big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2033: Cutting-edge civilians caught with one hand

Chapter 2033: Catch the cutting-edge civilians with one hand
"Although the Celestials are not a unified country in the first place, they still respect the Celestials in name.

Many people fled to Silla and Nile states, but they were bad people at heart.

Let me tell you, we are too kind to them. "The driver said indignantly: "The imperial court treats everyone equally, gives them preferential treatment and allows them to live a good life, and yet it is ungrateful.

A few days ago, some out-of-towners who traveled here almost had an accident, so you two must be careful.

In Silla Prefecture, although there is no big problem with the Supreme Emperor in charge, a large number of people have poured in and the composition is more complicated. "

"Don't be afraid, I will kill anyone who dares to think wrong." Fang Chun smiled faintly.

"You two nobles, you have a lot of background at first glance." The driver laughed dryly, not thinking that Fang Chun was joking. The two of them couldn't hide what they had in their bones.

The two women smiled and didn't say much.

The car successfully stopped outside the Silla Palace.

Fang Shun asked: "Should we go find Miaoyun or should we go shopping alone?"

Gao Yao said: "Forget it, let's go find the master. No matter how prosperous this place is, it is not as prosperous as the two capitals."

"I think you're itchy!" Fang Shun snorted.

"So what, don't say you're not!" Gao Yao pouted, "I know, you must be menopausal, but at your age, menopause is normal."

"You are just menopausal." Fang Shun gritted his teeth and said, "Smelly eunuch, don't force me to use the knife."

"Stinky Lady Crown, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Gao Yao said without giving in.

Finally, the two women snorted together and walked into the big garden.

Soon, the two women passed through the first floor and arrived at the second floor, but they were blocked by the guards. "The palace is an important place, and no one else can enter."

Fang Shun directly took out his ID and said, "Go and report it!"

The guard took Fang Chun's ID, opened it, and his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly saluted, "You, are you Princess Chun?"

When the other people saw this, they also went to report it. One of them politely invited the two in, but did not let them in. After all, they had never seen what the concubine looked like. What if there was a problem?
At this moment, Li Jiange was working in the palace. He was shocked when he heard the servant's announcement, "What did you say? The concubine is here. Which concubine?"

"Whose ID is this? Please take a look at it!"

Li Jiange took the certificate and trembled all over, "Quickly, please invite those two in. They must be respectful and not disrespectful at all. Do you hear me?"

Seeing the attitude of the state king, how could the guard not know that the person coming had a distinguished status, "Yes, your Majesty!"

Although Li Jiange hadn't seen Fang Chun for some years, he still knew his mistresses.

He straightened his clothes and hurriedly went out.

Not long after, they saw Fang Chun and Gao Yao standing there, "Two mistresses, why didn't you tell them in advance that you two were coming so that I could pick you up at the airport."

"Xiao Li, we didn't tell your master when we came this time. We just wanted to relax and cause you trouble." Fang Shun said with a smile.

"You are joking, I don't want this kind of trouble." He hurriedly stepped forward to pull the password box for the two days, and said: "I will send you two to Master. He usually lives in the compound and rarely goes out. "

"That's all thanks to you." Fang Shun said with a smile.

Soon, Li Jiange drove the two women away.

Along the way, Fang Yu kept asking Li Jiange about the business environment of Silla. As one of the largest states in the Western Region, Silla was also blessed by nature. Not only was it close to the sea, it was also connected to Nanyang State, making it the richest state after Tianxiang State. Now that Tianxiang State was gone, Silla was the leader in the Western Region.

"I think Silla State still has a lot of potential that has not been tapped. It is more suitable for establishing heavy industry."

"Yes, but some heavy industries involve secrets, and the court has not approved it. However, this situation should not exist after the world is unified.

Sillaju is actually very suitable to be a transfer station that can connect east, west, north and south. In this way, a lot of costs can be saved. "Li Jiange said.

“Now that the imperial court is opening up private businesses, Silla State’s opportunity has come. If we can’t build an automobile factory, then we will build a tricycle factory and a motorcycle factory.

Among the century-old plans, there is also new energy vehicles, which is the research on batteries. This aspect is still the weakness of Ming Dynasty.

This is also a huge market.

We must seize this opportunity and establish Silla State’s unshakable position in one fell swoop. "Fang Shun reminded.

"That's what you reminded me." Li Jiange was also secretly shocked. He didn't expect that his wife, the teacher, would have such a unique insight. "But isn't there a motorcycle manufacturer?"

"Compared with cars, motorcycles are more people-friendly and convenient, so this will be the mainstream demand in the next 30 to 50 years. Several existing car manufacturers are all military-industrial enterprises. The private sector is still very weak now, but in three to five years, it will inevitably will develop and grow.

At that time, Silla State would no longer be competitive.

We must take advantage of the present to conquer the market.

Look at bicycles. Originally only a few people could afford them, but now almost every family has one.

The same goes for sewing machines and radios.

It has become standard now.

Black and white TVs in Xijing have been around for a few years and have become particularly popular in recent years.

In less than ten years, TV sets will become standard equipment in every home.

Cars and motorcycles, too.

The Salt and Iron Court no longer specializes in specialties and has liberalized everything, so the people have too many things to choose from.

If Silla State wants to carve out its own path, it must either adopt cutting-edge technology or adopt a people-friendly approach. Either way, it can provide a large number of jobs.

A good state government can provide a lot of feedback to the court.

Although the national finances have always been healthy, some places still enjoy court subsidies. "

Li Jiange listened to what he said and asked, "What route do you think is suitable for Silla Prefecture?"

“Most of the talents in Tianxiang Prefecture have come to Silla Prefecture. My suggestion is to focus on high-end and civilians to build Silla Prefecture into a heavy industrial factory in the Western Region.

In the future, the celestial phenomena will still return, and the countries in the Western Regions will need subsidies from the court for a long time to come.

However, I think there will be no heavy industrial zone there, and it will still be developed into a tourist destination in the future. "Fang Chun expressed his opinion, "The resources around the two capitals are now prohibited from being mined. Even the coal burned now is dug from other places.

Silla State cannot become a state capital that sells resources. If it wants to break out of the siege, it must have its own uniqueness!
To make iron, you need to be strong. If you miss this opportunity, Silla State may not have such a good opportunity for decades! "

"Thank you, Master, for the advice, Jiange, I've learned a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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