Chapter 2093

"Sister-in-law, you are here!"

After Rajen put Cai down, she took Raze's hand and said, "It's so beautiful!"

"Sister-in-law is also very beautiful!" Laze said with a smile.

These days, without Dawa's bullying, Rajen has gradually recovered. She is very strong, so without Dawa, the life of the family can be lively.

At this time, she no longer looked as gray as she did half a year ago, and there was a confident smile on her face.

"Instructor Xiao Li, congratulations." Rajen said.

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Razhen said to Li Zhao: "Instructor Xiao Li, I have something to ask you!"

"what's up?"

Moreover, Dawa chose his own path, and no one would coddle him.

After Rajen left, Li Zhao hugged Raze and said, "I thought you would be soft-hearted!"

Li Zhao also shook his head, "Forget it, if one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, let them lock him up!"

Moreover, Dawa has left the village now. If he leaves his parents-in-law, how will the old couple live?
"Sister-in-law, everyone in the village agreed to Dawa's expulsion from the village. When we asked you to do business, Dawa took the lead in making trouble.

Now that the village is better and developed, he just wants to come back. Where in the world can there be such a good thing?
Have you forgotten how he treated you? "Li Zhao frowned.

There is still work to be done in the village. If work is not done, there will be no dividends.

Li Zhao was stunned, "You mean she has it?"

You'd better not say this in front of other people, otherwise, those people may drive you out of Gong Village! "

"Nine times out of ten, it's Dawa's, otherwise Rajen wouldn't be so anxious to get him back." Raje sighed, "Some people's suffering is not caused by others, but by herself."

Unexpectedly, Lazi also shook his head, "No, anyone can come back, but he can't come back. He wanted to hurt my husband at the beginning, but if he comes back, what if he does it again?
Sister-in-law, I know it’s hard for you as a woman, but you can’t let my husband suffer just because you’re having trouble.

Rajen talked for a while and had no choice but to leave.

One time it seemed like I came back at night
And look at Rajen’s belly, is it a little more bulging than before? "

"I want Dawa to come back, do you think it's okay?" Rajen originally wanted to divorce Dawa, but her parents-in-law knelt on the ground and begged her, and Rajen relented, so she didn't divorce Dawa.

"I do have a soft heart, but if he wants to hurt you, how could I agree?" Laze snorted, "Actually, everyone knows that she has been secretly supporting Dawa, and Dawa has been hanging around the village, but he doesn't dare return.

After Rajen returned home, her parents-in-law hurriedly asked, "What did instructor Xiao Li say? Do you agree?"

Seeing that Li Zhao couldn't make sense, Razhen cried and said, "I know, but he has really changed. Raze, please help me speak, okay?"

"Go back, sister-in-law. If you continue to be so soft-hearted, you will get hurt sooner or later." Li Zhao shook his head. He didn't want to see Dawa again.

"No, they don't agree!" Rajen covered her face and cried, "It's all Dawa's fault. If he hadn't taken the knife, he wouldn't have been kicked out. I'm about to get pregnant and there's no man around me. How can I live my life? ?

Rajen was so frightened that she even forgot to cry for a moment.


That's a lot of money. "

"Instructor Xiao Li is too petty." Dawa's mother said angrily: "It's been so long and he still cares about it. I really don't give our family a way to survive." '

Dawa's father said: "Let's go, I'll go and beg him. If he doesn't agree, I will kneel and die in front of his house. He will get married tomorrow, and I want to see if he is willing to die in front of his door." ’ As he was about to go out, Rajen was startled, “Don’t go, what if you make them anxious and drive us out of the village?”

"I just went to beg him, not to cause trouble. Even if he wanted to drive us out, the villagers wouldn't agree.

If it doesn't work, I will go to the countryside, the city, or the state capital to sue the officials. I want to see if it is Li Zhao who can cover the sky with one hand! "

Dawa's father snorted and left angrily.

Dawa's mother also chased him out.

Laze could only follow behind with a big belly.

Soon, the three of them arrived in front of Li Zhao's father-in-law's house.

Hearing the shouting outside, Li Zhao also went downstairs. Seeing Lazhen coming with her parents-in-law, Li Zhao frowned, "You asked me for something?"

Dawa's father said rudely: "Li Zhao, how can you let Dawa come back?"

Dawa’s mother also said: “We are old and still have a few days to live, so we can’t let Dawa come back even if we die, right?
You are too cruel! "

Li Zhao only felt chilled, "Whether I can let Dawa come back is not up to me. It has to be agreed by the people in the village. In this way, as long as everyone in the village agrees, I will let him come back."

"Of course you said that. It's not that you don't want to. Everyone in the village listens to you." Dawa's father was so angry that he trembled all over. "If it doesn't work, can I kowtow to you?"

As he said that, he knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed.

Then Dawa's mother knelt down, and so did Rajen.

"Instructor Xiao Li, to be honest, I have another child. You can't let the child be born without a father. That way I would really have no shame in living in the village." Rajen started to cry.

The cry also attracted the attention of the surrounding neighbors.

Raze's parents rushed out of the house and cursed at Dawa's parents: "You two shameless old people. Your son wants to kill my son-in-law and come back. It's impossible in this life."

"Come on, look at you, these two shameless things have come to my house to cause trouble again.

It doesn't count that his son wanted to kill my son-in-law, but now his parents are making trouble again. "

Soon, more and more people dared to come.

It was like they were risking their lives.

"I don't care, I want my son back!"

"Laze, you are going to be a mother soon. You should be able to understand how I feel." Rajen cried.

"You deserve it." Raze's mother said mercilessly: "Don't you want a divorce? Why are you having a child with Dawa again? You are just farting. You had such a hard life before. Everyone sympathizes with you. Now you see Look at you, who dares to sympathize with you? You deserve it!
One day, you will die giving birth to a child. "

Rajen said with a bitter face: "Then what can I do? There are so many children in the house and there is no man. How can I, a woman, bear them?"

Li Zhao also had a headache. On the day before the wedding, something like this happened.

Raze's father said: "Okay, if you don't let me live, I will die in front of you."

Immediately, he became so emotional that he wanted to commit suicide.

He thought someone would stop him, but no one stood up to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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