big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1997 Leaving Nanfan

Chapter 1997 Leaving Nanfan
In the dead of night, Qin Mo was smoking a cigarette, "Senior sister still understands me."

Bai Yu Wuxia has already fallen asleep.

Outside the door, Niang Qiong is still there.

For Qin Mo, Bai Yuwuxia is a member of the palace and one of his own.

Niangqiong is different.

The presence of these two people was allowed by the wives.

Niangqiong is not.

Qin Mo also felt strange after taking the red pill from the two of them.

It has been more than ten years since he opened a new dish. He was a little uncomfortable with the sudden opening of new dishes.

Then he should pay more attention to maintaining his health in the future and strive to live to be a hundred years old. In this way, he will still have more than forty years of good life.

The two of them are not at a loss either.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo felt refreshed and the two sisters, Bai Yu Wuxia, returned to their usual self.

Even when I walked, I looked uncomfortable, and there were two holes in the sheets.

Qin Mo rubbed his eyes, "Niang Qiong is still outside?"

"Well, I fell asleep leaning outside the door last night." Bai Yu said.

"I'm a little cruel. For these pious people, what I do is actually destroying their sustenance." Qin Mo sighed, but he didn't get too entangled. Niangqiong was just a woman who appeared in his life. , nothing more.

It may not even leave a trace in one's own life.

After getting up, he said: "If she wants to follow, just follow. When she comes back from the parade, let her stay. This can be regarded as completing her mission and giving an account to these pilgrims."

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!" Bai Yu Wuxia said in unison.

"Shuang'an, I'll leave first!" After breakfast, Qin Mo said to Li Shuang'an: "I think Ping An is a good boy. He has been a prince for so many years and is relatively experienced in handling some government affairs. , you can just help take care of some big things.

Young people, it is a good thing to have your own ideas. You have to support them. Think about yourself, how many problems did you encounter when you were governing in Nanpan? Didn’t you overcome them all?

Each generation has its own difficulties, and we can no longer look at new things with old eyes. "

Li Shuangan smiled bitterly and nodded, "What my brother-in-law said is true, I'm afraid that this boy will live up to your expectations."

Li Pingan stood up hurriedly and said: "Uncle, my nephew will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"You only need to remember one sentence, just serve the people and live up to the people. Try your best to strive for more benefits and benefits for the people. Whenever the people mention you and say something good about you, you, the king of the state, will succeed. ,understand?"

"Yes, my nephew must keep it in mind!" Li Ping'an said seriously.

"Then, let's say goodbye!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, I'll give it to you!"

"No, just stay here peacefully, so as not to attract other people's attention!" Qin Mo smiled, then turned and left.

Li Shuangan just saw him off from the Red Palace, and then watched his car leave.

After Qin Mo left, Li Pingan couldn't help but said to his father: "Dad, I don't think I can reach the height of my uncle in this life!"

Li Shuang'an couldn't help but knock him, "Is your uncle a human? He was a living god. Have you ever seen the emperor dismantle his own golden body?"

Your uncle dares to do this. The more he does this, the more people will love him.

If it is said that ordinary people are all for better rule, then your uncle really loves the people as his own children.

He doesn't just care for the people for a while, but considers the people in all aspects.

It is an honor for you and me to live in this era.

You must cherish it and never let your uncle down.

Otherwise, I can't spare you! "

Li Ping'an also nodded in agreement, patted his chest and said, "Dad, don't worry, if I mess up, you'll beat me to death!"

Li Shuangan looked at Niangqiong and realized that his brother-in-law did not take her away this time. "You, don't think too much about it. If my brother-in-law doesn't take you with him, it's not because he doesn't like you or hates you, but because he cares about you and cares about you.

This journey to the Western Region is not peaceful. If you go there, it won't make any difference. Instead, it will cause him trouble.

It was right to stay in Nanfan. "

Niang Qiong said with a bitter face: "It's my fault that I have made the Supreme Emperor hate me."

"You little girl, why are you so stubborn?" Li Pingan couldn't stand it anymore and said.

Li Shuangan also shook his head. There are many women who want to serve his brother-in-law, but after so many years, there are only those.

Oh, white jade does not count.

After leaving Luozhe, Qin Mo also breathed a sigh of relief. He spent every day in the carriage, listening to music and watching music, and then receiving telegrams.

See if anything big has happened recently.

After Qin Mo's patrol, the Western Region was unusually quiet, even unreasonably quiet.

It’s not the King of Hell who can’t control these brats.

But Qin Mo told himself that he must not take it lightly.

These people sold their souls to the devil and were fearless.

It wouldn't be fun if it really capsized in the gutter.

"The Supreme Emperor, is this strength okay?" Bai Yu asked with a blushing face.

Qin Mo let out a long sigh of satisfaction, "That's it!"

I have no time to imitate my sister and get busy.

She is a little mellower than her sister, and the Emperor seems to like to ravage her.

She found a comfortable seat to make it more convenient for the Emperor.

Anyway, there were only three people in the carriage, and even Hachigonggong was in a carriage outside.

There's nothing shy about either of them.

"You two are really hurting me!" Qin Mo sighed.

Bai Yu almost choked, Wu Xian hurriedly handed over a glass of water, and Bai Yu recovered.

"Sister, here!" Wuxia pointed to the corner of his mouth.

Bai Yu blushed before lowering her head to deal with it.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. It's all the slaves' fault." Bai Yu lowered his head and said, "I shouldn't have seduced you."

"I don't like the word seduction." Qin Mo said: "I have fourteen wives, so I am destined not to have much place in my heart.

Of course, men like young girls, but there will always be young girls.

This is also the reason why, for so many years, I have not taken any more concubines.

Of course, since I have touched you, I will definitely take charge. "

"Your Majesty, it's really not necessary." Bai Yu said: "Our mission is to protect you, serve you, and give everything for you.

My sister and I don't need anything, as long as the Emperor is happy. "

"Yes, as long as you are happy, that is more important than anything else." Wu Xia said: "The relationship between you and the Queen is obvious to all. You have come all the way through hard work. Naturally, we cannot compare with that kind of relationship. of.

The slave never thought about this.

Please don’t have a headache or worry about your slave! "

Qin Mo said funnyly: "What if you have one? The child must have a name, right? You can't let them be wild children, right?"

The two women looked at each other, both extremely shy.

They don't know whether others at this age can do it, but Qin Mo can definitely do it!
(End of this chapter)

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