big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2000 It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice

Chapter 2000 It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice
The three Hu girls are the most pleasing to Qin Mo, and they are also first-rate in serving others.

Dou Yiai called out two, but waved away the others.

After Qin Mo enjoyed the service, he waved away these Hu girls, and then said to Dou Yiai: "You can deal with these, whether you want to keep them yourself or give them to the people below."

Dou Yiai nodded, he was in his sage time at the moment, "Brother, why are you still fighting with me? You are still as powerful as you were back then. Why are you so far behind when I compare with you?"

He was extremely depressed.

"Let me show you some restraint. As for you, you have to keep concubines every day and be a groom every night!" Qin Mo said.

"I'm not doing it for the continuation of the Dou family. My eldest brother is gone and I am the only one in the family. The burden of continuing the family is on me. Why don't I work hard?"

"Your forty daughters and more than twenty sons are not enough?"

"You have seventy-two sons, and I don't have as many sons as you." Dou Yiai said aggrievedly.

"He also said that I value quality over quantity, so I'm going to cast a wide net like you!" Qin Mo snorted, "Look at how capable you are. Gao Yang was already in her forties, and you still let her show off her talent, almost... One corpse, two lives!”

Dou Yiai was scolded so much that she didn't dare to say a word. After subduing Gao Yang, Gao Yang really calmed down and fell in love with Dou Yi wholeheartedly.

He gave birth to five sons and three daughters, absolutely imitating his wife.

But Dou Yiai is so capable. Gao Yang was almost fifty at that time, and he still let her take it. , the result was almost one body and two lives.

After coming to the rescue from behind, Qin Mo beat Dou Yiai severely.

"If you don't even practice health-preserving skills steadily, day by day, and don't know how to calm down, if this continues, your life will definitely be short-lived.

At that time, all your young wives and concubines will run away with others to give birth to sons and wear hats for you.

You are underground, you can only scream angrily and stare! "Qin Mo threatened him.

Dou Yiai was also anxious, "I have practiced. I practice three to five times a month. Isn't this enough?"

"I have to practice every day, nourish myself, and occasionally rest for a while. Look at me, I'm older than you, how much younger than you?" Qin Mo said.

Speaking of this matter, Dou Yiai also came close to him, "Brother, why do you feel as if you are a fixed age? You looked like this six years ago, and you are still like this six years later. You won't really be like those people." As you said, it’s a deity from heaven descending to earth, right?”

"Go away!" Qin Mo cursed. In fact, he had also asked Yuan Tiangang this question. First of all, he was extremely talented. He was a Yuanyang body before he was crowned, so his natural energy was several times stronger than that of ordinary people. .

Just like those fierce generals, one person and one horse can kill through the enemy camp.

However, if you try it as an ordinary person, whether you can survive the battlefield is a question.

Those who achieve great things must be energetic and talented people.

Qin Mo recognized this very much.

People who are weak cannot have the energy to achieve a career.

Although Qin Mo later grew older and had wives and concubines, he was not uninhibited. On the contrary, Qin Mo had the idea of ​​​​keeping in good health very early and kept nourishing himself. Later, he learned health-preserving skills.

I started practicing when I was less than thirty years old.

I have been practicing for more than 30 years, and I am now considered a master.

In Yuan Tiangang's words, as long as Qin Mo doesn't suffer from serious diseases, his life span will be longer than that of ordinary people.

So it looks very young.

But when you reach a certain age, you will gradually grow old.

It's irresistible.

It's not some weird power.

Moreover, Yuan Tiangang said that his master, Qin Mo's ancestor, was already a hundred years old when he accepted his disciples, and he lived for one hundred and thirty years before he left Hexi.

One hundred and thirty years old is almost two lifetimes for an ordinary person. If converted to Qin Mo's current age, he would be in his prime.

Qin Mo no longer thought about being one hundred and thirty years old. He would be secretly happy if he could live to be one hundred years old.

Dou Yiai sighed, "In two years, if you come with me, people who don't know will think you are my son!"

Qin Mo laughed angrily, "You're so silly, I'm really going to deal with you!"

Dou Yiai hurriedly closed her mouth.

After taking a bath, Qin Mo felt refreshed and went to Dou Yiai's study. Dou Fang had put a summary of Nile State's tables over the years here.

Qin Mo looked at it carefully.

In fact, Nile State is only slightly better than Subi State.

Among the twelve states of the Ming Dynasty, it was also at the bottom, not even comparable to Nanyang State.

Nanyang State is the key to the Maritime Silk Road and has a lot of spices, so it is quite prosperous.

It's just that Qin Mo was pinching her too much back then, and she still hasn't gotten over it for more than thirty years.

It is now being promoted as a major tourist state, attracting people from all over the country to settle and invest there with extremely low land prices.

Still, it works great.

Especially in Xijing, some old Nanyang people will still go there to settle when they get old.

But young people must stay in Xijing.

After all, there are two hearts in this world, one is Xijing and the other is Tokyo.

"It seems that Nile State is indeed not suitable as the capital. We should give it to Nanfan in the future, but Nanfan is too big and it is not suitable to give it to him." Qin Mo frowned.

Dou Fang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you must not do this!"

"I have my own considerations about this. Nile State has not developed in so many years. Think about it, how close Nile State is to the capital of Tianxiang. Although it does not include the capital of Tianxiang, it is so-called that you can eat by relying on the mountains and eating by the sea. ocean.

There are not many people here, and relying on the resources here, it is absolutely possible for the people of Nile State to reach the average level of the Ming Dynasty.

You have failed to do this well.

I know that Nile State is an inland state, and it is indeed a little bit worse than those states that are close to the sea.

But don't forget, this place has abundant resources, and the population is not large. It has also annexed a land as large as Tianxiang. Logically, it shouldn't be at the bottom."

Subi is the last from the bottom, then Nile State is the second from the bottom.

This brother in distress made Qin Mo very worried.

The grassland was allocated to Liaodong, and with the resources there, it has always been ranked among the top five.

Dou Fang sighed: "Having said that, our side is still no match for that side. Uncle Li's strategy is really too strong, and the state government simply cannot afford that much money to support it.

Moreover, it is close to the sea and can collect a large amount of tax revenue through transportation. "

Of course he was talking about Li Yongmeng.

Li Yongmeng is in the capital of Tianxiang, which is the heart of Tianxiang. Before the division, it occupied half of Tianxiang's economy.

Although it is now divided into three states, with its geographical advantages and resources, it is still the well-deserved big brother.

Among the twelve states in the Central Plains, it can also be ranked in the top five!

It's not that Dou Fang doesn't want to make progress, but it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

(End of this chapter)

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