big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2010 Dou Yiai acts vigorously and resolutely

Chapter 2010 Dou Yiai acts vigorously and resolutely

Dou Yiai patted her chest and said, "I can't lie to anyone, really!"

Rose snorted. To be honest, Dou Yiai looked quite old at his age. Although he didn't look like an old man, he didn't look young either.

However, he was already burly and pampered, so he had an aura of his own.

And those young people can afford to raise white lotuses like her.

"Then give you a chance to prove yourself!" Rose said.

"What does it prove?" Dou Yiai said with some confusion.

"Introduce me to the people around you. If you agree, then we will continue to be together. If you don't agree, then forget it." Rose said, "This is the most basic attitude."

Dou Yiai thought for a while, "Forget it, we haven't settled yet, and you have to meet them. If you abandon me in the future, wouldn't I be very embarrassed?"

Having said this, Dou Yiai waved her hands, and then said with a regretful expression: "Rose, although I like you very much, it's a pity that we are not destined.

I am very affectionate, but if you make trouble unreasonably, I will not agree to it. "

With that said, he took the flower back from Rose's hand and said, "Goodbye!"

After saying that, he walked out without even turning his head.

The whole process was so fast that Rose couldn't even react.

When Dou Yiai had half a foot out the door, she said angrily: "Stop!"

Dou Yiai stopped and said, "Rose Rose, do you have anything else?"

"You, you" Rose was dumbfounded. How could she have imagined that Dou Yiai would be so difficult to deal with.

However, thinking about the information given there, Dou Yiai was indeed a fool, and his own tactics did not seem to work well on this fool.

"You are basically lying to me. You keep saying you like me, but you don't even want to introduce me to your friends. How can I feel safe?" Rose said with red eyes: "You don't even have the most basic attitude. If you don’t want to take it out, how can I give myself to you?”

"I said, I will be responsible. If you don't believe it, forget it. Coerced melons are not sweet. Even if you don't believe it, I have seen more women in my life than you have ever met.

It has never been irresponsible. "

Dou Yiai sighed, "Since you care about these things and don't trust me, let's stay here and I won't delay your happiness.

I think the cherry in your courtyard is quite beautiful, so I went to pursue her, that’s it! "

"You, you are just trying to be angry with me!" Seeing that Dou Yiai was really going to leave, Rose was extremely angry. It was impossible to fathom the psychology of this bitch.

If you just let him go, you will miss this best opportunity.

Dou Yiai had many people secretly protecting her, and it was even harder to lure that person out.

"Stop, come back!"

However, Dou Yiai ignored her at all and disappeared from sight.

Rose was trembling with anger, she would never allow herself to fail.

Then he lifted up his skirt, chased after her, and forcefully pulled Dou Yi'ai back.

Dou Yiai said with an unhappy look on her face: "You are done and you can't catch me, so you still force me to chase you, right?
Let me tell you, although I have a good temper and don't hit women, it doesn't mean I have no temper.

If you are occupying me like this, aren't you letting others miss a good opportunity? "

Those stinky words made Rose want to strangle him to death.

She forced out a smile, and then said with an aggrieved face, "You are a person who doesn't know the slightest bit about style. I am a woman and want to be more romantic. Is it wrong?"
Don’t you know how to give in to me? For so many days, those people have known that a big shot is pursuing me. Now that you are gone, who will dare to pursue me?
Who dares to want me?
If you turn around and chase cherries, how will I be able to hang out at the Grand Theater in the future?
I see you don't care about my life or death at all! "

As he spoke, he actually started sobbing.

Dou Yiai said: "I am a very pragmatic person, and if I don't get a response, I will leave immediately.

They have always given up their share to me, not me to others! "

He didn't lie. There were so many women, but there were only two that he really cared about.

He likes it a little bit more when he has a son.

For those who had no children, he would divorce them in two years and then give them to his subordinates.

The only thing that remains unchanged is Princess Gaoyang.

The only woman he has ever accommodated to in his life is Gao Yang.

Perhaps it was because of being severely suppressed before that Dou Yiai developed this kind of character.

Rose also got angry after hearing this. Is this bitch proud?
But then I thought, "As that man's brother, confidant, and king of the state, there are many women attached to him, so he is really right."

She sobbed even harder, "I don't even know your origins or your real name. How can I feel safe?"

"I told you, after you're with me, I will slowly tell you. If you don't believe me, I can't help it. This is only in the Ming Dynasty. If it were in the past, when Tianxiang was still under the control of the military, who would dare not be happy if they took a fancy to someone?
Just smoke with a big mouth.

Those aristocratic women would kneel down and beg me when they saw me. "Dou Yiai's tail almost went up to the sky.

But these words were true in Rose's ears.

Who doesn't know that Dou Yiai's favorite thing is concubinage?
It is said that the most he took in was a hundred concubines in one year.

One must be collected every three days!
This is what a powerful man is.

However, he is quite good, and each concubine has a good pension fund.

This is not bad for those men who don't recognize people when they hold up their pants.

She was extremely conflicted in her heart. Why didn't she understand the meaning of Dou Yi'ai's words?

Follow him?
The trick of indulging in lust may work well for others, but it has no effect at all on this bitch.

"I'm so annoyed. You're crying. If you don't say anything, I'll leave. It's a waste of time!" Dou Yiai said impatiently.

Rose pretended to be scared, stopped crying, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold Dou Yiai's hand, "Don't leave, why don't I stop crying?"

"Then please give me a confirmation. Is it ok? If not, I'll still have to leave. Who has the time to play house with you here?" Dou Yi'ai said unhappily.

"Okay, it's all up to you, I listen to you. You can do whatever you want!" Rose hugged him with her eyes closed, "You know how to bully a little girl, you just use your power. Come and bully a powerless little woman like me.

You are so useless! "

With the beauty in his arms, Dou Yiai also laughed, and his hands became less cautious. From his waist to the millstone, he was familiar with the road.

"Then you agree to be my concubine?"

Rose said with a resentful look: "You are like this, do you think I can still marry someone else?"

Dou Yiai was overjoyed, "Okay, okay, good rose, I will definitely treat you well!"

(End of this chapter)

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