big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2212 Explosion

The main people involved this time are Li Wansheng and Qin Shuangshuang.

Not long after, the result came out. "Emperor Taishang, it is a biological mother-son relationship, there is no mistake."

Qin Youzhi said.

Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Qin Xiangru.

Lao Qin also laughed, "If after all this trouble, it still turns out to be fake, I'll be ready to die."

Qin Mo also laughed and said, "The seeds in our family are different. Now you can sleep well."

Qin Xiangru nodded, and then said to Qin Youzhi: "You have made a great contribution, this technology is too crucial."

Qin Youzhi said modestly: "For so many years, it was the Emperor who has been supporting us. He has invested so much money and it took so many years to achieve success. I am ashamed to accept this responsibility."

Researching and developing new technologies is extremely expensive, especially NDA technology. The funds spent over the years are at least 80 million, if not 100 million.

"Spending money is nothing. What's scary is that you spend money but still don't get any results." Qin Mo said, "You can't escape this year's top research award."

Qin Youzhi was delighted, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Daqin has many scientific research awards, and the most famous one is the Royal Science Research Award, which is given every three years. The prize money has increased from the initial one million to the current ten million.

The winner will definitely gain both fame and fortune, and can become a member of the Academy of Sciences, which has extraordinary benefits.

"No need to thank me, you deserve it. This technology is epoch-making and can solve many problems." In the past, Qin Mo could only determine whether a child was his by blood type inheritance, but some blood types are invisible and not completely accurate.

But now there is no such concern.

Qin Xiangru said, "It's getting late. I'm going back to the palace now. You guys go ahead and do your work."

After Qin Mo had Lao Qin sent back to the palace, he started the verification plan.

However, there are not many DNA machines, only three.

However, the technology is kept confidential, so it is not easy to develop and assemble a machine.

However, Qin Mo immediately assembled a research and development team and required them to produce a qualified DNA machine within one month and then start mass production.

There are many officials across the country, and Qin Mo asked all of them to verify it. He is willing to do so even if it takes a year or two.

As long as there is a problem with the results, the person will be suspended and investigated immediately.

This plan was not made public, also to prevent those people from escaping.

Half a month later, all officials in Tokyo completed the verification.

You wouldn't know until you check, and Qin Mo was shocked when he checked.

Nearly six hundred people were caught.

All the officials involved were detained and investigated.

Some people may be kept in the dark, but Qin Mo will not tolerate it this time.

Get to the bottom of it.

The Prince shooting incident escalated and caused an uproar among the people.

After Qin Chuan was shot, Qin Hai was also shot while on patrol, but this time it was even worse. It was not a shooting, but a bomb attack.

Fortunately, protective measures were taken, with bulletproof glass all over the body and guards protecting it, so Qin Hai was not injured. However, the impact it brought was more widespread than that of a shooting.

Qin Mo agreed with Tian Xin's move.

However, he has now retreated to the second line and is not suitable to make decisions for him. If anything happens to the child, he might be blamed.

Qin Mo sighed. The hero is old, and even he has to bow to life.

However, this incident scared Li Yulan and others so much that they all called Tianxin.

After the explosion, more princes were attacked within ten days. Qin Mo heard some bad things.

That is, some people are taking advantage of the situation and creating explosive incidents to attract attention.

This information was handed over by Xu Que.

For example, when Qin Hai was attacked, it was finally verified that there was an 80% probability that it was fabricated by himself. The purpose was to create a personal image to gain the attention of the people and thus win votes.

It turned out that the effect was very good and attracted widespread attention during the parade.

Of the two subsequent bombings, only one was real.

Qin Mo felt a little melancholy. This was not a good sign.

But if they were to be exposed now, the royal family would lose face.

"I don't know which bastard gave them the idea. He has evil intentions. Can such a person be a good emperor?"

Qin Mo could not tolerate any sand in his eyes, so he passed the information to Tian Xin as soon as possible.

After seeing the information, Tian Xin was stunned for half an hour. Finally, he made a decision to recall the two people who had committed fraud back to Xijing.

Of course, to the outside world, the emperor just showed his concern for the princes and asked them to return to Beijing to report on their work.

But what they didn't know was that once they went back, there would be no hope.

There are some things that can be done, and some things that must not be done.

Taking advantage of the situation to fish in troubled waters has caused immeasurable impact on the public security of the Ming Dynasty for many years.

This once made people question the efforts made by the court over the years.

That was the reputation accumulated by three generations, and it was ruined by these two prodigal sons.

If this was Qin Mo's son, he would hang them up and beat them half to death, then throw them into the Dali Temple and lock them up for ten days or half a month to make them behave themselves.

In fact, after the two men returned to Xijing, Tian Xin did not show any mercy.

Qin Hai and Qin Min.

Qin Hai, like Qin Chuan, is a radical, but Qin Hai cannot compare with Qin Chuan in terms of status. Although he is also a legitimate son, he is the second legitimate son. He believes that if he tours normally, he will definitely not be able to compare with Qin Chuan.

After Qin Chuan was shot, he received widespread attention and even surpassed several other brothers who had advantages.

This gave Qin Hai a strong sense of crisis. Coincidentally, at this time, his staff suggested to him that he could follow the example of his elder brother.

At first, Qin Hai did not accept it because the risk was too high.

Very easy to spot.

However, as the shooting was brewing, Qin Chuan used this incident to create momentum, gained more and more attention, and attracted more and more votes, which made Qin Hai lose his composure and tacitly agreed to this plan.

After the explosion, his fame and attention increased more than tenfold. Most importantly, he surpassed Qin Hai at one point.

Even after the bombing, the persona he created earned him countless supporters.

This opened a new door for Qin Hai, as if he had found a shortcut.

So he planned to carry out a second bombing to consolidate his image.

But what he didn't expect was that after the explosion, Qin Zhou and Qin Min were also affected by the explosion.

It immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Moreover, the public shifted its focus from the election topic to public security issues, and many people began to question the Ming Dynasty and the imperial court.

However, Qin Hai did not realize his mistake. He even planned to do something ruthless and create a kidnapping case to push the situation to a climax.

As for the public security issue, that is not important! (End of this chapter)

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