big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2006 Retreating to Advance

Chapter 2006 Retreating to Advance
Not only old people and women, but also some young children.

They knelt outside the palace, begging Qin Mo, the great emperor, to show mercy and not to take back their treatment.

They promised that they would obey the court's words obediently.

These old people know how difficult the hard times were.

At that time, they were the lowest class of slaves, lowly beings with no status.

Even having a full meal is a luxury.

They only deserve to live in the mud.

It was Qin Mo who gave them the opportunity to live in the sun. Although the hierarchy of the sky is still obvious, it is the three, six or nine grades engraved in their bones, but at least they, the lowest common people, have a way out.

If they were asked to give up their current treatment, no one would want to.

There was obviously a hint of annoyance and a hint of resentment in their pleading.

It seemed that if Qin Mo didn't agree to them, they would resist.

Completely forgetting why they ended up where they are today.

He also forgot who Qin Mo took the risk to come to the sky.

All I can say is that these people are too blind.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Li Yongmeng asked.

Qin Mo drank tea, "Don't be anxious. The more they act like this, the more anxious the people behind them are. I'm already here, and they still dare to show their faces. That's just seeking death!"
I received news that there were rumors among the people that I would definitely take back their treatment.

And this news seems to have come from the official mouth.

This official is very interesting.

It is very likely that they are really people within our system. Of course, it is also possible that they are rumors spread by those bugs.

There is a saying that goes well: if you start a rumor, you will lose your legs if you refute it.

These people clearly wanted to blackmail me.

But how could I be so easily blackmailed? "

"The composition of the celestial phenomena is too complicated, and now there are new contradictions." Li Yongmeng said: "This contradiction not only comes from the people and the court, but also targets the people of the Central Plains and Xijing."

"Let's talk about it." Qin Mo put down the teacup.

"In those days, brother, you managed the celestial phenomena, suppressed and appeased the people at the same time, and put the Ming people above the Brahmins. This did have a magical effect, and the local turmoil was calmed down in a short time.

What's even more unpredictable is that the people below are actually extremely well-behaved and more obedient than ever.

It was precisely after the revolution that the celestial phenomena began to become strange.

Those things that were once slaves actually started to resent.

They felt that the imperial court had deprived them of their sustenance, that there was no one to control them, and that they had lost the blessing of the gods.

Therefore, the new contradiction is that some people are stirring up discord among all classes in the universe.

They shifted the conflict to the Qin people. For more than a year, the Qin people were frequently persecuted.

As a result, the number of people coming to Tianxiang to do business has decreased slightly.

As the intensity of innovation becomes stronger and stronger, Tianxiang's economy is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Instead of arranging for those people to commit suicide, they now transfer their hatred to the Central Plains people.

They are instigating the emotions of the various ethnic groups in the Ming Dynasty and making them kill each other!

Once they are killed, they will be killed forever. In my opinion, these people are bastards, not of my race, and their minds must be different. It is better to change the strategy and suppress them to the end! "Li Yongmeng also had murderous intentions. Haven't they been good enough to these people for thirty years?

What the Central Plains people have, they also have.

What the people of Xijing have, they also have! The imperial court's strategy was tilted and never avoided anyone.

But why are they still not satisfied?

Are they just born with a low life and like to stay in the dirt all their lives?
When Dou Yiai heard this, she became excited and said, "Brother, I am familiar with this matter. Men are sent to labor camps, women are assigned, old people are expelled, and they commit suicide."

Qin Mo glared at Dou Yiai and said, "Just stay here."

"Oh." Dou Yiai fainted instantly.

"What to kill? I know how to kill, but I don't know how to kill? What do you think?" Qin Mo snorted coldly, "Have you finished killing? Or do you want to kill those unarmed people?

Is it still the Ming Dynasty?
What's the difference between me and those tyrants?
It's not that I care about these bullshit reputations, it's just that I don't want to solve problems by killing them.

The purpose of killing is to intimidate, not to solve the problem.

What does the world rely on to be unified?
It’s brains, it’s recognition, not false merit.

I can shoot fighter planes now and level the Western Region. What’s the point?
Once hatred takes root in the hearts of the people, governance will be meaningless.

Those bugs just want to see this, so they stir up emotions.

This method, although simple, is very practical.

In fact, over the years, the methods used by these people to rebel and cause trouble have remained unchanged.

If I were really scared by them, that would be a real joke! "

Li Yongmeng sighed, "The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. If we can't find these people, it's useless to say anything!"

"Then try to mobilize mass strategies and see the effect of governance over the years." Qin Mo said: "Pass my order, just say, catch those who spread rumors and be suspicious, and I will continue to retain the treatment and will not take it back!
If you continue to listen to the wind and storm the palace, your treatment will be completely withdrawn.

Tianxiang State will be abandoned by the imperial court. "

Li Yongmeng was dumbfounded, "Brother, are you abandoning Tianxiang Prefecture?"

"Yes, it means abandoning Tianxiang Prefecture." Qin Mo said with a smile: "I once said that when the people don't need us, then we will leave. Tianxiang has three prefectures, one Tianxiang Prefecture is missing, and there are two more prefectures.

This person is just afraid of comparison.

Let's take away all the resources.

Even the seeds are ours. Without these, what work will they do?

Those people with ulterior motives will spread rumors. Is it difficult for us to stop talking?

You only need to see who stands up in the end to know who the person behind the scenes is.

When the time comes, Tianxiang Prefecture will turn into a puddle of mud, and those people will know who is truly good. "

Qin Mo is not a good person.

These people are enjoying the treatment of Ming citizens while scolding their mothers here. They really think Qin Mo has a good temper.

It was their fault that the celestial phenomenon attacked that year. To put it bluntly, the celestial phenomenon was the colony.

It was Qin Mo who showed great kindness, otherwise, this place would just be the back garden of the people of Ming Dynasty.

The people here are worse than animals.

Therefore, the best way to deal with these is to retreat in order to advance.

Celestial phenomena have never been the focus of Ming Dynasty.

With two capitals in hand, it doesn't matter if the world is shattered.

It's just that Qin Mo doesn't want to do this kind of thing. He wants to build virtue for future generations.

Li Yongmeng thought about it, and then his eyes lit up, "Brother, it's wonderful, you are still smart, but if this is true, won't our decades of hard work be in vain?"

(End of this chapter)

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