don't be afraid of being beaten or scolded. It is natural for me to beat my son.

After the fight, we are still a family.

If he is treated like an enemy after the fight, this son will be raised in vain, and there is no need to continue to have high expectations for him.

Qin Mo thought so.

Fortunately, Qin Cheng did not let himself down.

"You have to fight for the opportunity yourself. Go to the grassroots level to gain experience. I will transfer you to the poorest and most unruly place. If you can't stand it anymore, come back on your own and act like an ordinary person. No one will force you. Yes." Qin Mo said lightly.

Qin Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "If I don't do what I want, I would rather die outside than come back. Please rest assured, dad, my son will definitely not let dad down."

"Don't talk too much, do it first." After saying that, Qin Mo raised his feet and left.

After Qin Mo left, in the past five years, everyone who entered the Subizhou system began to do background work.

The one who did the background adjustment was the imperial envoy he specially hired.

For a time, the whole Subi Prefecture was in a state of trembling.

Qin Mo issued an order, and an army of 50,000 was waiting for orders at any time in the capital of Subi Prefecture.

Even if those people are dissatisfied, they can only behave with their tail between their legs.

Everyone knows that this great emperor has always been a man of truth.

Those who violated the ban were either dismissed, demoted three levels in a row, or never promoted.

Qin Mo spent seven days to deal with it. He dealt with 1,300 people and punished 2,700 people.

In Subi Prefecture, which has a population of 1.5 million, the number of officials who have been punished has reached 4,000, which is simply appalling.

But after this deal, Subizhou also ushered in the clearest period of official governance in the world.

Qin Mo asked several cabinet members in Subi to take charge of various affairs in Subi Prefecture.

Before leaving, he gave key instructions on various items and explained that he would come to Subi Prefecture for inspection at that time. If there were no changes, the officialdom of Subi Prefecture would be rectified from top to bottom.

Everyone was frightened by Qin Mo's methods and majesty, but they still dared to defy the situation.

You know, this time, only three of the five members of the cabinet were dismissed, and one was directly beheaded by the emperor because of serious corruption.

It's really not sloppy at all.

But the people in Subizhou kept clapping their hands and applauding.

Qin Mo's move will only make the people more focused, because the emperor is dedicated to the people.

When leaving, Qin Mo received greetings from all the people of Subi.

As the husband-in-law of the last queen of Su Pi, Qin Mo's prestige and status in Su Pi are very high.

Qin Mo's statues and statues are also found in various temples in Supi.

There are many believers.

But this time, Qin Mo personally ordered the destruction of all the statues of himself in the temples.

Once upon a time, Qin Mo hoped to use this method to allow the people of Nanfan to peacefully integrate into Daqian.

But now, they are the people of Ming Dynasty.

Qin Mo doesn't want to practice this foolish method anymore.

He wanted to completely free the people.

Not just physical freedom, but also spiritual freedom.

This approach shocked countless people!

(End of this chapter)

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