big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2196: Meeting Mother!

Qin Mo returned to his place of residence, feeling uneasy for a long time. He made a phone call, "Send more people to Qianling Mausoleum!"

But after thinking about it, I felt it was inappropriate.

If there were too many people in Qianling Mausoleum, it would disturb the lives of Li Wansheng and those old eunuchs.

“Let the people from the Public Security Bureau patrol more there, and also double the pay for those guarding Qianling Mausoleum, as the conditions there are too harsh.

People who patrol the mountains should also be subsidized.”

After explaining everything, Qin Mo hung up the phone.

A few days later, Li Wansheng was wearing brand new silk and satin. "I have never worn such nice clothes in my life. I feel uncomfortable wearing them."

Qin Mo said, "Not bad, it fits me well."

"What should I say when I see her later?" Li Wansheng asked.

"It will seem more natural. I've told you everything I need to say. You mustn't let anything slip."

"How can I not show my true colors? I have never seen them before, so I must be nervous." Li Wansheng was a little nervous. "Besides, I don't know what Li Zhao's habits are, so how can I imitate him?"

At this point, he suddenly found it funny, "I am a genuine product, but I actually pretend to be a fake. It's funny to think about it."

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, then said: "Then, do whatever is comfortable for you. If they notice, no one will know as long as you don't say anything.

It would be nice to have some radical changes.”

"Then I don't have to pretend?"

"What do you mean by impersonation? You are my nephew." Qin Mo hooked his shoulder and said, "Let's go and reward you before we go see your mother."

Qin Mo took him to a hot spring and found two maids to serve him.

But Li Wansheng was so scared that he stepped back repeatedly, "Don't use your power to corrupt me, I'm just a rookie, don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Seeing Li Wansheng's alert expression, Qin Mo laughed out loud, "You still lack a certain kind of temperament, that is, the feeling of holding great power."

"That's right. After all, I'm just a nobody. I definitely can't act that kind of feeling."

"Then from now on, you will slowly adapt to it."

"Oh, I understand, you want to compensate me!" Li Wansheng said.

"Just take it as it is." Qin Mo leaned back in the pool, humming comfortably.

"People outside say you are thrifty, but now I see that it's all fake."

"Please, I'm a retired emperor, what's wrong with enjoying myself? I worked hard for this country and didn't use a penny from the national treasury. It's all my personal money. Why don't you allow me to enjoy myself?"

Qin Mo said with a smile: "Am I plundering the people's wealth or oppressing the people? To put it bluntly, I am already this age, how many years do I have left to live? If I don't enjoy it now, do I have to lie in bed and be unable to move before enjoying it?"

"You look very young, probably in your forties." Li Wansheng secretly complained in his heart, isn't it said that emperors have short lives?

How come this cheap uncle of his has so many wives, lives so extravagantly, and is still so young?

At this rate, he might be able to live to be a hundred years old!

"That's indeed youthful." Qin Mo smiled, "With money, power and no worries, once your mentality is good, you look young."

Li Wansheng looked at the two timid maids beside him and said, "Miss, I'm sorry to bother you."

Qin Mo glanced at him and said nothing.

The two little maids, on the contrary, seemed relieved. They knelt on the shore and served Li Wansheng.

Of course, it's just a simple massage.

Then, Qin Mo took him to buy a bunch of things, "These are for your old man. Eating them will be good for your health."

"These are the most expensive supplements."

Li Wansheng's eyes popped out. He could only think about these supplements before, but now he bought a whole cart of them. "You are the emperor, don't you have a lot of these supplements? Just give me some."

"I have plenty of money, so just spend it." Qin Mo said generously.

"You rich dog!" Li Wansheng gritted his teeth in jealousy.

"You can also be a big dog owner." Qin Mo laughed.

"No, I am content with my small fortune. I just want to look at things that don't belong to me."

"Small family!"

"This is called backbone, do you understand?" Li Wansheng was carrying a lot of bags, "But these, can't be known to my grandfather, I have to hide them and feed them slowly, otherwise, they will scold me for being spineless."

"See this car? Do you want it? Here it is for you."

"I can't afford the gas." Li Wansheng was shocked. This was a Ming Dynasty car, the best car in the Ming Dynasty, and one car cost several million.

Even if he sells him, he can’t afford it.

"I can let you drive, but I can also make you unable to fill up the gas?"

"No, no, it's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality." Li Wansheng kept shaking his head, "Don't try to corrupt me with money."

Qin Mo asked, "Don't you have anything you want to give to your mother?"

Li Wansheng was stunned. "Want to give a gift?"

"Good boy, you are really a stingy miser." Qin Mo said.

Li Wansheng sighed, "It's not that I'm not prepared, it's just that I don't have anything to show for it, and you guys have everything.

It’s like, I think the best food in the world is braised pork, but you guys are tired of all the delicacies from land and sea.”

Qin Mo said: "A gift from a child, even if it is just a piece of wood, is precious in the eyes of a mother.

That beast, we have raised him to this age, but he has never given us any gift.

I should have guessed it.”

"Really? So bad?" Li Wansheng touched his chin. "Then I'll cook a meal for her."

"That's fine." Qin Mo nodded.

Soon, Qin Mo brought Li Wansheng to the mansion where Qin Shuangshuang lived.

When the servants in the mansion saw Li Wansheng coming, they gritted their teeth in hatred. Although they didn't dare to say anything in front of Qin Mo, looking at his eyes, they wanted to eat him alive.

Li Wansheng whispered, "Why are fakes so hated?"

"Didn't you see it?" Qin Mo said, "Be smart for a moment. Your mother is so angry that she is sick and she hasn't recovered yet."

Li Wansheng sighed, "Damn it, the fake guy did all the bad things and I have to bear the consequences. I will beat him up if I tell him the truth."

Qin Mo didn't say anything, just asked him to wait in the hall and then went to the backyard.

Qin Shuangshuang was basking in the sun in the backyard, but her face looked very unhappy.

Even if Xu Jie is there to counsel her, it will be useless if her heart knot is not resolved.

"Brother!" Xu Jie also stood up hurriedly when he saw Qin Mo.

Qin Mo nodded and came to Qin Shuangshuang. "Are you still feeling bad?"

"Brother." Qin Shuangshuang's eyes instantly turned red when she saw Qin Mo. Although she said that she didn't care, she cared very much in her heart.

After all, she is not an iron lady like Princess Jing'an, and she cannot be so cruel.

"Okay, stop crying. I gave that kid a lesson and he has repented!" (End of this chapter)

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